I've just known about John. I'm shocked and deeply sad.

We met at Oshkosh last year and I?ll always remember him as a very kind guy and a great aviator with a big smile for everyone.


My only encounter with Jon was when I stopped by his hangar one day and he proceeded to give me a thorough rundown on his RV-8, his vegetable oil smoke system, an RV-7A in the same hangar, RV's in general, and various info about experimental aircraft construction. I certainly appreciated him taking the time to do that for a random newbie.

Clearly a hard working and generous individual who had great enthusiasm for experimental flying.

Cincinnati, OH
Is there any information at all about what happened - was he performing, or practicing aerobatics, or was this a cross country flight?
Very Sad

My deepest thoughts and prayers for Jon's family and close friends. Jon was definitely one who I admired in the VAF community.


I never met John, but I have seen the videos and comments about who was and what he was about. Obviously a giving person who lived life to the fullest and loved the people around him. Celebrate his life...

RIP John...

Red line Accident

I didn't know Jon but talked to him occasionally on messenger. Very shocking to hear of his passing. Thoughts and Prayers go out to his family and Ken and his family.

I saw them perform at Sun n Fun in 2017. They were without a doubt the highlight of the show for me; much more interesting than even the blue guys. This news saddens me greatly.
Flag at Butler County Regional Airport


Jon's home airport recognizes the magnitude of the loss. A great aviator, homebuilding ambassador, and friend.
Yesterday was a rough day. I forced myself to work on the RV10 HS. Did not work to well to keep my mind off this tragedy....
I drove right past my hangar entrance at HAO today. Just wasn't up to it. The only reason why I even went over yesterday was to do my chapter presidential duties in a Young Eagles flight weekend. One kid was taking a flight yesterday on his 15th birthday. Made for a very bittersweet day in my mind.

Still in a daze...
I met Jon after he responded to my AOG post just after Christmas 2016. I landed in Ohio for gas flying from NY back to NM. My alternator died when I started up after refueling so I posted my issue and he responded letting me know he had a spare alternator and he was only 20min away. Jon brought the alternator and we put it on my -8. We departed 2 ship and he stayed on my wing for a little while then said "I don't know about you but I'm getting a little low on gas" with a big grin on his face. I laughed and saluted, Jon broke off and headed home. As he turned toward home he said "if you have any issues just come to my airport and I'll have a hangar for you and a place to stay" Just a great guy and happy to help others. I did send his alternator back to him after getting back to NM.

While we were putting the alternator on I asked him how he got into the airshow circuit and his response was "that is a story we can discuss over beers sometime" I never got the chance to hear that story.

Blue skies my friend. I know you will continue to help aviators from above.
In the Spring of 2012, Jon posted that he was traveling to the SF Bay area for a few days, and was interested in meeting up with anyone who might be about. I responded, and a few days later Jon showed up at my hangar at KDWA where I was finishing up my RV-7. Jon gave my project a thorough once-over, which for me was immensely soothing since, though I'd had plenty of eyes on my project, his were the most experienced. And then, before I had a chance to throw up road blocks, he declared my plane ready for a first engine start. The next thing I knew someone had dashed off to buy some gas, I pushed the start button, and it sprang to life.

Jon made another visit to the west coast not long after that, with his wife joining him. My wife and I were fortunate to be able to host them for dinner.

What wonderful people. His enthusiasm and support were a gift. Godspeed, Jon.
A real punch in the gut

Such a loss for the RV community, his family, and friends. Jon was always someone I sought out at SnF and Oshkosh after meeting him at the NC formation clinic when I was a "scary red guy". Truly one of "us" and always smiling and seeming to love life. I'm pretty sure Jon could build an RV in the time I take building an HS. He sure will be missed. Godspeed Jon.
Very sad day

I meet Jon a few years ago when he popped out to the west coast on a layover he was checking out the locals RV?s at Yolo an remarked he?d never flown a RV3,
I told him we can fix that and gave him a quick run down on my -3 and off Jon went into a beautiful blue morning sky for some fun,he landed one hour later with a huge RV grin that said it all! Class act
God speed my friend you will be missed
My condolences to the family
Sad news. I was in HAO the week before and thought about walking down to his hangar to meet him....wish I had.
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I spoke to Jon most every week about his and Ken’s engines, family, friends and everything and anything you can imagine. Like many other folks Jon was my friend and I will miss him. Extending my deepest condolences to Jon’s family, Ken and all the fine KHAO folks.
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Sorry to the family for this great loss.

And sorry to all that knew him well, it shows in this thread the hurt you feel.
I didn't know Jon but he's obviously had a tremendous impact on the RV community. VAF spreads both great and positive RV news for thousands and at other times we learn of such terrible things. Jon now flies with wings built by God himself and they were paid for by a life of sharing a smile, knowledge and a love for aviation with others. Blue skies and tailwinds fellow RVer.

With a respectful heart, my prayers are with the family during these difficult times.
Boy, this one?s a hard one.

I?d heard of Jon ever since I got my 8 and finally met him back in late 09. When he came on our team I got to really know and appreciate his skills, knowledge and that wonderful sense of humor. He was always willing and ready to jump in and help. Jon had such a breadth of experience in aviation and loved sharing it.

We had such a great time flying and playing together. After he got his A&P, I was his first sign off. He flew down to Dahlonega several times to help with major projects and stayed with me and Kari and we laughed a lot. I spent many hours in his hangar at HAO.

He would call driving to or from the airport just to chat and say hi. I?ll miss that.

A great stick with a deep regard for safety. A great person, mentor and friend.

If you have been around aviation very long you?ve lost friends. If you?ve been in the airshow business you?ve been around folks that are so passionate about flying and love what they are doing, it?s hard to magine. Jon was one of those and we all mourn his loss. It never gets easier, but we must remember Jon for who and what he was.

To Deb and his family, we really feel your pain. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Blue skies and tail winds Jon.

Jon was the best friend to all. He was always positive, good spirit, never ever a bad thing nor a negative comment about anyone. He was a pilots pilot always offering encouragement and eager to talk aviation and all related. From flying to flying cargo on DC8's to ferry aircraft around the world w ken and doing maintenance and Avionics mods........he loved it all!. He was fun to be around and loved the airshow circuit but most important he loved all the people he met along the ride. Im going to miss him
Very sad, condolences to family, friends and colleagues. I always pray airshow guys have landings equaling takeoffs. He lived well and passionately.

Terrible, terrible loss..

Tailwinds and blue skies, Jon. Your death has left an empty place in our community and some big shoes to fill.
One of the nicest guys I have ever met. Always willing to give help to a RV8 builder and a smooth classic air show performer.

He will be missed
I did not know Jon but enjoyed his video of him and his daughter, precious memories. Godspeed my friend.
Sad news indeed! Tragic loss for Jon's family, friends, and our RV community....
We always enjoyed watching their night airshow performance.
We will all miss you Jon

Especially at Oshkosh Homebuilt. You were a very humble example of a pilot whose expertise didn't need any explanation. God speed my friend, I'm glad I got to know you even for just a few times our paths crossed

Blue Skies & Tailwinds
Jon really helped me with detailed pictures and dialog on how to accomplish the horizontal stab reinforcement SB on my RV-7. I'm one of thousands that he helped.

Been putting it off since Saturday morning out of sadness and grief, but just watched Haley-batics and Haley-batics2 again. So much fun and so much love shown on those clips!

Jon's family is in our thoughts and prayers. Blue skies and tailwinds, Jon.

Although I never met Jon I feel as though he was a friend, vicariously through the VAF forums. My sincere condolences to his family.

Godspeed from your northern friend
A sad day indeed ...

I can?t add much to the tributes offered here on this thread. One could read the words offered by close friends, casual friends, and even those who never met Jon and get a pretty good idea of who he was. Even though I no longer fly, I check in here nearly every day to see what?s happening in the RV world ? always wondering if I?ll read bad news about a friend.

Two memories of Jon always pop into my head whenever his name came up ? ?Haleybatics? and the time the tornado damaged his plane at Sun-n-Fun. One represented the very best of family bonding in an RV, the other was an example of the very best of the RV community.

We?ll all miss Jon, but the memories he gave each of us will live in our hearts. My condolences to his family.
So Sad to see

I have been shamefully absent from VAF and decided to check the front page out today for the first time in many months. Like others, I?m stunned to see the sad news.

Jon was a mentor of mine vicariously because I never had the pleasure of meeting him. We did exchange emails on RV building subjects and he always had an encouraging word.

It is a real tribute to see that literally every VAF and RV world friend I have has contributed to this thread. That says volumes about the pilot, builder, friend he was to so many.

Blue skies and tailwinds Jon
Add one more to the list of people Jon touched. He has stayed with us in San Diego, I have stayed with him and Deb in OH, we have flown cross country together. Spoke just 4 weeks ago. This one has hit hard.

When we?re all done, he?ll be there waiting for us with that trademark grin of his.

Be safe ya?all.