Production Parts

It's been a painfully slow process bringing our new Rotax kit to production. SDS, machinists, Beta testers are all busy with other projects and work.

Finally this week, production parts starting rolling out of the machine shop and anodizer, the first of which are below:

Will still be a few weeks before the first kits are for sale and what is here is already spoken for, but at least it's a start.

Hoping Trevor gets the new VF-4 set up in July so we can crank these out faster.:)

I am pretty sure that I will need more than 18 amps? in order to power this system and my efis etc. Any thoughts on adding another alternator to the stock Rotax system? Or?
We're hoping to keep pricing for a single ECU, single pump, fuel-only system (use the factory ignition) at around $3800US.

Current draw on this system will be around 8-9 amps.

Optioning up the system to do fuel and spark, fuel trim, fuel flow, data logging, twin pumps and ECUs will bring it up into the range of the Lycoming system prices since the hardware and components costs are similar.

Fuel and ignition systems would draw around 12-13 amps.

In our view, the fuel and ignition systems would need a higher rated alternator than the stock 18 amp internal one.