I recently purchased an RV-6A and am picking it up next week. I had some questions regarding fuel planning I was hoping to get some insight on. I plan on being fairly conservative until I obtain truth data based on operating the plane. Here are my questions:

1. The plane has an O-360-A1F6 installed out of a C-177. Is it a safe assumption that the engine performance data in the C-177 POH (specifically percent power and fuel burn based on RPM/Manifold pressure) is accurate for the RV?

2. Is fuel burn always the same fora given percent power?

RV-6A 575 hours
Flight yesterday at mostly 9,500 and 8,500 CS prop parallel valve I0-360 8.5-1 comp (was an 0-360) by SDS fuel and electronic ignition. Burning Costco premium. 3.1 hours= 8.06 gallons per hour.
Today 6,500 and 7,500 same type of flight, 3 hours 8.76 gallons per hour. Go figure?!! Same batch of fuel. I have 110 gallon tank in my work van. OOHHH maybe it's cause I changed the oil. Ha Ha!
This is running 2200 RPM and wide open throttle and leaned to peak.
When I'm lower I still run 2200 at 26" MFP.
Full Dynon HDX panel with auto pilot set for cruise.
WooHoo! Your luck may vary Art
I have flown an RV6A equipped with a O-360-A1A which is same compression ratio and horsepower and constant speed prop. At 5000 ft 2300 rpm, WOT, I would flight plan 8 gph leaned, with a resulting TAS of 155 Kts. These are good targets for planning purposes.
Depending on manifold pressure, rpm and leaning, you’ll probably find 8.5/hour pretty close. Start your planning at 10/hr to be ultra conservative, then learn what your plane actually delivers.
RV6A o-360-A1A WOT at 5K is always 10 GPH.

Haha! I bet!! Surprised it’s not closer to 12gph!! Sounds like you like to fly fast, but I found if you pull the throttle back just a little bit, just so it starts to move the manifold pressure needle without really reducing power, then lean it a hair, it closes the enrichment “valve” and you get better fuel burn without losing any speed.

Haha! I bet!! Surprised it’s not closer to 12gph!! Sounds like you like to fly fast, but I found if you pull the throttle back just a little bit, just so it starts to move the manifold pressure needle without really reducing power, then lean it a hair, it closes the enrichment “valve” and you get better fuel burn without losing any speed.

My carb had the 2 piece venturi and now a single. It will stumble if I pull it back unless I run real rich. Tried the carb heat trick also but no joy. Its either 2450 or WOT. It runs much better at WOT and I can lean it more aggressively.
Wife wanted me to keep the RV12 but it was just too slow....LOL
Here is what I get with my cruise-pitched Catto O-360 RV6A

Speeds are Knots TAS at 8500ft DA


2400 / 146 / 8.3
2500 / 153 / 9.0
2600 / 160 / 9.7
2680 / 166 / 10.9 (WOT)
I recently purchased an RV-6A and am picking it up next week. I had some questions regarding fuel planning I was hoping to get some insight on. I plan on being fairly conservative until I obtain truth data based on operating the plane. Here are my questions:

1. The plane has an O-360-A1F6 installed out of a C-177. Is it a safe assumption that the engine performance data in the C-177 POH (specifically percent power and fuel burn based on RPM/Manifold pressure) is accurate for the RV?

2. Is fuel burn always the same fora given percent power?


data for my RV-6A can be found here