
I already made my suggestions early in this thread...but

I sure wish i had the time to build a 10 fast as you plan.
I wish i had the 250K-400k to get the full kit in and done fast or get a bonanza
I wish i had the $ to get a hired gun to bulldoze it through fast
I wish i had the cash to go from no lic to ppl, to full ifr super fast
I wish i had the time to do all the above too.

Life sounds pretty dreamy from your spot.
Enjoy whatever path you take.
Commercial Write-Off's

Owning is a better long term option ? given the business write-offs and accessibility - for our missions.

You might want to research the regulations and limitations of "writing off" expenses related to EAB aircraft. I don't know the ins and outs of business write-off's but since EAB aircraft cannot be used for commercial purposes, this plan may cause you some trouble with the FAA.

What’s about the horse

Is nobody going to inform the gentleman that the horse won’t fit in either one of these?