Well Known Member
Bad news from Culpeper, Virginia the images from an helicopter show one redline crashed and police inform that the pilot passed away.

From Chile our prayers for the pilot, his family and the whole team.

I dont know if was Ken or Jon.
Very Sad Day

I am very sad this morning. It?s 5am. The day has just begun and I learn that the RV community has lost Jon. What a terrible loss. He will be sorely missed!
I pray for his family and all those that loved him. We morn with you.
God bless you.
Very sad

I’m over in the Uk and learned of this a few hours ago.

Very very sad, a huge loss. I bought an engine from Jon a few years back, he was a true gentleman.

So sad and upsetting.
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Jon installed my Garmin panel, was always willing to help me solve problems, and was funny as ****! Great guy--great stick--tragic loss for VAF.

Deepest condolences to his wife, daughter, son, and family.

Billy Bie
What sad news!

John was a great guy, so full of life, always smiling! What a tragedy!

My prayers for John and Ken's families.
Bad Day

Jon flew chase for me for my first flight. I will always remember his smooth and soothing radio communications. It was just right. He always had a smile and a great sense of humor. He will be missed. Condolences to his family.
We lost one of the best last night.

I was on my way to AirVenture last year when Jon called me. Ken had fallen from a scaffolding at a job site and shattered his elbow. Would I step in and lead Redline for the remainder of the season? I had to think on it for about five seconds. And that began one of the most enjoyable flying gigs of my entire life. I met up with Greg Koontz at Oshkosh and took a quick eval to re-qualify for my SAC card and then off to Cincinnati for a few days of practice with Jon. I met Jon and Ken some years earlier at one of the formation clinics we used to host in North Carolina. The two of them eventually landed slots on Team Aerodynamix. The three of us resigned from the team at the end of the 2014 season. They had already been flying their 2-ship air show routine for some time and now they dived into it with such gusto that they soon became a premiere air show act on their own. I was so proud of their accomplishments. I thought I was fully retired until that call from Jon. Now, in a blink of an eye he's gone. I was hoping to awake this morning and discover it was just a bad dream. My thoughts are with Deb and their two grown kids, Alex and Haley.
Tailwinds, Jon.

This has been so tough. Jon was an inspiration to all of us at Butler County Airport and his genuine love of our avocation went far beyond this place. Jon was a true friend. I saw him almost every day, worked with him, and flew with him. He is the reason I’m still involved in building and flying RV’s. He talked me out of giving up on my RV6 build almost 20 years ago when I became frustrated with my progress. He said he would help me finish it, and I barely knew him back then. That has blossomed into a true friendship that cannot be replaced. Please continue to pray for his family.
OMG. So very sorry to read this. Jon and Ken were friends, and helped us move forward in our business. Jon was a great guy, and like Ken, would talk to anyone. He loved what he did, and lived life to the fullest.
Rest peacefully my friend.
Tom and Suzanne
I am in shock this morning. We all just lost one of my most favorite RV related friends and ambassadors to our hobby.



You were a class act Jon! We will miss you!
Mutha was a cool cat, a great human being. Man. A very heavy burden for his teammate, close friends and immediate family. So sorry to hear this.
Good man Jon rest in peace. Never met you thanks for good advice you gave me though the years.
I never met Jon Thocker, but I kept a bookmark of a video he posted years ago of aerobatics with his daughter which was one of my motivations for building an RV. It is illustrative of the joy of the gentleman's aerobatics I one day hope to learn to do, and of clear love between father and daughter. My sincere condolences to his family and many friends.

Very sad to hear, I just talked to him this past Weds about my panel. He was very gracious with his time and gave me some good insight and made some great recommendations. I saw him perform once, amazing pilot.

Condolences to his family and friends, he'll be sorely missed in the RV world.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Debra and his kids as well as his teammate Ken. You will be missed. Rest in peace buddy !!
I’m as stunned as everyone else to hear this horrible news. It’s a very sad time for our RV Community.

This one hurts. Just about everyone here knew of Jon.

Offering up prayers to all the family and friends of our RV friend.

If I hear of news regarding a service I’ll pass it on.
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Oh man, I hated waking up to this this morning. I can't believe it. Great guy for sure. Condolences to everyone in his family. So sorry.
Awful news - every time I saw Jon, he had a smile and a friendly word. A class act as a man, a los for everyone whose life he has touched.

What an awful thing to read first thing this morning! Jon was a helluva pilot and although I never got to meet him, it wasn't hard to see that he was a helluva man. Our sport and aviation will sorely miss him! Condolences to his family and friends!
Such a tragedy. I am one of the countless pilots that he advised about avionics and flying our RVs. Praying for his family during this difficult time.

What sad news. Prayers and Condolences go out to his family and friends. that video of him and his daughter doing some aerobatics steamed me up a bit.

So sad.

This video is what introduced me to Jon - We met at the the Oshkosh RV Social a few years back and told him how I loved it, especially how much fun Haley was having. We chatted about RVs, daughters, and animal rescues.

What a nice man. My heart is heavy.

I never met Jon Thocker, but I kept a bookmark of a video he posted years ago of aerobatics with his daughter which was one of my motivations for building an RV. It is illustrative of the joy of the gentleman's aerobatics I one day hope to learn to do, and of clear love between father and daughter. My sincere condolences to his family and many friends.


Wow. My deepest condolences. I bought my engine from Jon. Although we never met in person, we did have several conversations and I felt he was a very honest man.

I never met Jon but wish I had. I just noticed that his last four or five posts in the forums were replies helping others.

What a legacy for us to remember him by!

My sincerest sympathy to his family, and may all who knew him be blessed with many happy memories of him.
Very very sad news

Jon used to ride his bike around the airport, and stop to talk. I just can't believe it. Will really miss him. As you fly West Jon do a roll for me......
This is a tough one. Jon introduced me to the RV?s and gave me my first RV flight in his RV-8. I was in search of an airplane to buy, and was considering a Sequoia Falco. He asked if I had ever flown an RV. I said no, and he grinned and said, ?Well, we need to fix that!? Twenty minutes later we were off on a whirlwind aerobatic flight that I?ll never forget.

Jon was my introduction to the tight knit RV community...just met up with him and Ken again this year at OSH. We lost one of the very best...

Blue skies, Mutha.
Truly saddened beyond words. Jon was the best of the best...as a friend, a pilot, a performer, and an airshow mentor. An absolute Gentleman, and one of the really, REALLY good guys. Here's that big grin at a show at NAS Kingsville a couple years ago, and the Redline booth at ICAS. My heart goes out to Deb and their Family, and to Ken and the Redline Family. Blue Skies Jon.

Respectfully, Bob


I talked to Jon on the phone and e-mail several times over the years, the first time he just called to relay the story of how he got hooked on RV?s, years earlier my good friend Lee McDaniel had given him a ride in his RV-4, (I bought Lee?s RV-4 in 05) he told the same story many RV pilots have told me about their first RV ride with Lee. I always liked hearing his voice on the phone, he always seemed very energized and excited about anything he might call about and RV?s in general. Prayers go out to his family and friends!
This truly hurts. Jon was an advisor, friend, and all around great guy to all of us. There are no words. This one doesn?t hit close to home, it hits home. Not seeing his permanent smile scurrying around the airport on his bike is really going to be missed. Fly free, Jon. We?ll all see you in the skies again, some day.

Jon, on his bike cruising around Butler Co. airport stopping by to see how different builds were going, that is my lasting image. Jon was my RV professor
and my RV4 is flying today because of him. Thanks Jon.
Jon brought some of the guys over to OVO years ago and did a formation routine. He took one of our old WWII pilots for his last ride. Most gracious and fine gentleman. Deeply saddened.

I had never met the man, but have enjoyed watching their night time shows in particular! A very sad day for the community...

Godspeed Jon!
This is a sad day. I met Jon and Ken in 2014 when they were just getting their act going. I think I saw one of their first night shows that weekend in addition to their day show. There were so many UFO reports from that night.....We all got a good laugh from that.

That was the weekend I knew I would build an RV-8. I saw them both at OSH this year in the Lycoming booth but they were giving an interview at the time so I didn't want to bother them. I regret not saying hello at the time.

RIP Jon, prayers to your family in this difficult time and to Ken and his family as well.
Wow I didn’t know Jon either but loved his video flying aeros with his daughter Hayley.

Condolences to the family, what a sad event.

Talked to Jon at the last few Oshkosh years, he was always smiling. Watching the Redline night show was a highlight of the week.

The Haley-batics videos are great, and show the loves of a father and daughter.

Jon Thocker is a pilot hero of mine. He will be missed.


I met Jon at a time when he was on leave from his job as commercial pilot. I was interested in buying or building a RV-8. A mutual friend, "Bud Newhouse" told me that he happened to know a guy who was between jobs and was just finishing up building a airplane and might be interested in building another. Shortly after Gordon Davis "builder rv-7a" and i flew to a fly in at Lee Bottom 64I. Jon and several River Rats showed up. We were introduced. I proceeded to tell him that i was interested in buying or Building a RV-8. He asked me if i had ever flown one. I said no. He said before i get that far into it i probably should fly one first. We set a date and he took me for flight that i will never forget. I had to have one! By the end of that day Jon said he would help me and i decided to order my kit. Jon asked me, if i thought i should think about it first. I responded with absolutely not. I've wanted to have a airplane like this for a while now. Jon and i spent almost every day together for 1 1/2 years. He was unbelievable. If it wasn't for Jon i don't think i would have built. He taught me everything. His willingness to help others was unmatched. For the last 9 years he has always been there for me. No matter how busy he got he always had time to help. I cant tell you how much i will miss my friend. Last time i talked to him was at Oshkosh. I told him how impressed i was by his flying ability and building a air show business with Ken. He responded by telling me that he was proud to see how far i have come as well. He and Ken never got too busy to talk with us comoners! lol He will be greatly missed. My prayers for Debbie and their family. I cant imagine what they are going through.

Thank You Jon!, your the best friend one could ever have. Clear blue sky's and tail winds my friend.

Jim Wilson
Sad ..... So sad

What a painful loss. One of the great ones has left us.

So many great memories.
(On the ground and in the air.)

Just one of MANY indicators of the person he was ... I flew up to his airport and bought an RV8 (that he recommended I see) from someone he knew, based simply on his word.

RIP Jon.

Prayer for the family.