Darn it you Boys (and Louise, etc)

I am sat in Mammoth Lakes, walking trails and drinking darned fine wine. So close but a while a way, about to head south via Lone Pine back to Vegas.......

This year, Reno is just too far north for our Doris to face driving !

I do hope you have safe racing, a great meet up and many, many lies and tall stories !

Next year per chance folks :D

Support the races!

It may be even more difficult to get in this year "after hours" because more activities are reportedly being planned by RARA after the daily races end. This is the first year of the after hours shows , as the years progress they expect to have nightly concerts, and so on. Trying to give the folks a little more for their ticket price, I understand. All these nightly activities require a daily pass to attend. Good luck. Dan

Hopefully without sounding like I'm preaching, I really would like to encourage the folks planning on *just* attending the Reno RV Rendezvous to go ahead and purchase a ticket and pit pass to come enjoy the afternoon of the air show and races. I'm a long time fan/spectator and first time competitor of the races and I feel that this is truly a unique and one of a kind event. If you've never seen or heard the gold class unlimited planes run in anger at 500 mph speeds, it is truly a site and sound to behold. However, for the races to survive and continue into the future they really need the support of the public in the form of ticket purchases and attendance. So again, if you're planning to show up at the party please support the races if you can.

"Sport 80"
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80 folks are signed up online, I figure another 15 or 20 local strap hangers so it appears we might just have the makings for a good burgers and beer get together. I have had a couple or three folks sign up for the party but thinking it is Friday night, (tonight). To disabuse anyone from thinking that, final word on the subject, it is Saturday night, 19 Sep (tomorrow night for those retirees who don't use a calendar anymore). Open for business (eatin' and drinkin') as soon as the last Jet lands. Dan
Need ride back to JA Nugget

Is anyone staying at the JA Nugget? The shuttle stops running one hour after the races end, would anyone want to share a (cab or personal vehicle) ride with two RV ladies from Texas? Text us at 361-549-4433
Dan - now that Osh 2016 is out of the way, let's talk about the next gathering. Any chance we are going to see a repeat this year at your hangar?
My wife Marilyn and I will be there, perhaps 2 friends as well. (they like RVs)
Just let me rev up the old "Way Back Machine" !!
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Looking for a ride back to town...

The hubby and I have been using the buses to get between the airport and the Grand Sierra, but they only run for 1 hr after the last race. Is anyone going back that way with 2 empty seats tonight?
Katie: We go right by the GSR on our way home. If you can't get a ride with anyone else, you are welcome. It may be a little later after we clean up some. Dan from Reno
Dan, it was nice to meet you and your family. It was a great way to meet fellow builders and relax in the shade.

Thanks to you and everyone that worked to make it happen!