Great job!

Hi Brian,

Great job on the weight loss! Keep up the great work.

I found myself bigger than I'd like to be, so I started dieting. 25 pounds down, 10 more to go. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain my target weight so when my RV is finished (whatever year that will be ;) I'll get to experience that roomier cabin and excellent performance...just like you!

Again, way to go on your weight loss. You are for sure going to inspire a lot of other pilots/non-pilots that, with focus and determination, they can do it too.
great progress!

Congrats on your progress! It gets addicting doesn't it, when you see the pounds melt away. Keep it up and stay focused! The end result will be well worth it. Last year I went through a similar change and can really relate to what you are going through. Great job!

I had my 3 month followup yesterday!


Still a ways to go but it is coming off! Been swapping from the TT to the Garmin AP and it has been much easier than when I originally installed the Dynon one and later converted from Dynon to TT.

Looking forward to just being labeled obese instead of super obese! 0.8% BMI to go!
Don't know you, but I admire you. Just read this thread from beginning to end.
Without this forum, I would not add this story to my lifelong database of experiences and observations. Good luck sir, and God Bless.
As another guy who only knows you through your posts....

...So happy for your success! It can't have been easy, but hopefully the benefits will be worth all the hassle! Good job Dude!
Thanks guys....

One of the best side effects has been increasing my exercise tolerance. Since 3/15/14, I have walked and mostly jogged over 103 miles!:eek:

Flew to get a milkshake last fall:

Ran 4 miles without stopping in the spring:
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That is fantastic. These things just do not happen without a lot of hard work on your part. (like building an airplane) Keep off the good work.
This is awesome and you are an inspiration to many individuals, including myself. Great job.

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX

Dues paid
Down 108 lbs and ran my first official 5K race this weekend....


Requested this bib # to remind me where I started this journey!


After the race...


Check out that awesome RV in the background :)


Who was that guy last year???


My airplane now leaps off the ground, I fit in the seat and not half off of it, I can actually use the armrest and my passengers have much more room!

Vision has improved (more stable blood sugar), BP is always below normal even though I am almost off all BP meds, resting heart rate is now in the mid 50's, total cholesterol is now 104, triglycerides are normal for the first time ever!

I am averaging jogging ~18 miles a week. This is shocking to me since before I could not jog across the room without getting winded!
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You know, Brian, maybe it's too soon to be asking this question, but what do you think was harder, building the airplane or losing all this weight? I can see that both journeys have their similarities, and my guess is that the same disciplines and determinations that got your airplane built probably apply here as well!

This is a great story, buddy. Good for you.
Wow, you look like your height has shrunk, too! Good for you, Brian. My mitral valve might still be with me had my weight and blood pressure been under control when I went through some family stress issues.

You should feel like a "new you!" Congratulations! :)
I hope you realize what an inspiration you are....

Down 107 lbs and ran my first official 5K race this weekend....

Man! I can just imagine how good you must feel about your situation and how you took control and made it happen! Congratulations.
Very Impressive

Brian, I've been very impressed with your progress and hope to meet you and congratulate you in person some day!
As always Brian, you are AWESOME. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work. It's amazing how quick and nimble these aircraft are flown light. Now I have to go lose 2 gallons. :D:D
Dang, son. Not sure I would have recognized you! Keep up the good work.

Wow Brian!

Good for you!

You know, Brian, maybe it's too soon to be asking this question, but what do you think was harder, building the airplane or losing all this weight? I can see that both journeys have their similarities, and my guess is that the same disciplines and determinations that got your airplane built probably apply here as well!

This is a great story, buddy. Good for you.

You are correct Pat, while I am not at my goal yet, this journey has been much like building a plane. It took many many hours of research, much work in funding, many months of planing and getting pre-requisites out of the way, surgery day was sort of like getting the pink slip from the DAR only with more pain! Recovery was kind of like Phase I, scary in the beginning but gets easier and more fun as the days go by. Diet and exercise now and going forward will be sort of like maintenance and annual condition inspections.

I have used much of the lessons I had to learn during the airplane build. Here are a few:

Doing my research
Having a plan
Growing in discipline
Staying motivated
Being determined
Learning to be patient
Realizing that good results require hard work and dedication
Realizing that some people are always going to judge, haters will hate, some will never understand
Life is full of compromises. Sometimes you have to give up less important stuff to realize the good! The challenge is figuring out which you love the most!

Saying that I'm impressed is an understatement!



Wow, you look like your height has shrunk, too! Good for you, Brian. My mitral valve might still be with me had my weight and blood pressure been under control when I went through some family stress issues.

You should feel like a "new you!" Congratulations! :)

Man! I can just imagine how good you must feel about your situation and how you took control and made it happen! Congratulations.

I realized that to continue to be a good example and provider for my kids, I had to do something. I also knew that my flying days were numbered if I continued down the same path. The same reasons motivate me to keep going to reach my goal. I may die tomorrow but at least the preacher will be able to honestly say that I gave it a good effort!

Brian, I've been very impressed with your progress and hope to meet you and congratulate you in person some day!

As always Brian, you are AWESOME. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work. It's amazing how quick and nimble these aircraft are flown light. Now I have to go lose 2 gallons. :D:D

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and praise! While this journey has been many things, none of it has been easy and it has impacted my life in ways I never would have imagined. I truly appreciate the support that this group gives me and that in part is what keeps me motivated to reach my goals!
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Brian, I must admit I saw you a couple of years ago at the monthly Winchester EAA breakfast, and thought, "Wow, that guy is carrying a lot of weight around." You were coming in as our group was leaving. Then I went outside and admired your RV, and wondered what it was like for you to fit into it for each flight. Sorry for the frankness, but that's the truth.

Congratulations, again, on completing the RV, and now for being well on your way to completing your second goal. Your example will no doubt inspire many others to make better choices for good health. We only go through this life one time.

I had not read this thread in a long time, noticed all the posts so figured i would have a look see as i figured you tweaked your hangar with new cabinets or epoxy floor or something...maybe a new panel toy.

I had no idea. Great read and updates. Good for you. That is a great story and very a glad to see your Brian upgrade/build is on track. Much more important than an airplane. Looking forward to checking back for more good stories and updates.

Really a true pleasure scrolling through your updates and the kind words from all your rv buds.
Brian, I must admit I saw you a couple of years ago at the monthly Winchester EAA breakfast, and thought, "Wow, that guy is carrying a lot of weight around." You were coming in as our group was leaving. Then I went outside and admired your RV, and wondered what it was like for you to fit into it for each flight. Sorry for the frankness, but that's the truth.

Congratulations, again, on completing the RV, and now for being well on your way to completing your second goal. Your example will no doubt inspire many others to make better choices for good health. We only go through this life one time.


No reason to be sorry, the truth is the truth! I look back now and wonder how the heck I managed to build an RV at my weight!

It is a testimony to the incredible capability of the RV to be able to accommodate such a wide range of body styles and weights!

Each time I slip into the seat now and have to tighten my Crows more than they were the last time I flew, I reinvent the RV grin!

Hopefully the next time you see me at Winchester, you won't recognize me! :p

I had not read this thread in a long time, noticed all the posts so figured i would have a look see as i figured you tweaked your hangar with new cabinets or epoxy floor or something...maybe a new panel toy.

I had no idea. Great read and updates. Good for you. That is a great story and very a glad to see your Brian upgrade/build is on track. Much more important than an airplane. Looking forward to checking back for more good stories and updates.

Really a true pleasure scrolling through your updates and the kind words from all your rv buds.

Thanks Rick!

It is truly amazing the support that the VAF group has given me during my journey! I am humbled each time I make an update!
Wow, Brian, you are not near the man you used to be! :D

You might need a name tag next time you show up at Winchester or Moontown for breakfast. :)

Very impressive and very happy for you. I know how hard it is to drop ten pounds.....

That is awesome to hear. Keep up the running! I know it is what keeps me sane. Nothing like a quick run to drop some stress (and pounds).
Update on this fine 4th of July weekend!

Got my spinner painted finally! It just took a year!


Down 123lbs and no longer in the "Obese" category!


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I just want to be overweight

For a couple of years,that is what I told every one I spoke to about food and weight issues.It's always fun to see the response on there face,every now and then someone would pick right up on it and say" Well where did you begin" or "keep going you'll get there" but most say "Why on earth would you want that". I plateaued at 30.1 BMI for most of last winter.Talk about frustration.The weight is moving off again and I'm getting stronger and in more ways then one.I've followed your story from the beginning and your a source of encouragement, The courage and fortitude you've demonstrated is an inspiration for all.Keep your goals in sight,and keep up the good work!

10 more lbs and you'll weigh less than me. And then you know what that means? I will have to start exercising and running and watching what I eat and then I'll have to buy smaller clothes and punch new holes in my belts and listen to my wife tell me to stop whining. If Brian can do it...........
Seriously, big congratulations. Independence Day has multiple meanings for you...:)
Even more than being impressed, I'm just plain happy for you! To see how much health you've gained, and how much satisfaction and joy this latest journey has brought you, I cannot keep a huge smile from my face. You are - as others have said - a model for millions of people. Fly high, have fun, and enjoy your new-found health and freedom!!
Thanks guys!

This has been a real life changer for me.

Last week I logged over 23.5 miles of running! I have scheduled at least 1 road race a month for several months and have plans to run in 3 half marathons next year. My next race is a 10K with an 8K in August. Keeping these races on the books helps keep me motivated to keep up the daily regimen!

This has been the best performance booster I have ever done to my RV! :p
let's see...

123/6=20.5 gal of fuel or extra payload. So Brian, grab a couple of days off from the bean factory& come up & camp with us at OSH. I promise not to foist any donuts or other unhealthy fare on your person.:D
Woo Hoo! "Onederland" is mine!

199lbs as of this morning. It gave me much pleasure to move the big weight on the scale one final time to the left!

Just in time for Osh!
