
Well Known Member
Bob Axsom has been doing a great job of keeping the excitement up about this weekend's Rocket 100 race in Taylor, TX. (See this thread: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=49541).

With 33 entries, a purty neat course, and it being the final race of the year (with year-end awards to follow) it oughta be a fun weekend.

There is a planned live video feed for the launch/recovery and/or start/finish, but I've not seen a link for it yet. Will publish it when I get it (as I'm sure Bob Ax will as well).

I'm trying to put together a test of APRS group tracking and iPhone Tracklog group tracking, to see if we can put out some live tracking data on the web during the race.

APRS group tracking is new, and in beta test here: http://beta.aprs.fi/

A group can be tracked by typing in up to 20 call signs, separated by commas. I'm trying to collect call signs from racers with APRS, and will publish that here when I get 'em.

To follow iPhone group tracking in Tracklog, a Safari or Firefox browser is needed. In either, go here: http://tracklog.streckenflug.ch/index.php?page=group_tracking

If you get warnings that a different API key is needed for Google Maps, just hit OK, and the map comes up fine (it'll be Germany till you select our group, and our trackers are on).

In the yellow margin, in the Category box, select Category: SARL
Then the Group box pops up, and select 2009 Rocket 100

The map should snap to Taylor, and our "dots" should show as soon as we connect with Tracklog.

I'll see if I can get multiple APRS and iPhone users to join in, so folks at home can watch both video feed and tracking on the internet.

I'm launching tomorrow (18 NOV, today by the time you read this) from Reno (weather permitting...looks good so far), and will have my SPOT and iPhone Tracklog runnin'. Here's the links to my SPOT shared page and the iPhone Tracklog Personal Tracking site if you want to follow along:

SPOT: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0K4svVL7OeYGoHTqRNmPWsHJMk2PgTyYd

In Safari or Firefox, go to the Tracklog Private Tracking page here: http://tracklog.streckenflug.ch/index.php?page=device_tracking

Once there, in the phone ID box just above the map, type in my iPhone ID: 7629451834307de7d001fbd945684ec6edbcb4a

You won't have to type in the full number, as it will recognize my ID and autofill at about 4-5 keystrokes.

Flight Plan is as follows (times approx):

18 NOV
1320 (MST) Arrive KPGA
1400 (MST) Depart KPGA-CNX-KROW
1610 (MST) Arrive KROW

19 NOV
TBA noonish (MST) Launch KROW-HOB-SJT-LLO-T74, 2+05
TBA 1500ish (CST) Arrive T74

SPOT should work well, as it has been very consistent. It'll be interesting to see if Tracklog stays live over that area, and up at 11.5K or thereabouts.

Wish me luck against that hoard of Rockets down there. We'll see what a little taping, a new tailwheel fairing, and some sea-level density can do to keep me in the race!! :D

We are facing some miserable weather up here. Our plan is to leave today and get at least to southern Ohio. Hopefully the system will clear and let us continue south Friday.
I have made no changes to my plane so you will be able to note any differences with yours against mine. Wayne Hadath has a secret speed mod that shows some promise.
I have my iphone with me complete with Track log installed.
The Thrill of Racing Begins Even for Us Fans

Bob and Tom it is great to see your posts. Us fans (especially RV and Rocket builders and pilots) appreciate what is being done to allow us to share in the excitement real time. Several people, including me, followed Bob Mills track in the Pagosa Springs, CO race and the live video in the Courtland, Alabama race. During this Saturday's Rocket 100 I plan to follow both the tracks and the live video at the same time. I expect to see Duncan Sutherland out run everyone in his red & white SX-300 Race#74 but he will be pressed - too bad Jim Robinson had to drop out in his Glasair III. That Sport FX class with seven racers should be outstanding. I wonder what Mark Frederick has been able to do with #58 - the last time I saw it he was still developing landing gear shoulder cuff fairings. In the RV Blue class the red streak ahead of all others will be John Huft in RV-8 Race#18 and I will be looking with special interest to see how Mike Thompson does in RV-6 Race# 26. The FX Blue class with Bruce and Steve Hammer in their Glasair I TD's Race#s 91 and 73 respectively are so fast I expect them to be right near the top of all classes - these brothers are in a class by themselves in more ways than one. Another screamer is Larry Henney's Lancair 360 Race#36. It is good to see Darrell Reiley (RV-7A Race# 007) in the RV Red class - he will have his hands full against the two RV-4s, especially Cam Benton's Race proven #41. In the Sprint class it is good to see some competition for David Adams in his fast Long EZ Race#83. Ahhh it's gonna be great!

I have my new prop on our RV-6A here at home - not test flown yet but things are progressing well for a return to participation next year.

Bob Axsom
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Good luck with the weather...that occluded front looks like something right out of the weather books...and pretty nasty. Seems to be hanging around too. I hope it gets out of your way. Almost looks like going across to MN and then down the backside would be better (but I haven't looked at it closely, so not trying to give advice! :)).

I just hope you guys can get there so I can chase ya (even if you get smaller instead of bigger!) Looking forward to seeing the secret mod (so I can steal it!)

Can you post your iPhone ID so we can follow ya (if you run Tracklog along the way). Thanks!

Bob, looking forward to seeing you out with the new prop next year! And you're right, it looks like a very fast field. Can't wait to see what Mark's IO-550 EVO can do flat out!!

Of to the airport soon...see ya on the way!

....Break a leg:D:D

The best,

Pierre, thanks...and when are you getting in on this stuff...can't be too many guys as good at flying low and fast as you! :D

Even if you step up to an RV-10, I can see you fine-tuning it to make it a fast one (and the low part is half the fun, as you know, even if these Rockets scream away...and we can get some of them! ;)).

Here in Indy, the rain has stopped and the ceilings are up around 5-6K. Hopefully, Tom and Wayne can sneak out.
Looking Better

Glad to hear the weather ahead is looking better for Tom and Wayne over Indiana. Here in northwest Arkansas it is overcast but lifting since the foggy start this morning. The ceiling out my window looks to be 3 to 4 thousand feet. No precip but the surface temp is 41F and I would anticipate some ice in the clouds and the Ozarks here run up over 2,000 feet so a safer way might be to get west of Arkansas and go south through Oklahoma.

Tracking Bob Mills shows his seventh message coming from northeast of Tonopah, NV so he is on his way.

Bob Axsom
part way there

Tom Martin, Wayne Hadath and my self are in Richmond Indiana, looks like we may be here till noon thursday. Can be followed on aprs call sign ve3rvx-9

Glad you guys got in to IN. Looks like the front may have passed you, and once the weather clears, it oughta be a nice trip to TX. The APRS track looks good!

Bob, thanks for following along! SPOT track looks solid (and apparently I left in on, and its still transmitting through the canopy cover! :eek:) The iPhone Tracklog seems to have dropped me about Gallup, even though it look liked it stayed connected throughout.

Our flight went well. Woke up to scattered clouds that filled in some as we drove to the airport. Broken clouds and a teensy bit of snow grains were in the air as we taxied, but it was scattered to the east, so it was an easy climb out and clouds were behind us 25 miles into the flight (no scud running! :)).

Nice turn in Page, where we just missed meeting Harrison Ford, who had just left the same FBO and had started his Caravan to depart. We waved as he and another pilot launched in the Caravan and his Beaver (man, nice airplanes!!).

Leg to Roswell was smooth sailing, and we are in Alien central for the night. Shared the hotel van with a lady pilot who was traveling around the country (from her home in Alaska) in her C-170. Now that's a cross-country!

Launching from ROW tomorrow (thurs) after a visit to the Alien Museum. Hoping the weather at Taylor holds through tomorrow afternoon. I see the race has been postponed to SAT afternoon, due to weather forecasts for Friday, to allow for Saturday morning arrivals as needed.

Off to dinner, and to look for UFOs! :D

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Today appears to be the easy day to get into Taylor

It is 0620 CST and I just walked outside to get the newspaper. It is clear and visibility is unrestricted here in the northwest Arkansas area. The stars are still clearly visible but fading with the approaching sunrise. The National Weather Service satellite view of the area is still black but the prog charts show no precip on the route to Taylor until it comes into that southern Texas area this evening and it stays there through Friday. If I were going I would leave this morning at a reasonable time am make an easy flight of it to Taylor. Spend the day on Friday touring Austin, especially visiting the LBJ Museum/Library. If the "Duck" ride is still running that would be a way to have the city shown to you and come home with an extremely loud mouth operated duck call.

Bob Axsom
I Got...

a call about an hour ago stating there were 5 or 6 race planes on the ground but I have not been out to seen who's in...
at taylor

,tom martin, Wayne Hadath, Gary Wilcox, Bob mills, Jim winnings are all on the ground in Taylor. We were met by Mark Fredrick and Cheryl with pizza and beer in hand......now thats hospitable and appreciated alot !!

,tom martin, Wayne Hadath, Gary Wilcox, Bob mills, Jim winnings are all on the ground in Taylor. We were met by Mark Fredrick and Cheryl with pizza and beer in hand......now thats hospitable and appreciated alot !!

GREAT NEWS! Thanks for spreading the word. This kind of arrival accounting is very stimulating to interested fans like me.

Bob Axsom
As Gary said, 3 Rockets and 2 RVs are in Taylor ahead of the weather (which has been holding pretty nicely).

Before launching from Roswell, my son Cory and I visited the UFO Museum, visited a couple gifts shops, laughed about all the street lamps having alien eyes on them. Said good-bye to the very nice folks at the FBO, Great Western Aviation, and blasted off for Taylor. Nice flight, decent tailwinds, and clear skies till about 35 miles out. Had to drop to 3500' to get below the thin broken clouds, but great vis below, and no issues getting into Taylor.

Here's a pic yesterday of Cory, with "Indiana Jones'es" airplanes in the background:


And here's one of my little copilot taking a little breather, after Dad woke him up a little early today!...souvenir hat in place of course!:


Once in Taylor, we grabbed a little gas, and since the weather is supposed to be @#$%^ tomorrow, we ran the course for practice and to get some visual bearings. As I ran from turn 3 to turn 4, I heard a Rocket calling over Cameron airport (Turn 4), in a way that sounded like he was also running the course. So I said "who's in the Rocket", and it was Wayne Hadath, who was running it with Tom and Gary. We all ran by Mark Frederick's house (F1 Boss and race host...it's the start finish as well), then parked in a line at Taylor.

As we were buttoning up, as Gary said, Mark and his wife Cheryl drove up with pizza and frosties, and we had a good time meeting, greeting, and looking over the airplanes. Wayne put on his "secret mod", a new set of flat wingtips. I may have to sneak out there after midnight and swap them onto my airplane, as we have the same wing (do ya think he'll notice!) :D

Here's a look at his nice F1 Rocket and those tips:

Here's the early arrival group. Front row, Cheryl Frederick and Cory, back row, L-R, Terry Jantzi (multiple RV-4 and Rockets, inventer of the Rocket Steering Link), Mark Frederick (F1 Rocket Boss), Gary Wilcox (RV-7), Wayne Hadath (F1 Rocket, current owner of the Rocket Steering Link biz), Tom Martin (F1 EVO Rocket...his 4th Rocket I believe), yours truly (RV-S6):

Shortly after the pic was taken, Jim rolled up in his beautiful yellow F1, and Mark and Cheryl carted us all to the hotel, where the cooler was set up on the balcony for more story telling before dinner. Here's Terry, Wayne and Tom prepping racing strategies...yeah, that's it, racing strategies! ;)

Should be a fun few days, and we're all looking forward to seein the other racers roll into town. The ice chests will be full and waiting for them (and for any fans that want to fly in and join the fun!)

Will keep you up on the video, live tracker and other goings-on!

Race 43
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Update Request

Anyone else make it in yet? How's the weather? Is the live video coverage still in work? We have to make treatment trips every afternoon during the week but will be ready to camp on the Computer for the race. If it is delayed I will go to the airport and work on the right brake.

Bob Axsom

Woke up to steady light rain, so I doubt anyone else has flown in yet. Last I heard, race start is 3pm Saturday, to allow for am arrivals.

Video is still in work. I believe Mike Thompson is working the internet connectivity at Macho Grande today, and we're all available to help as needed.

Will post more as it develops, but tomorrow's forecast looks good so far.

Thanks Bob

What I saw on the Aviation Weather Center yesterday indicated this would be the case weatherwise.

It is great of you to provide this feedback. I will plan to work on the brake in the morning and set up to monitor the race as best I can at 15:00 CST unless I hear about other arrangements.

Bob Axsom
another viewer

I was going to try to make it for the race on Sat. Am but am now stuck in a BIG weather mess at SFO. Can't get to the plane as planned tonight. Hope they can get some video from the start/finish line too. Good luck and safe race to those whose get there.

Chris M RACE34
Mike Thompson's eve of Rocket 100 2009 message

Well, it's Friday and it's raining cats and dogs and armadillos here in Central

The Canadian contengent made it in yesterday, as did Bob Mills (Race 43!) from
Reno, NV.

There have been a couple of more drops due to weather. We're at 28 and holding.

The weather forecast is also holding to clear tonight and have abundant sunshine
tomorrow and Sunday. All you have to do is get here!

Live video streaming will happen for at least the brief and awards ceremony.
Still working technical details to stream from the start and finish line. The
brief is 1500 Central time tomorrow and we'll probably be live before that.
Check in to Justin.TV/sportairrace starting at 1300 or so (Central time). If we
cannot stream the start and finish, we'll tape it and put some kind of edited
version up on YouTube.

It's going to be a good time!

See ya!

- Mike
Tracking Race#109 and #43

Tom Martin EVO Rocket and Bob Mills Rocket 6 are in flight and I am following their progress.

Bob Axsom
Tom has made turn 1 and Bob is not far behind

Tom has made turn 1 and Bob is not far behind however Tom (Race 109) is running at 402 km/hr to Bob's (Race 43) 373 km/hr.

Bob Axsom
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How was it?

How was it for you Darrell? In addition to the ones I checked off in the other thread with an asterisk, who all showed up? I saw Cam's note the he got to within a few miles and had to give up.

Bob Axsom

I think Mike said we had 18 planes... really feel bad for Cam making it all that way and being stranded a few miles out. Dick did well with his Glasair III too! For my first race, I feel we did okay. I didn't have time to put waypoints in the GPS so we just flew what I thought would be a tight course. Locating the dome was my biggest issue... otherwise I feel we did good.
We had head winds for much of the course until the last long leg and we were able to pick up a little tail wind. Vis was fair to good, ceilings dropping towards the end of the race. John Huft rented a car and showed up too.
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Greg Nelson showed...


Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR-20 "Plane Jane" FAC3FX
Race 456 AnnElise Bennett Cessna 182 "X-Ray" FAC3FX
Thanks Darrell

Good for you on completing the first race OK. Usually, to win it is essential to have the waypoints in before the race and use an autopilot with altitude hold to fly an absolutely straight great circle route course between way points. Disengage the autopilot close in to the turns so you can rack it around and head outbound on the right heading, re-engage the autopilot and set for the desired track and altitude to the next waypoint depending on winds and terrain. I make up wind/altitude charts for each leg using excel spreadsheets and I make up race checksheets with all of the turn requirements, like required calls, altitude, frequencies, and outbound heading, etc. It is fun, exciting and challenging all at once. See you next year.

Bob Axsom
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Next time I will program the GPS... I see for sure this will help. For "my little ole 320" I used 11 gallons of fuel total from start and hold in line to finish and was about 4 mph behind Mike. I'm still very dirty, no nose gear fairing, ELT ant flopping the wind, no tape etc. I guess you could say I was not totally ready as to speed mods and tape.
just running would be fun. I might have to try it some day.

Darrell, toss in a few mods and you can get most improved next time
Absolutely a great race and a great time!

Well, that was a blast!! My second race, and it I'm even more hooked! It was a very well run race by Mike, and a very fun course to run! We definitely missed racers John Huft, Cam Benton, Chris Murphy and the others that were not able to make it...despite their monumental efforts to get to Taylor!

Mike hasn't yet posted the official results on the SARL page, but I recall the RV Blue and Sport FX speeds (+/-). Please consider them prelim (all are in knots):

In RV Blue, Gary Wilcox ran 186 in his RV-7, and Mike Thompson ran (about) 176 in his 6. Mike had some funny comments when Gary passed him (like, "enjoy this...last time it'll happen!") :) He was a good sport!

In Sport FX, Tom Martin ran a very fast 222, Greg Nelson ran 217, Wayne Hadath ran 215, Mark Frederick ran 210, and I ran 208. Mark started right behind me, and my goal was to not have him pass me. Came close, and he was closing the whole way, but he didn't quite get me...so I considered it a victory, as that EVO is a mighty fine airplane. His cooling was good, but he held back on the RPM a little in the beginning, as he was testing the capabilities of his IO-550/MT combo. But is was fun keeping the press on all the way to see if I could hold him off! Probably too much fun!

Everyone had a great time, and the pre-race and post-race camraderie and food were superb. Can't say enough about the hospitality shown by Mark and Cheryl Frederick, or about the really nice job Mike and his race support staff did. Just awesome job by all!! The awards ceremony was fun too, and I'll let Mike publish the Gold, Silver and Bronze overall season winners!

Thanks for watching the trackers...glad to hear that it worked! Not sure what happened to the video, as it looked like it was working just before the race. The lighting was a bit poor with the cloud cover, but it would have been fun to see all the airplanes taking off. We'll keep working the multi-media to share the fun!

Just gotta say to the VAF gang...this is a really fun way to enjoy our RVs and Rockets! Some of us were discussing afterwards what a great time racing is, and were wondering why we didn't have 100 RVs in the field. We all agreed that its not just about the speed (heck, I'm in a class I will have a hard time winning, but it's fun just to give it a try!). Its much more about getting out of town on a nice X-C, enjoying a BBQ with some great folks, and getting to fly low and fast under safe, well-briefed, and controlled circumstances (low is optional). The racers are professional but laid-back, and everyone pulls for each other, and helps each other out. If you've thought about SARL racing at all, give it a try, and you'll likely be hooked as well! Keep an eye on the SARL site at: http://www.sportairrace.org/index.html and 'cmon out to race next season! It's just more fun than oughta be legal! :D

Congratulations guys.....

...and thanks, Bob, for keeping us informed....maybe my -10 will be the first 4 place RV to race next year:)

The best,
Results are posted

Results By Class

Race# Name Class StartTime FinishTime ElapsedTime Speed MPH Speed KTS

Race DG1 Dick Gossen Sport 0:00:00 0:34:40 0:34:40 264.90 230.19

Race 109 Tom Martin Sport FX 0:01:07 0:36:59 0:35:52 256.04 222.49
Race 22 Greg Nelson Sport FX 0:02:10 0:38:54 0:36:44 250.00 217.24
Race 14 Wayne Hadath Sport FX 0:02:35 0:39:42 0:37:07 247.41 215.00
Race 58 Mark Frederick Sport FX 0:03:34 0:41:26 0:37:52 242.51 210.74
Race 43 Bob Mills Sport FX 0:03:02 0:41:18 0:38:16 239.98 208.54

Race 91 Bruce Hammer FX Blue 0:09:56 0:45:08 0:35:12 260.89 226.70
Race 73 Steve Hammer FX Blue 0:01:53 0:38:36 0:36:43 250.11 217.34

Race 57 Gary Wilcox RV Blue 0:04:39 0:47:29 0:42:50 214.39 186.30
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV Blue 0:04:20 0:49:35 0:45:15 202.94 176.35

Race 007 Darrell Reiley RV Red 0:07:04 0:53:26 0:46:22 198.06 172.11

Race 83 David Adams Sprint 0:06:50 0:51:47 0:44:57 204.30 177.53

Race A36 Scott Slocum FAC1RG 0:05:55 0:50:32 0:44:37 205.82 178.86
Race 193 Bobby Bennett FAC1RG 0:09:19 0:54:34 0:45:15 202.94 176.35

Race 448 Jim Porter FAC3FX 0:11:02 1:03:15 0:52:13 175.87 152.82
Race 456 AnnElise Bennett FAC3FX 0:11:21 1:09:44 0:58:23 157.29 136.68

Race 112 Stu Morse FAC4FX 0:08:55 1:01:55 0:53:00 173.27 150.57
Results Message from Mike Thompson

I received the message below when I got up at 07:06 this morning. There is a good photo of the Season Champs and the results at www.sportairrace.org.

Bob Axsom

Good Morning, Race Nuts.

I want you to know that yesterday was a perfect example of the "Thrill of
victory and the agony of defeat" for the last SARL race of the year.

Many were thrilled by their victories, but we all suffered the agony of defeat
by the weather, when several members got sooooooo close - yet were unable to get
to the race.

George Fisher made it as far as Corsicana (from Newark, DE, would you believe?)
before he was forced to seek the safety of a clear airport 90 miles away from
Cam Benton came down from Lubbock and snooped around for 4 hours trying to find
a path into the race. He wound up making that 180 degrees turn and going home.
John Huft came in from Pagosa Springs, CO and got as far as Lake Way - about a
15 minute hop from Taylor - where he found there was just no ceiling to get that
last little bit - so he got a car and DROVE TO THE EVENT!
Now THAT's the correct expression of "get-there-itis".
Greg Nelson came all the way from California and shot the approach to
Georgetown, not being able to get into Taylor. He waited... we waited... and he
finally show up in a blaze of smoke and glory, streaking down the runway in a
low pass Hiya HereIAm run.

In all we lost nearly half the registered field but ran 17 ships. The weather
was just... obnoxious, but did stay West of the North-South I-35, so that
everything East of that highway was sufficient to race.
And so we did.

I have posted the results and one picture from the awards ceremony - the
National Champions for the 2009 race season.

More will be posted and the points will be updated in the next few days. You
know how this goes...

It was a bitter-sweet ending to the season. I'd much rather have had the 30
registered ships race in clear blue skies, but we are slaves to the weather as
few other sports. As I look outside now I cannot see the tops of the neighbor's
trees for the fog.

More words and pictures later, but for now I must get back out to the airport
for breakfast with the field (hosted by Mark and Cheryl Frederick).
Sure wish more of you were able to be here, but there is always next year!


- Mike
The competitors, their airplane types and classes

Of the 33 racers that originally registered to race these 17 were able to make it to Taylor and fly in the race:

Race # Name Aircraft Class
Race DG1 Dick Gossen Glasair III Sport
Race 14 Wayne Hadath F1 Rocket "Little Bit" Sport FX
Race 22 Greg Nelson F1 Rocket "X-Ray" Sport FX
Race 43 Bob Mills RV-Super 6 "Rocket Six" Sport FX
Race 58 Mark Frederick EVO Rocket "Pesky!" Sport FX
Race 109 Tom Martin EVO Rocket "Evo One" Sport FX
Race 73 Steve Hammer Glasair I TD "White Fang" FX Blue
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD "Red Dog" FX Blue
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue
Race 57 Gary Wilcox RV-7 RV Blue
Race 007 Darrell Reiley RV-7A "Rowdy One" RV Red
Race 83 David Adams Long EZ "Lawn Dart" Sprint
Race A36 Scott Slocum Bonanza A36 FAC1RG
Race 193 Bobby Bennett Bonanza S35 FAC1RG
Race 729 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 "Trixie" FAC1RG
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR-20 "Plane Jane" FAC3FX
Race 456 AnnElise Bennett Cessna 182 "X-Ray" FAC3FX
Race 112 Stu Morse Grumman AA5B "Tiger Lily" FAC4FX

a doctor quick, I'm already having withdrawal symptoms!!! :eek: This stuff is highly addictive. :D

And as Bob Axsom stated "It is good to see Darrell Reiley (RV-7A Race# 007) in the RV Red class - he will have his hands full against the two RV-4s, especially Cam Benton's Race proven #41". I guess we're out of luck from now on... :)
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Darrell You should continue to do well next year

Darrell You should continue to do well next year. Historically, Cam Benton and Chris Murphy have been strong contenders in the RV Red class with often raced RV-4s but they have not made all of the races s-o-o-o-o-o if you can make all of them I suspect you will be in contention for one of those big overall championship trophies. In the worst case if all three of you compete in a race and you finish last you are probably going to be third place and get 60 points. In the best case you will get 100 points plus 10 for every racer in the RV Red class that you beat. For some reason racers in the O-320 crowd seem to be rare (probably a little more conservative) so points are plentiful for those who do come to race. I hope to see you in every race next year including the one in Canada - I will try to make them all.

Bob Axsom
Bob... understand fully that the RV4 ship should by all means blow me away. I was sad that Cam, Ivan and Chris did not make the race... and I'm sure being an RV7A racing against RV4's, I will have my hands full. :)
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