Update. Alternator fixed. Rosie... "In my haste after installing the new alternator today, I forgot to tighten the belt! Sure does make a racket!" "Autozone saved the day" for him on the road with an alternator failure. Put new on he was carrying. Take old back with lifetime warranty. Ready to continue trip with new spare alternator. Done!
Dive Gear?

So Rosie, the important question that hasn't been asked is what's in the Dive gear bag?

Dive stuff Jim, Rosie

PS: I'll empty it at the Punta Cana resort and take a picture just for you
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After lunch 04-2015

Thought you would like to see an photo of Rosie after he finished lunch today.


Lunch was across the street from: (note: Rosie, edit and add more description)
Day 4: Gold Hills (NC) to Clearwater (FL)

Day 4. As Kahuna said, a great evening with him, Nordo & Diane as we all told half true stories and laughed all night! Many thanks to Kahuna and Amy for having us!!!! I was up at 0700 to the smell of breakfast-by-Kahuna...fresh made bread, eggs, sausage...oh yea! Planes loaded, the Wests departed first and I followed..with a big wave from Kahuna:



Here's the skypark located in the rolling hills of North Carolina:


I had an uneventful flight from Kahuna's place at Gold Hills (NC) to Louisville (2J3), GA; a little over 1 hour flight. I saw what looked like a controlled fire that left a 'contrail' that the camera could not capture all of it:


As mentioned before, I'll check the terrain map to see what state I'm in:


Enroute, Gary 'Condor' Sobek gave a call as we paralleled each other to have lunch with Pierre & Jenny Smith at 2J3. He had already flown two hours from near Pittsburgh to have lunch with me. His timing was perfect as I ended up on the 'initial' right behind him. You can see him on the runway:


Here's Pierre's hangar 'spread':


Now this picture might not look like much, but to me, it's very special because I have seen this literally hundreds and hundreds of times...my best friend Condor and I arriving after flying somewhere together. In my nearly 4,000 RV hours, I have no doubt that well over 1,000 of those have been flying all over the country with him ;-)


Jenny & Pierre were there to greet us then drove us to Foster's where I had the fried chicken I've been waiting for, now 2 years...it was GREAT EATS!!!


It was REAL GOOD seeing my best friend Condor who moved away from the west coast to the east coast after his Boeing retirement in 2013. THANK YOU CONDOR FOR FLYING 6 HOURS TODAY TO SEE ME!!!!

Here's Condor, Pierre & Jenny:

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Day 4: Gold Hills (NC) to Clearwater (FL)

Jenny gave (drove) us on a mini-tour of Louisville then dropped us at the airport. Pierre then drove us by his place (very nice, with PONDS and close to the airport) then got us back to the airport for our departure. Condor was cleared-off to the north and I continued east to get around the mucky weather that was hanging around south of Atlanta.


The route took me east at 3,500', almost all the way to Savannah but I was able to 'cut the corner' a bit and fly to Fernandina Beach (FHB), FL. I was with approach the entire time and they kept me 'honest':


This picture gives good perspective on what I was flying around to get to Clearwater...not a problem in an RV!!!!


Once I 'turned the corner', the weather didn't look bad at all as I climbed above some 'puffies' to 5,500' and continued south.



I continued into Fernandina Beach for fuel;


The ground crew got me filled up quickly, and I got to enjoy the T-6 Skywriters passing overhead in formation over the field; then they landed.


After takeoff, due to weather, I flew west towards Cross City;


I needed and received clearance into the Class C airspace just east of Jacksonville airport (airport is in the distance):


Just after picking up flight following with Jacksonville (I was within eye-shot of the field on the north side) when my headset starting acting up...at least that's what I thought it was. I was changing headsets, breaking up as I tried to talk to approach...then everything 'died'...look at voltmeter...8 volts...that's not good.

I continued my climb to 8,500' and turned the corner from a westerly heading to a southern heading towards Clearwater...which is located in the Tampa (Class B) Mode C Veil...No Mode C here...I pulled out my handheld, connected it via a coax to the bent whip antenna on the floor right between my legs (by design). I circled over Crystal River and was able to get 'blessed' to fly into the Class Bravo airspace, without a transponder.

Here's the southbound leg along the west coast of Florida, from Crystal River:

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Day 4: Gold Hills (NC) to Clearwater (FL)

The controller had me fly heading 270 to identify me then it was a non-issue after that. I flew the route I've always flown along the coast and direct Clearwater Airpark at the Intercoastal (Clearwater Pass). I landed and put the plane in a pavement stall then proceeded to change out the alternator...I always carry a spare when traveling far from home. I'll try to get a replacement in the morning from Autozone.


MANY THANKS to Mike Nelson who was there to greet me when I arrived: He drove home to get a 2-amp battery charger that worked wonders on my battery while my host/friend/F-117 NavBoy Bob Coughlin and I changed out the alternator. Only had to remove the cowl twice to take the squeal out of the belt!

Mike had long gone home but here's Bob:


We finished up around 2100 local time then headed home to enjoy some Sonny's BBQ...well...the Coughlins enjoyed it...much to late for me to be eating!

Almost forgot, here's the ground track for the day (start at button 24):


Thank you all for following along, and by all means, if you have questions, ask them...that's how we all get smarter! Rosie
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Looks like Rosie departed Clearwater and landed at Venice (KVNC) for fuel and is headed to South Florida. Looking forward to the next set of photos and reports. It's one thing to fly a trip like this, but it's quite another to document it with words and photos. Thanks, Rosie, for sharing your adventures.

Rosie, hope this little post doesn't mess up your "Placeholders." If it does, feel free to edit/modify/move or delete. :)

NOT AT ALL DON!!!! I put them there for continuity, know posters will continue to post. The only time you would get 'deleted' is if I needed one more placeholder :) Rosie

Afternoon update: Lunch at Marathon and an afternoon flight to Homestead. Tomorrow the real adventure begins!!
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I very much enjoy following your adventure via the web site. keep those card and letters plus lots of commentary and pictures coming. One day maybe I will be able to join on one of these trips.
Bernie N527DB

Just what I want to hear Bernie!!! Rosie
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Good Flight Tomorrow

Rosie, You guys have a Nice flight tomorrow! I am so bummed out that I am not there!! But I will be enjoying watching the Trip with you guys! Do you guys have to fly over the water to get there?

Bummed Out Keys

From Rosie: Keys, along with Indira & Chris "Jailbird" Kleen, flew the entire month with me during our one-month-long vacation[/URL] in 2013. We were half-way to Curacao from Santo Domingo...hundreds of miles of open ocean. We'd been flying along...nobody talking in quite awhile...just 'cruising along'...when I hear Keys on the radio, "Are we over water yet?" :)
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Flying Through the Bermuda Triangle

Bahamas Bound Flyers,

I remember once flying out southeast of Florida myself. Thank goodness I wasn't foolish enough to put the stock wheelpants on my bird, and went for those pressure recovery units instead. The newer ones seem to be just enough bigger to float the bird if you have to put in the water like my RV-6 did on Crooked Island. Since I had the big floats on, I got to enjoy a nice swim in the Bahamas waters, instead of going down with her!


We are all watching you, so keep in touch and have fun.

Like Keys, Bummmmmed I can't be leading a group this year too....
(Keys, you got your call-sign at this airport! Remember where it is?)

Bahamas' only float tested RV-6

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Day 5: Clearwater to Venice to Marathon to Homestead

Day 5 is Monday, April 13, 2015 and that means 'Arrival Day' to Homestead...but we just can't go to Homestead...we gotta fly down the Keys and get something to eat...read on!

I was up at 0630 so I could pickup a few things at Walmart then go to the airport to 'put the plane back together after unpacking it to get to the tools to fix the alternator". My friend Bob Coughlin was up before that since he was going to pick up Tuppergal who was arriving via AA following her redeye flight out of Los Angeles. I was at Clearwater Airpark by ~0715 and back to the house by 0830 to have the customary breakfast-by-Bob: French toast and sausage...VERY GOOD. Here's the Coughlin family with their two youngest; they have two others who are out of the house:


Bob took us to the airport then continued on to work. We loaded up and were airborne by ~1030. This was probably the first time I have ever departed CLW from runway 16...climbing left turn then depart west over the airport to the beach:



The flight south to Venice (VNC) is about 30 minutes, and as usual, clouds form over land and not the water:


Here's Venice Airport and the welcoming committee:



The flight to Marathon was to be lead by Dave "Taco" Buono with wife Alina (Belle), so after a thorough briefing, we taxied for departure.


As is customary, picture taking is allowed:


Newbies Jeff "Shiner" Jackson and Staci "Diddy" Stroud:


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Day 5: Clearwater to Venice to Marathon to Homestead

Here's my neighbor Scott Loftin


And the ramp after we landed:


Scoot & Cookie: I love you both!


We walked across the street to eat, and our server had a bit of an accent...I asked her where she was from...Dominica..."We are flying to Dominica and will be staying at the Fort Young Hotel. Kathleen says, "My Sister works there!!!!". Cool! Let's take her a picture of you:


The flight to Homestead was led by Scott "Scoot" Card and we were then across the street, fueled and airborne in record time:


Cookie is holding up a...uh....oh yea...this one's an inside joke....


Taco & Belle:



Before you know it, we are on the overhead break to runway 10 and landing:


Owner John Roberts (of Robert's Air), 79 years young, was there to greet us as he has done for me since 2004:

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Day 5: Clearwater to Venice to Marathon to Homestead

The fuel pump is always a traffic-jam when getting ready to fly over open water for long periods of time:


Got Water Scoot!?! John said, "Take as many as you'd like!"


Diddy, Tuppergal & Belle:


Pictured here with the group is John's son Bert, who will be taking over the business as John contemplates retirement...



The BIG ADVENTURE OVERWATER begins in a few short hours.....Keep poundin' them rivets because it's ALL worth it! Rosie
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Rosie, I was expecting to see a TFR over Augusta, Georgia on Sunday because of the Masters golf tournament. I didn't see it on your GPS. Just wondering if you were vectored around it by ATC.

Negative Don...Never heard a thing from them on this... Rosie
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your trip is a breath of fresh air on=VAF=, don't forget to.............


enjoy the tropics. :)
Dominican Republic

Looks like Rosie and Tuppergal landed about 4:15 EDT at Punta Cana D.R. and Scott and Tanya's APRS tracker showed they arrived about an hour prior. Their APRS tracker gave continuous readout until about seven miles west of the airport when they descended to 1732 feet. They cruised most of the way at about 10,000 ft. Photos, we need photos! :D

Way to go, adventurers! :)

P.S. Rosie, I just looked back at your first post in this thread, and it's amazing to me how you are right on schedule. A little weather...go around it. An alternator problem..."Oh, I have a spare." Good planning results in a smooth operation. I love to see a good plan come together, including contingencies for those unexpected "gotchas."

I'm thinking you guys are settling in at Punta Cana right now, getting ready to eat dinner and are already swapping the de-brief stories about the day's adventures. Enjoy!
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Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

Hi all, Just now sitting down with a computer. Tuppergal is asleep but I'm wide awake. Here's the short version of how Tuesday, 14 April went: I was up at 0530, airport by 0700, airborne at 0830, Exuma by 1130, departed 1230, landed Punta Cana 1600, departed airport at 1830, hotel by 1900, dinner at 2000, in room at 2230...will add some FUN & AWESOME pictures now; thank you for being patient :) Rosie
Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

Hello All,
I am a writing this starting at 1106 on 14 April after a very long, but FUN day of flying with friends!!! First, I'll cut to the 'chase' and show you the ground we all covered today:



Here's how the day (14 April). I went to bed at 0230 then awoke at 0530 to be in the breakfast room at 0600 with the group. We had a good breakfast as we knew that it would be a long day of flying before we got another good meal;



We were all out the door by 0630 and got to see a beautiful sunrise (had to pull the car over to take the picture or else risk missing it!);


Upon arrival to the airport, it's time to get the planes ready for the overwater trip...and have fun doing it!

Jeff "Shiner" Jackson and Staci "Diddy" Stroud:


Tanya "Cookie" and Scott "Scoot" Card


Diane and Dan "Nordo" West


Alina 'Belle" and Dave "Taco" Buono


Gail "eStitch" and Doug "Opie" Dodson (my skypark neighbors)

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Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

Sue & Roger Hansen:


Scott Loftin (my skypark neighbor):


Janet "Bun" and Gene "Moody Blue" Larsen:


And of course, it's all good fun on the ramp!!






And not a single airplane can takeoff until the MANDATORY group picture is taken:


L to R: Rosie, Tuppergal, Roger, Sue, Scott, Bun, Moody Blue, John Roberts, Belle, Taco, Opie, eStitch, Shiner, Diddy, Nordo, Diane, Scoot & Cookie

Ah, c'mon...really...REALLY?!?

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Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

Charlie flight...Tanya was READY to GO...NOW...Yes ma'am!!!! They were followed by the fastest planes; Bravo flight (Opie-Lead, Roger/Sue & Scott) and lastly Alpha Flight...my flight...Charlie...Bravo...Alpha...hey...That's BACKWARDS!!!


Here's my GPS route of flight:


And Tuppergal ready to fly!


Lined up on the runway:



John Roberts waving Goodbye...I love this man!


Leaving the coast of Florida:


Ok...I should have two (2) planes with me...there's one...and there's the other:


Our first bit of land since leaving Florida, over Andros Island:


You too can own your own little, private island with a landing strip!

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Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

There is SO MUCH TO SEE when flying over the islands; I'll took WAY too many pictures but will show you the ones that caught my eye;







And then we were there; Exuma Int'l Airport (MYEF):



Bravo flight (the fast planes) had arrived before us, fueled and were waiting for us to clear the runway.


We parked and were immediately met by the fuel truck:

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Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

Many years ago, we met Jermaine from Strachan Aviation, and he has been our handler ever since! We look forward to seeing him EVERYTIME we pass through!!


Once fueled, we pulled the plane for a nice group photo:



We said our goodbyes and departed as a 3-ship (no tower there so we could do this):



Here is Providenciales (Turks & Caicos) where we turned southwest towards the Dominican Republic:



This picture shows that we had plenty of fuel an hour out from Punta Cana (MDPC - a four hour flight):


Oh yea...we also saw the Hobbs meter turn 4,000 hours at this time!!! I think it's safe to say that I am the highest time builder/owner (in the same RV) in the WORLD ;-)


These two looked good flying together!

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Day 6: Homestead (FL) to the Dominican Republic

Finally...the four (4) hour flight from Great Exuma was coming to an end...time to get below the clouds:



On calling the Tower, I announced us as a flight-of-three, and I had pre-briefed my flight that we would plan to land all together unless told otherwise...we were not told otherwise so we landed runway 08 as a 3-ship.

This was SO COOL that Tuppergal did not taking any pictures of the landing since she was enjoying the beautiful terrain around the airport. She did get the taxi though...


Here's the main terminal:


We taxied all the way to the west end where the (new) General Aviation terminal is located and then got the planes fueled and parked:



Here's Bravo and Charlie flights who were already on their way to the Resort:


A little over two (2) hours after landing, we were finished with our paperwork and departed for the resort.
Hmmm...Ok...this is one way to get more people into a vehicle...


This is the entrance to the resort:


It has now been about 2.5 hours since I started posting these pictures...it's late and I'm beat...but I'm glad that I can share this trip with all of you!


Keep poundin' them rivets because it's ALL worth it! Rosie & Tuppergal

PS: If you haven't seen this post, this happened 0.9 hours before landing at Punta Cana...
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Rosie!, where are you? This RESORT is too darn big. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie flights got separated after leaving the airport. We need to figure out reestablishing positive comm tomorrow morning. We'll be up around 6:30, lets work this out. Charlie flight had a grand evening with dinner and drinks by the beach until about 10:30pm... But no joy on anyone else. We're all in the same (huge) building I think.

Cookie Room 1097
Taco 1143
Shiner 1121
Rosie 1152
Nordo 1140
Loftin 1224
Moody Blue 1226

I agree, the Royalton Punta Cana is HUGE!!!! I can easily see how we could spend a week here and NOT bump into any of you, Rosie
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Thanks needed.

Thanks to Rosie for the inspiration and encouragement to persevere and the long distant advice and cheers from the Kansas gallery, namely JimmyB; Moody Blue and Bun are among the group who made it to Punta Cana today. JimmyB texted, emailed and called me to give advise on troubleshooting the problem with our Electronic Ignition. After deciding to remove the EI and put a temporary Mag on our RV9, we flew to X35, Marrion County near Ocala and borrowed a mag from Jesse at Saint Aviation. Jesse came to our rescue and got us back on line to join the flight. (Aren't RVers great?) in 2 1/2 hours we were in the air battling the late afternoon thunder storms in Florida to get to Homestead in time to file our international flight plans with the group.
The flight with Alpha flight (Rosie and Victoria, us(Gene and Janet) and Nordo and Diane) was another awesome experience that we just can't get enough of.
2 Hrs to Clear Punta Cana

Wow Paul,

We really must have softened them up from the last time we passed through. Did they charge a nice round figure, and how many GenDecs to clear this go around?

Jailbird: They only wanted one (1) GenDec and $25.00...yes, the softened up....what'd we give them last time....5 in and 5 out? Rosie
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So with almost 12,000 hits already, I don't have to tell you how much we're all enjoying your write up efforts Rosie. I'm sending this link to Skip and next time we're "IN".

Sure looks like the very best use of GA planes ever.


2017 Slasher...think 2017! Rosie
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Wow Paul,

We really must have softened them up from the last time we passed through. Did they charge a nice round figure, and how many GenDecs to clear this go around?

It was super easy. GA ramp, FBO lady filled out ONE gendec (based on the ones we had already filled out), looked at pilots license, made some copies, and we were on our way. Nothing more.

Apparently Rosie insisted on getting his passport stamped, which was completely unnecessary here, so he waited around for a while, while they found a stamp.
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<SNIP>Apparently Rosie insisted on getting his passport stamped, which was completely unnecessary here, so he waited around for a while, while they found a stamp.

Funny. :D

Scott, I'm already looking forward to Friday when you guys form up and take off for your next destination.
This is so cool, a priority on my bucket list, thank you for posting all the pics please keep posting, so frustrating being stalled on the project, but this makes me happy seeing all this.:D

Keep poundin' them rivets Bret! :D Rosie
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Day 7: Punta Cana

Day 7 marks the completion of our first week of vacation. Everything I planned to do in the original announcement has happened but here is the recap:

Day 1: Fly to the DFW area
Day 2: Eat at the Hard 8 BBQ
Day 3: Fly to Memphis to eat at Central BBQ, then fly to Anderson (SC) to watch Team Aerodynamix then fly to Gold Hills (NC) to stay at Kahuna's place
Day 4: Fly to Louisville (GA) to eat with Jenny & (VAFer) Pierre Smith along with Gary 'Condor' Sobek then into Cleawater (FL) to stay with friends
Day 5: Fly to the Keys with the group, have lunch then back to Homestead (FL)
Day 6: Fly to Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)
Day 7: Enjoy a full day in Punta Cana
Day 8: Same as Day 7

I'm not walking around with a camera but was able to grab it for a few pics that I think you will enjoy:

Our room:


The view (north) from our balcony:


A place to wash the sand off your feet and shoes:


The beach cabanas:


Waiting to be seated for dinner:


A male member of our group with his (no kidding) new sandals provided by his wife:


Seated for Dinner:



Seated (can't move) following a trip to Ice Cream Bar:


Graciela: One of the nicest and friendliest hostess at the resort, with Roger, Scott and Gene:

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Day 7: Punta Cana

The Beach Bar is the official 'meet and greet' for the group to find each other when you have no other plans...





Time out...something broke on the floor.....




These two (2) photos are for my friend Jim Piavis because he asked, "What's in the dive bag?":



Belle had a waterproof camera with her today, and what you don't see are the waterpark pictures that she and Taco took of what I thought would be a 'few minutes' at the waterpark...turned into hours.
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Day 7: Punta Cana

Here are the pictures of the Memories Waterpark, a short walk from the Royalton Punta Cana. Our wristband allowed access to the Waterpark. I'm 55 years old and NEVER have been to a waterpark...WHAT A BLAST!:

The lovely Diane West:



Here comes Rosie!






Rosie and new new buddy Eddy! Eddy kept us 'safe' way up there in the towers...and also is a good conversationalist ;-)



Keep poundin' them rivets because it's ALL worth it! Rosie & Tuppergal
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Day 7: Punta Cana

Saving this for the waterpark pics :D Rosie
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The first thing I do, every morning when I wake up, is reading your updates on the journey while having my breakfast (I'm in Italy;)), so a big THANK YOU for doing this and make me dreaming, Rosie!

Thanks for making my day Ettore!!!! Rosie
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Looks Awesome!!!

:D It looks like you guys are having a BLAST!!! I am so bummed out that I couldn't go!!! it even harder to look at the Awesome pictures, Rosie like usual you are doing a great job logging the trip and posting pics, tell everyone I said hi, I hope the diving has been good! thank you for posting all the great pictures and stories, and tell Doug that I don't think he is drinking enough Beer!!


You KNOW we miss you Keys! Rosie
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Day 8: Punta Cana

Today (Thursday 16 April) was our day-to-dive with Dressel Divers. Ana and Johnatan were our dive instructors and it went well. Scott Loftin completed one of his four divers required for the Open Water Card;



Scott Loftin:








Moody Blue:


My dive buddy Dipali from London:

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Day 8: Punta Cana

I was finally able to get some pics of the Royalton Punta Cana..... all I can say is this place is an 11 out of 10, WOW!!!!! I would definitely recommend you stay here!!!! And I don't mind sharing that we got this place, with taxes included (ALL INCLUSIVE): $265/night. Think of it as $200/night for the room and $32.50/day/person for all the food and drink (alchohol) you can stomach...





Our last dinner on the island at the Steakhouse:




My Ribeye Steak:


Belle's Lobster:


Ok, the plan for Friday is for me to depart the hotel by ~0730 for a 0930 departure. I'm hoping to get my flight checkout for St. Barths then will depart for Antigua.

The remaining eight (8) aircraft will be departing the hotel by 1100 and I'm guessing they will be in the air between 1230-1300 EDT.

Keep Poundin' them rivets because it's ALL WORTH IT!!! Rosie & Tuppergal
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I was finally able to get some pics of the Royalton Punta Cana..... all I can say is this place is an 11 out of 10, WOW!!!!! I would definitely recommend you stay here!!!!

Just be prepared for some serious "sales" every day if you are as unlucky ("sexy") as us :). If you're asked "Where are you from?" From an employee, simply say you're not interested. We're keeping count. Cookie and I are up to #12 in about the 50hrs we've been here. Not cool, but not too surprising. This place has been here for only about 1.5yr. They are apparently trying to up-sell in a very big way their "Diamond Club", which is a whole load of BS (late night dance club, gourmet room service, private lounge...), for what looks to be about $100/day extra.

Still agree with the 11 out of 10 wow, but Rosie isn't being hit with the daily sales target that we are somehow. Not even once yet...Rosie
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Just be prepared for some serious "sales" every day if you are as unlucky ("sexy") as us :). If you're asked "Where are you from?" From an employee, simply say you're not interested. We're keeping count. Cookie and I are up to #12 in about the 50hrs we've been here. Not cool, but not too surprising. This place has been here for only about 1.5yr. They are apparently trying to up-sell in a very big way their "Diamond Club", which is a whole load of BS (late night dance club, gourmet room service, private lounge...), for what looks to be about $100/day extra.

Still agree with the 11 out of 10 wow, but Rosie isn't being hit with the daily sales target that we are somehow. Not even once yet...Rosie

This is the price you pay for having a Smokin' Hot wife.... :D
Staniel Cay airport closed?

Heard from a local that the airport MYES is closed. Can anyone of our
Intrepid RV travelers confirm this? My wife and I are planning to fly down
a pair of 8's next week :)
Upsell to the Cards

This is the price you pay for having a Smokin' Hot wife.... :D

Easy solution is next time you go, I will walk between the two of you and there will be zero upsell attempts. And you can take that to the bank!

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
RV9A. N942PT
Dues paid
This is the price you pay for having a Smokin' Hot wife.... :D

HA! We just see ourselves as old fogies the same as everybody else. You can talk to Alina about "Smokin' hot". She was hearing harp music while Dave was talking up some Lear pilots from Venezuela in the FBO the other day. She has been enjoying talking about just how "UGLY" they were...

Heard from a local that the airport MYES is closed. Can anyone of our
Intrepid RV travelers confirm this? My wife and I are planning to fly down
a pair of 8's next week :)

MYES is closed, confirmed by Al at Stella Maris. It is in very bad shape. He suspects it could be many months before it is open again.

We just finished our departure brief around breakfast. It looks like Rosie is at the airport with the spot tracker running for the last 40min, but he hasn't moved yet. Hmm, bummer, not looking forward to that. Our vans leave for the airport at 11am, expect to be ready to start at about noon. Our flight will do one circle around St. Thomas where Tanya and I got married 15yrs ago, never imagining that we would be back overhead in an airplane that we built together in the garage!

Let the adventure continue! Next island Antigua. Fuel $9.70/gal

UPDATE, Waving to rosie doing low flybys of the resort this moment!!
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Just checking in with you, Scoot. Looks like you are at this moment tracking the northern coast of Puerto Rico and approaching San Juan. Meanwhile, Rosie's tracker shows him to be at the airport at St. Martin. :)
Day 9: Punta Cana to Antigua (with stops in between)

Hi All, it’s the day we leave the Dominican Republic for Antigua for the group, but for me, I’m was going to Grand Case (pronounced Grand Koss) to meet with an instructor for the St. Barth’s checkout. Tuppergal was going to fly with Scott Loftin to Antigua so she didn't have to sit around for me during the checkout. We were up at 0630 to have breakfast, and then I was packed and out the front door of the hotel by 0715. It was about a 30 minute drive to the airport with nice conversation with the cabbie. Once inside the West FBO, which handles the General Aviation aircraft, it took about 1.5 hours to finally get airborne. I wanted to try and find the hotel to take a picture so I took off and flew west along the beach:


Finally found the resort on the second pass as it was ‘buried next to a Mega-resort:



I flew back past the airport as I left the eastern coast of the Dominican Republic:


In maybe 20 minutes, I was abeam Puerto Rico: Aguadilla airport (TJBQ), home of Axel (AX-0):


Continued east along the northern shore of Puerto Rico towards St. Thomas when I had to do a little ‘dance with the clouds to get around them at 9,500'. Here’s the sequence:

Big cloud ahead, may have to deviate right:


Yup, deviate right, slightly:


This looks better....


Need to climb just a bit...


Ah...turn left back on course (you can see this in the ground track (last post):


In the picture above...see the bigger clouds in the distance? Hold that thought...
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Day 9: Punta Cana to Antigua (with stops in between)

This took me right past the airport at St. Thomas, Cyril E King (TIST):


This is St. Johns with the British Virgin Islands in the distance:


And the British Virgin Islands…if you are familiar with the area, the ‘Indians’ are at the bottom, center:


Remember I said, “Hold that thought”? There’s Mr. BIG cloud again…and it’s bigger… OK…let’s deviate right…


Here is the big cloud as it passes off my left wing:


I can continue direct to Grand Case:


Here’s nearest Cities, Airports and the map view:




Looks like I’ll need to pick my way down below the deck (but still have some time, no hurry)

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