RV7Aflyer said:
"This is the last time I'll ever have to order parts!"
Dave, you forgot the second part of this one...
"This is the last time I'll ever have to order parts, and THIS time I mean it!" :D
My Favorite

"It's not that hard."

This usually said deadpan, with a perfectly straight face, by some guy who just built an airplane in his garage.
what I think

Im new at this, Im helping my friend build his RV9A. Ive watched the RV developement over the past 10 years. The one fundamental thing I have come to learn is,, "If you think an RV is an airplane, your wrong, an RV is a way of life"
one more thought

In an RV, you can do it upright, or you can do it inverted. Try telling this to your wife.
Two phrases that come to mind from variations of other famous quotes:

"The RV experience - If I have to explain, you won't understand"

"The longest journey begins with the first rivet"

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"Keep poundin' them rivets....it's ALL worth it!" :D Rosie

And from my friend Trish Russell who bought an RV-6A;
"If you buy an RV, it comes with friends..."
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Put on some customers panels we did :) ......

After the standard Pax Warning:
....The Wright Flyer was built by amateurs and the space shuttle is built by professionals!

....It doesn't have 4 engines and carry 400 passengers, but then it's never had an engine fall of either!

- and my favorite (found in many aerobatic pax compartments) -

Get in, sit down, shut up, buckle up, and HANG ON!

Good thread!

From the stand point of "other people"

This one is a paraphrase of a doormat for sale in the Boeing Museum of Flight in Seattle, "An RV pilot and a normal person live here."
What I'd love to put on my panel -

This aircraft is amateur-built (by a Federally-licensed professional aviation maintenance technician)
and does not comply with Federal safety regulations for standard aircraft.
I trust my workmanship with my life... so can you.​

What I'm gonna have to say to my wife someday -

"Hey honey... wanna meet the other woman in my life? :D "
Follow that RV

Heard this last year:
Shuttle 123, Follow that hot rod RV left down wind runway 3,
you are number two to land. :p

Firewall forward
great thread!
Favorite quote from the airport grey-beard A&P, usually directed towards homebuilders who obsess needlessly over the quality of their work:

"It's just an airplane. It doesn't have to be perfect. You're not building a piano here, for pete's sake."
Kinda related and uttered all the time by Jay Pratt:

"We're just going to Denver....not Mars."
Shut up....

Qoute from John Harmon on builders agonizing over trivial stuff.......

"Just build the **** airplane!" :D
And a wife/girlfriend?

quote: "All it takes is time and money"

And a tolerant supportive wife/girlfriend.
RVs and Life in General

Thinking you are doing something is way better than knowing you are doing nothing!!
A few more catchphrases

I've actually been trying to come up with a few of these to put in my (forthcoming) 7-A website. So far I have...

1. Parts is parts
2. Some assembly required (Dave G, great minds do think alike!)
3. Do you believe in beginner's luck?, and
4. Measure once, order twice.

Great thread.
Talking to your neighbour, family, friends or work colleagues.

Neighbour: ?So I hear you are building something in your garage.?
Builder: ?Yes a RV.?

Neighbour: ?A what? Is that some kind of Recreational Vehicle??
You: ?Yeah you bet yah! :D ?
Uttered by a friend at a recent party: (with apologies to Roberta, of course)

"Dude. That is laced with testosterone!"