Pierre's 195

Louise, I have a Garmin 195 in good working condition that I'd be glad to donate to the RV-1 for keeps.

I can bring it to CSG on Saturday morning.


Great, Pierre. Thank you. Matt's unit turned out to have an issue so the 195 will be a welcomed addition. Just look up James Clark as he'll be our next transfer pilot. I assume it will run on battery power? The RV-1 doesn't have a cigarette lighter. If so, one of you will have to buy a bunch of batteries. As I recall, those suckers take something like 8 or 10 AA batteries.
I got a few pics of the preflight brief, taxi out, and lift off. Sent them to Ernie, He probably will put them up if they warrant posting.
Bonvoyage RV1!

A milestone in the RV-1 project - The RV-1 restoration, summer tour, and tribute to Richard VanGrunsven is truly a "community" effort at the highest level!
On a personal note, I'm really gonna miss the camaraderie at RV-Central. Thanks for hosting the restoration, Jay, Carol, and Patches!




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6 batteries.

Louise, the 195 has 6 AA batteries and I just replaced them.

I also have a mount that can be screwed/bolted in place and it has a power cord that can be hard-wired to a hot point/12 volts, in the -1. Acquired satellites quickly this a.m.

I assume it will run on battery power? The RV-1 doesn't have a cigarette lighter. If so, one of you will have to buy a bunch of batteries. As I recall, those suckers take something like 8 or 10 AA batteries.

Yes the RV1 does have a cigarette lighter, I put it in there "just in case" someone wanted to plug in a GPS :D
RV-1 at KCSG

Hi y'all RV8 builder here... And local EAA member at KCSG. The RV-1 will be hangered in 3B, which recently birthed Lynn Hall's RV-9A 554LH (it's Lynn's hanger). For y'all flying in before the show, look for a rather large tent in front of the Flightways FBO, that, well resembles a wing. That's the EAA hospitality tent, and 3B is easy walking distance. Hope to see y'all ! Chris Cook N261RV reserved.

Hi Chris...thanks for the info and welcome to VAF.

I gave Lynn transition training here some time ago...great guy.

See ya tomorrow...this is my airplane:


BTW, the Garmin 195 that I'm bringing for the RV-1 has a power cord but the cigarette lighter plug has been cut off. If you could supply one it would be great and we could then have an operating unit on ship's power.

The RV-1 will not make Columbus today (Friday).

Saturday and Sunday are unknown now, but I will update later.

James reported a good solid stumble, 2~3 seconds duration, on climbout at about 400 feet......so two left turns and back to the runway. The RV-1 mantra is "be conservative".

I'll have a team on it at first light tomorrow.

Fun photo, waiting on the fog this AM.

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Hopefully pilots are being briefed on the fuel system.

The RV1 is a gravity feed system with an electric fuel pumpback-up: FUEL PUMP MUST BE ON FOR T/O, CLIMB AND LANDING.

There is no mechanical engine driven fuel pump.

Please install the above placard before further flight.

Not saying this is the problem but if you take off without the pump on, with the nose up attitude, you may experience an interuption in fuel flow.

Another operational FYI: Red light on far left panel is a low voltage monitor, it will go off at approx 13 volts. The vaccum pad gen needs approx 1800 RPM to produce this voltage so it will normally flash on the ground and go off in flight.
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Dan's on it

I just talked with Dan and he'll put the placard in plus "interogate" the pilot about the fuel pump. It is great to have the plane with such a wonderful community to support the effort. I know Dan will put together the right team to figure out the next steps.

Dan also said last night's gathering was a great success and there must have been 500 photos taken. Hope to see some of them soon!
Dan also said last night's gathering was a great success and there must have been 500 photos taken. Hope to see some of them soon!

So far this is the photo contest winner......a nice evening for burgers and fun with airplanes. Photo credit to Dave Ramsey (no, not that Dave Ramsey).

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Now that is just dang pretty Dan! Probably one of the coolest opportunities at the less-formal (big air show) fly-ins will be the chance to take a picture of your airplane next to it's "grand-pappie"! Don't miss out if you get the chance...

Sounds like we've got good people working on the stumble, and conservative is good. We have pretty good private communications going in the RV-1 pilot community, least anyone worry, and I've told everyone involved that no air show or fly-in is important enough to significantly risk the airplane. We have an aggressive schedule, and I expect some hiccups.

Well Mike, I figure that if the airplane isn't at risk, that pretty much encompasses the pilot......
RV1 at CSG?

Please post a status update for the -1 regarding the CSG air show tomorrow. We plan to be in the air by 1000.
Pump was ON

I just talked with Dan and he'll put the placard in plus "interogate" the pilot about the fuel pump. It is great to have the plane with such a wonderful community to support the effort. I know Dan will put together the right team to figure out the next steps.

Dan also said last night's gathering was a great success and there must have been 500 photos taken. Hope to see some of them soon!

Yes, the fuel pump was on and engine running strong. At the time I assumed it was trah in the fuel.

Maybe not....

Please post a status update for the -1 regarding the CSG air show tomorrow. We plan to be in the air by 1000.

I am in full airshow mode on Saturday and tonight we find I have a flat tire on the plane I am flying in the show.. Must have picked up a nail.
Gotta fix that tomorrow morning.

Nothing to report. I needed to be at the office this afternoon and won't get started until tomorrow morning. And I don't know if or when James can pull his focus away from Team RV responsibilities for a ferry flight.

Sorry, but the best I can offer tonight is a maybe.
Let's not expect the plane in Columbus today

There are several issues for Dan and his folks to work through today and I think it is prudent to keep the plane at his field today and probably through the weekend. The Columbus stop was not an "official" event and not announced until about a week ago just because we expected a few hiccups in the early hours of return-to-flight. We don't want the plane to leave the field until we understand and gain comfort with a couple of glitches that have come up. The safety of the pilot and this unique aircraft are paramount.

That said, it's only 70 nm or less than a half-hour in an RV between the two airports and I'm guessing that Dan wouldn't mind visitors.
There are several issues for Dan and his folks to work through today and I think it is prudent to keep the plane at his field today and probably through the weekend.

Just spoke with James, and right now his mind is on flying a safe Team RV performance (good call). He is not planning on being back over here until Sunday evening, so the next possible RV-1 move would be Monday.

That said, it's only 70 nm or less than a half-hour in an RV between the two airports and I'm guessing that Dan wouldn't mind visitors.

Actually Bruce came over a few hours ago.
I was gonna go to Columbus, GA to see the RV1, so why not go a bit further to Watumpka, AL to see it and add another pushpin to the map? The weather was great as I continued past Columbus then onto a little town named Auburn. I could see a stadium near the center of town. Hey, those folks must enjoy a little football down there....

Watumpka is on the outskirts of Montgomery and I taxied in to find the little yellow airplane in Dan's hangar. He is lucky I showed up to help (i.e. hold tools, ask dumb questions) since he was by himself.

Now, RVs are fast but it took a little bit for me to figure out how I left Perry, Ga at 0945 and arrived at 0945 in Watumpka, Al. 130 miles away....hmmmm

A great morning with RVs :)

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News update....we hope to put the RV-1 back on flight status tomorrow morning. Check flight at 8:30.

The cause of the stumble was classic.

The RV-1 has a gravity fuel system, with a Facet boost pump. Yesterday the gascolator and carb inlet strainer were pulled, checked, and cleaned, followed by a flow test.


Flow measured after the inlet strainer was 15 gph pump off and 18.75 gph boost pump operating.

Found a few rubbed spots on the ignition harness, some trash in the tank (which the gascolator easily catches) and nothing else. Bruce and I did two long runups with the airplane tied, tail in a ditch, nose up. It ran great, boost pump on and off.

Talked to James some last night. His description of the stumble just didn't seem like a single cylinder misfire (the ignition harness). Hmmm.

Called Walt this AM to to compare notes. We were out of ideas and about to hang up when Walt said, "Hey, maybe you should check the boost pump inlet". We agreed it was doubtful given the flow check results, but I'd do it anyway. It bothered us both just a little not to have a smoking gun.

Getting to the boost pump means crazy contortions for which I am too **** old, or tunneling in through the side:


Pulled the short fuel line between the tank valve and the fuel pump.....and this is what I found in the end of it:


That's a 7/16 wrench. The trash is a strip of ancient blue RTV silicone rubber, just the perfect size to act as a flap and block the pump inlet in a random manner. No idea where it came from....we noticed no silicone like it anywhere.

There was much rejoicing in Whoville. Good call Walt. We believe it to be the source of the problem. Flight test tomorrow will tell the tale.

Since I had the side open I even fixed the pedal geometry. Pilots are always making picky demands like "I want to push the rudder pedal without locking the brake".....sheesh. You would think it would be enough that we try to make the engines run all the time ;)
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Much THANKS to Dan!!!

News update....we hope to put the RV-1 back on flight status tomorrow morning. Check flight at 8:30.

The cause of the stumble was classic.

Pulled the short fuel line between the tank valve and the fuel pump.....and this is what I found in the end of it:

It wasn't too bad, and it allowed me to find and fix the geometry problem with the left brake. Pilots are always making picky demands like "I want to push the rudder pedal without locking the brake".....sheesh.

Although the photo of what was found was missing, I will say that it was about 7/16" long by about 1/4" wide and 1/32"-1/16" thick. Just sitting there wait to raise its ugly head.

I feel a LOT better now that we found something as I **knew** there was a real engine stumble with me even though it had not occurred with others.

And the matter about fixing the brakes, well I guess I must admit that at least I am "guilty as charged". :)

Another matter that Dan has addressed it the length of the seat belt for those who are too short to see over the cowl without a booster. It will really be appreciated by subsequent pilots. I know I do. :)

Great job, Dan and James!

And, Walt! What a wonderful group of folks we have supporting the RV-1 tour. Paul is back (but brain-fried) and very relieved to hear that the RV-1 seems ready to a return to flight. We hope the local test flight in the morning goes without a hitch.

Thanks, again, for all of your efforts!
Great work Dan! Thanks for perservering until you found a very likely cause for the stumble. And thanks for addressing that left brake issue.

With all the talent and skill you guys on the east coast are bringing to bear on the RV-1, there'll be nothing left to do on it once it makes it out west.

Great bit of detective work, and thanks for contributing your time and skills.

Now that I am back in the country, and have better web access, let me add my thanks to Dan and the Watumpka crew for working on these details. We had a lot of fine folks work on the airplane in Texas, and it was amazing how many things got fixed. In retrospect, though, it is incredibly valuable to have yet another talented team take a look at the airplane to find additional discrepancies, and bring some new eyes and hands to the details.

I'm hoping to get out there this weekend to fly the airplane some more, and get it in to SnF - I am expecting that, like Tim said, there's not going to be much left to do but fly along in peace....

And thanks to Tanya for posting the pictures from the ferry "Shakedown" flight!

The flight this AM following James around the area was totally boring....just like we like it.
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So, Dan isn't volunteering to pilot the RV-1?

The memories of the RV-1 trip from Hicks to Wetumpka have finally been retrieved from the airplane. Two Two Charlie was reluctant to give up such treasures, but we were very persuasive.


Thank you, Tanya and Scott, for the photos. Really nice shots! I see that Dan is a little long in the torso for the RV-1. We continue to wonder how Van fit!
Boring is good!

Had a nice boring flight this AM following James around the area.

Works for me.

That's what we wanted to hear. Looks likely that Paul and I will head over to your place about Saturday to check it out and, hopefully, move it towards SnF. Our community is really indebted to Dan, James, and all their assistants for restoring confidence in this amazing, little plane. So excited to see her back in the air.

I can't say enoughabout Dan and James. You are both guilty of OUTSTANDING work. Thank you so much Dan. You have proved that is takes many GOOD people to bring an older airplane back to SAFE flying condition.

Scott's photos are outstanding. It would have been grate to have a shot of the ONE and Scott in escort. Grate Job Scott.

I can't say enoughabout Dan and James. You are both guilty of OUTSTANDING work. Thank you so much Dan. You have proved that is takes many GOOD people to bring an older airplane back to SAFE flying condition.

Scott's photos are outstanding. It would have been grate to have a shot of the ONE and Scott in escort. Grate Job Scott.


Thanks Jarhead. I really poured everything I had into that flight, most of which nobody ever will see or know. You got a tiny glimpse on the way back, which was only about 1/3 the effort of the way out. Escort pilots, a big part of the mission is to recover the ferry pilot! Make sure you have excellent tertiary support like I did. Many thanks to Tanya for providing real time support, planning, and coordination throughout the flight out and back. Also, escort pilots, hold your feet to the fire, if the ferry pilot reports a stumble in flight, do you have an immediate turn direction for nearest for him, or the next best field or decent target already picked out? .. how about 2min from now.. No need for music on this flight as escort, there is plenty to do, and it is FUN!
RV-1 ... Flight Update (from "Picky Pilot" :) )

Today, after several hours working with Dan the night before, I saddled up again to take the RV-1 to the air. All went well.

Some of you may know that in a prior flight (my first one in the RV-1), we had a bit of an unexpected engine stumble, some fuel "overflow" and a bit a of a brakes "problem".

None of these things ALONE are major issues I but had to deal with them all in about two minutes. "Fly the plane!"

Plane safely on the ground and "grounded" by me, Dan, Paul, Louise and the crew until we could get a better handle on things.

Lots of work was accomplished over the last few days and I am happy to report that today's flight was UNEVENTFUL!!!

Dan and I feel that we have addressed all three major matters and made a few "accommodations" for maintenance and upcoming pilots.

I give it two thumbs up for "good to go!" and now Paul will further validate later in the week.

The plane flies quite nicely.

Upcoming RV-1 pilots, I will write up more specific details for you very soon.