Two 6" x 6" squares of 1/2" plywood or 0.125" aluminum sheet. They go under your main tires, so if things get wet, they don't sink down to the wheelpants.

+1 on the eyeshade and earplugs for sleeping. Best Oshkosh advice I ever got.

Summer in Wisconsin is weird. I've seen 40F nights and I've seen 90F. Best bet is sweatpants and a sweatshirt. If it's cold you can sleep in them.

Yeah, it frosted on my first trip to Osh in 71. We were prepared. Wonderful sleeping outside under the 172 wing. Didn't really need the earplugs back then but they are a boon today.
quart size ziplock bag of ant poison granules

I too have a checklist of items made up over time. When preparing to head out, I go over the list and take the things I'll need/use on that trip. One thing that hasen't been mentioned is a quart bag of ant poison granules. I set up my tent once and was apparently over an ant super hwy. They were everywhere and I had to shakedown everything and move the tent. REAL PITA! Now I take the poison and spread it around where I'll be pitching the tent. So far no more ants.
I too have a checklist of items made up over time. When preparing to head out, I go over the list and take the things I'll need/use on that trip. One thing that hasen't been mentioned is a quart bag of ant poison granules. I set up my tent once and was apparently over an ant super hwy. They were everywhere and I had to shakedown everything and move the tent. REAL PITA! Now I take the poison and spread it around where I'll be pitching the tent. So far no more ants.

Now THERE is an item worthy of putting on the checklist. The all-in-one flashlight/radio/wine cork puller and cat fur brush device I can do without, but this is good.