Yes, this is a closed loop system. Since I have ready access to the engine I take air out of the breather tube and return air via the oil filler tube.


It's been running since early Feb. and seems not to have a problem staying cool, but as you've mentioned already, Western Oregon isn't the warmest place on earth. There is so much desicant in this little air drier that I feel there is huge capacity to collect moisture. I have BB sized pellets of Cobalt Chloride (the Blue indicator that turns pink with moisture) mixed in with several different grades of Silica Gel and the pellets show no sign of turning pink, they remain bright blue. It's worth mentioning that the Cobalt Chloride will turn pink long before the Silica Gel needs to be dried out. If this were an open system I have no doubt the gel would need dried out every couple of weeks. I used to have inline throw away air driers, which as it happens are the source of the BB sized pellets of Cobalt Chl. I had taken one out of its' packaging but not used it having set it on a shelf in my shop. Within a week the pellets had turned pink. That was at zero air flow. Any moisture entering the filter had to cross a sintered brass air filter, one on each side of the canister, then across the pellets. Moisture seems to be a pervasive thing.

Maybe my open system may turn closed for that reason.

I too had the thought that the easiest way to do this was to put the pump in a box..preserves the warranty too..:)

cheap dessicant

Hi guys..After I built my open loop dessicant dryer I now remember looking at just the thing in Harbor freight. Now its easy to use a plastic bottle but the dessicant can be a little tricky to find. Especially the blue dessicant that changes colours.

I got the flower drying stuff for $3-50 a pind but then had trouble finding the blue stuff to make a wetness indicator in the line going to the engine.

Well check this out..Not only do they have the blue stuff but is like $2 a pound!!!