Looks like Duh One just took a cruise up north of Portland for an EAA meeting tonight. I wonder how it likes being "back home".


The ONE is getting a fair amount of attention from employees and customers here at Van's. The other airplanes might be getting slightly jealous...;)

JJ picked it up today to ferry over to Parkside (WA87) for the EAA Chapter 105 BBQ and meeting tonight. It should be a great time!
Safe and sound at Parkside. Been a busy day with all of us getting ready for the chapter fly in. I was escorted over by John Pallister in his 6 and we will be posting some of the fine pictures he took soon. Gotta BBQ to get ready over here. Sunny skies and expecting the usual crowd.
The ONE is getting a fair amount of attention from employees and customers here at Van's. The other airplanes might be getting slightly jealous...;)

Mikey and the Val know just how the other Van's airplanes feel.....;)

You guys are clearing having fun with the RV-1, and I bet an awful lot of people get to see it while its up there in the homeland - that's great!
RV-1 Back at the factory in Aurora. We had about 70 people, 20 airplanes, or so...at the Parkside EAA105 Chapter meeting and BBQ. Lot's of interest in the ONE.
Pics to follow as time allows.
I was very relieved to return the ONE in the same condition I recieved it.
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Yup, the RV-1 headed over to Lenhardts Airport (7S9) for a Friday morning showing at the pilots coffee and donuts hour. Flew back to Aurora and displayed the ONE at the Aurora JetCenter Friday lunch BBQ. http://www.aurorajetcenter.com/ Great folks and right next door to Van's Aircraft if you ever stop by here. Will post some pics later...
I've been trying to get a handle on this whole RV-1 deal. It is sort of a cross between the pony express, the olympic torch and the airport courtesy car. It gets passed from pilot to pilot in a relay fashion and there are lots of people that take segments of the route and benefit from the vehicle.

I think it is really pretty cool.
I've been trying to get a handle on this whole RV-1 deal. It is sort of a cross between the pony express, the olympic torch and the airport courtesy car. It gets passed from pilot to pilot in a relay fashion and there are lots of people that take segments of the route and benefit from the vehicle.

I think it is really pretty cool.

I like that thought Larry - I hadn't thought of the Olympic Torch deal - that's a pretty apt description.

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I saw it...

Was out cleaning the hangar and saw it take off...sort of felt like I just saw somebody famous: )
Wow - they must have had one of those remarkable Oregon afternoons where the weather was good - and not snowing! ;)
I think it hit 80f Paul!
The RV-1 went to Becks Airfield annual fly/drive in, a short hop from Van's. Len Kaufman I believe piloted. There was also a WCR formation demo at the event. I was not there due to a prior committment but I am sure Shadey (Joe Blank) or someone else will chime in about the event.
we are looking forward to seeing it in Montana. I had several people ask me again today if I knew when it would be around Townsend. So far I have about 40 people interested in flying to 8U8 for a visit.

RV-1 and food is good bait for attracting pilots.:D

Hey! RV-1 is on the move. Left Vans Aircraft for the last time destined for the Museum. See ya in a couple of days, safe flight guys.
And we're still on here (KLVN) for the last stop before OSH. Anyone who wants to stop by, we're planning an unofficial/impromptu (dependent on weather, etc..) gathering. Friday afternoon around 6:00 PM at the EAA Chapter 25 hangar, KLVN (hangar is on India lane, end of the row nearest the runway). I'll buy some refreshements and some food...and the weather looks like it'll only be partially miserable! :)

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BTW, is the RV-1 going to be parked in Shell square, or Van's tent?

Yes... :)

Most of the week, it should be at Van's tent, but it will do a stint on the Square on Monday, and I think it has an appearance scheduled at the homebuilder's Hangar on Tuesday. It seems to be very much in demand....
Whew, hot out there today, but RV-1 got to T-ville (8U8) around 1630. We had a pretty good for a Hot Montana weekday afternoon. I think at one point I counted 10 RV's besides the Vans bunch. It was fun to use the SPOT tracker to judge when they would arrive. When I figured they were 10 minutes out we wandered out on the Ramp and right on que here comes 4...what 4 RV's?...is that lead one the RV-14. Nope just an RV-7A of Jeff B, from Washington sneaking in. Right on his tail was the Polished yellow Teenflight RV-12, followed THE ONE(yes Joe we got the landing on video) and bringing up the rear was Red RV-12 factory ship.

The guys were a little tired, hungry and ready for a little break. Full tummies and topped off fuel, they headed for Billings for an overnight stop.

Thanks Friends of RV-1 for the opportunity to be part of history.