Aircraft crashing into homes has not historically been a public safety issue. It happens on occasion, just as cars plowing into vegetable stands happens on occasion. Also, it's typically due to low level maneuvering, not building or maintenance issues.

People are always out to protect "the masses". The masses are plenty smart, though, and don't need me to tell them how to live their lives.

Please remember the point of experimental aircraft. It's to allow....hold on to your hats....experimentation. It's great to have airplanes like the RVs that you basically assemble and don't have to figure much out, however this is not the core of experimental aircarft. The true point of all this is to allow people like me, just a regular guy with a willingness to learn, go out and build whatever he'd like to build and have fun fiddling with it and zooming through the skys. It's up to me to accept the responsibility of keeping myself safe. And it's up to my passengers to accept the risk of stepping into an aircraft I built and designed myself.

It really bothers me when people want to change what experimental aircraft are supposed to be just because they found a little corner of experimental aviation where they're comfortable and can just follow plans and assemble kits. This is NOT representative of the whole experimental community or our wishes.
There is a simple solution to this issue. The rules are already in place. The 51% rule, if enforced, will stop alot of the nonsense we are talking about. If the Feds would enforce it, physicians wouldn't be able to have someone assemble 600 horse RV's, they would have to be content with balling-up Beechcraft Bonanzas in their spare time.