Been there done that..

osxuser said:
Wow, calm it down guys. Lets see what an RV-10 will do with someone that actually runs 25"/2500 RPM. I'd think it'd get up there around 170Kts... Full power would probably get you up around 180Kt's... And I think that someone should build up a 400Hp parallel valve IO-540 like the Harmon Rocket III has and see what we get ;).
Been there done that, posted the numbers. Not getting published speeds at any power setting, RPM, Press alt, etc... !!!!! Period, end of discussion.
PS, There has been a rather curious lack, STILL to date, of ANYBODY taking me on my offer to compare apples to apples, side by side etc. of any 10's other than factory's. The plane I test flew for Jim, N331JH, although not a grand champion show winner, is a straight, lighter than factory planes, now painted, more than acceptable example of a customer built RV 10 that will not performed as published!!
If some of the more anal number crunchers would like to set up a profile to fly (this is the fourth time I have proposed this on this site), fly with me, etc, well,..... step up to the plate before any more accusations of lack of abilities to measure TAS, build, fly, etc.
Glen (engineer, heavy metal pilot, military trained IP, Sun N Fun best workmanship 2001 award winner, 12,000+ hours, 1500+ in SEL, multiple plane builder..... In other words.....Have a pretty good clue on how to squeeze speed out of a plane in practice and theory)

RV 6, wings 25%,looking for really cheap 6 fuselage to "steal", building up 210+++ fire breathing Lycosaurous
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I understand that is the case with the -10 you flew, unfortunitly, I don't have a -10 available to compare, but I do believe you are qualified to do the tests... I remember the last thread on the subject when you posted the results. I also think that it might have been the airplane, and at least get your hands on a couple more and run the same tests before we blame the design, not the example. Unfortunitly, I'm building a -7, not a -10 so I can't help ya there.
Thanks Vic

I SINCERELY appreciate the fact that you are the only one besides me to date, to post ACTUAL numbers. Thanks!!!!!!
I would like to say respectfully though, that if you convert your 170 knots to mph, you will get 195.5 mph. This is only 1 mph higher than we are getting in 331JH at +/- 75% RPM at cruise altitudes. And, you have 50 HP ( ok dyno I know, just comparing) more than us, sooo, this does not, still, substantiate Van's numbers.
Can we get an aeronautical engineer geek/builder to give us a plan to fly? And several of us follow it and post? Please? As far as articles go, and past published performance numbers...Well, leeme just say that when my Kitfox was featured in the Experimenter in 2001, well....Lets just say that I did not lie to the writer, but......Nuff said
Next time I fly I will try a new "box". I will look at the winds in the EFIS 1, and fly into wind, and 180 back and take the average, SSSOOOOOO the "square box" haters think this is an easy and doable plan? Maybe say....7000', WOT, best power, 2500? Come on, this is what this thread is all about, right?
RV 10's performance ...Van's aircraft........RRRiigghhttttttt?????
RV-10 Performance Numbers from N410RV

I am up here in Portland flying the RV-10 a little more and wanted to post some numbers from today. Nothing here is calibrated so there is definately some error but non the less, the RV-10 is an awesome plane. Mike Seager and I turned on the autopilot, there were three of us in the plane all around 190 lbs., a little over 35 gallons, and you can see the settings, altitude, OAT, and other info.

Also, just as another note for those of you who have been comparing the RV-10 to the 6's or 7's, I don't know about the 8, but the guys at Van's including Mike say that the RV-10 outruns them ALL. Even the 7 with 200 HP can't keep up with N410RV. No wonder everyone fights for the RV-10 when they head to the airshow. Of course, Van always wins.


We headed over to Astoria, what a great day.
Level flight, 24 square on the way out burning around 15 gallons per hour, 182 knot ground speed, 191 IAS.

