Tail light?

I have been following this thread, and wonder why little has been said about the rear limit COG. With the -12, crew ahead of the COG is unusual. Thanks Joe for your spreadsheet. I fiddled around with it, and it confirmed my expectation that with full fuel, max bags and a 155 lb pilot, no pax, the CG is right on the rear limit. Vans has nailed it again (or that's where they derived the figure - just joking!).
Perhaps that is the objective anyone fitting another type of engine needs to meet before settling on a length for the engine mount that gets the CG behind the forward limit.
Just a thought.....
Jab 2200 W&B

Just FYI, the Jabiru2200 RV12 in the current form is "NOSE HEAVY" with a 200lb pilot and 5 gallon of fuel (CG is @ 79.9"). It takes 9 gallon of fuel in the tank to get the CG within Van's limit(between 80.49"-85.39"). The CG with 9 gallon fuel & 200 lbs pilot is 80.6".

You can run the numbers yourself(& most likely have run them) but to me the jabiru 2200 is way too nose heavy. Imagine only flying with 11 gallons of fuel(including reserve) to be safe :confused:
Please be safe!

There is mention in the KitPlanes Dec 2011 article that the Jab 2200 was located 4 inches farther forward than ideal for W&B to allow the same cowling to be used for a follow on Jab 3300 installation.

(dont mean to get thread off topic- but refers to prior response on Jab 2200 W&B)
Fiveniner, look at the pictures of teh Jabiru2200 mount and it is evident that there is definitely space for the extra two cylinders of the 3300 keeping the same distance from the firewall to the prop. To do this you will shorten the mount as Oren mentions but you are also adding another 20-30 pounds to the nose.

So what you have now is an even more nose heavy plane. The firewall is about 45" from the datum and even if you add a 25lbs weight at 40" from the datum corresponding to the 3300'd added weight the CG worsens from 78.8" for 2200 to 77.5" for 3300.

Again, to me the engine mount needs to take care of the W&B on paper first, once that is in place you calculate what your firewall can support and then once you are satisfied going back and forth with these two considerations......make the engine mount. Just my 2 cents worth!

I hope this helps as this will decide between a safe plane and a hot rod!


There is mention in the KitPlanes Dec 2011 article that the Jab 2200 was located 4 inches farther forward than ideal for W&B to allow the same cowling to be used for a follow on Jab 3300 installation.

(dont mean to get thread off topic- but refers to prior response on Jab 2200 W&B)
Sensennich 64" Prop


Just installed on 260Is
New mount!

Al, good to hear that the new mount will be in shortly. Good luck!
The prop looks good!

For those who may not have seen it, EAA has a webinar just posted on the UL Power engines. Interestingly they have Sebastian Heinz on there from Zenith talking about flying the CH 650 (similar to the -12) down to Sebring with the top of the line UL Power engine in it. It sounds like he didn't have any real problems with power or speed. His fuel burn was a little higher at 75% power than the Rotax though. Anyway at least there are some real numbers and experience flying it cross country from MO to FL and back.

The video is posted here:
UL Power Update

Currently installing the Baffling and Oil heat exchanger.
The Jabiru cowl has required extra work to get a good fit.
UL Power is working on a better cowl designed to work with the UL Power Plant.
We should be geting it inspected the first week of June.
The wings go to paint this week.
Will post progress pictures later tonight on Picassa Web.
We will host a 732 EAA Chapter meeting on 20 May at 2PM at our hangar.
Robert Helms of UL Power will be providing a presentation of their products at the meeting.
Currently installing the Baffling and Oil heat exchanger.
The Jabiru cowl has required extra work to get a good fit.
UL Power is working on a better cowl designed to work with the UL Power Plant.
We should be geting it inspected the first week of June.
The wings go to paint this week.
Will post progress pictures later tonight on Picassa Web.
We will host a 732 EAA Chapter meeting on 20 May at 2PM at our hangar.
Robert Helms of UL Power will be providing a presentation of their products at the meeting.

Does UL Power plan to offer their own FWF kit for the RV12?
RV12 Status

We sent the wings in for paint last week.
We should have them back by Friday in time for our EAA 732 Chapter meeting Sunday at KEOS 2 PM. Lunch will be served.
Anyone in the area is invited to attend.
Robert Helms of UL Power will be making a Power Point presentation.
We are finishing the cowl and canopy fiberglass work. The painter should be getting the Fuselage this week. We will post pictures soon.
The 732 EAA Chapter meeting went well last Suinday.
Robert Helms gave a well received power point to about 70 attendees.

New pictures link https://picasaweb.google.com/111690756223683866568/ScrapbookPhotos#

Once again, I LOVE the cowling! :D I don't know why, but I am a sucker for cowlings that have that traditional look to them. :)
Weight and Balance UL Power RV 12

We did the W$B today with auto pilot, full interior etc.

The total weight is now 769

Nose 165 lbs
Left Main 300 lbs
Right Main 304 lbs

Moment 61610.50
Empty CG 80.33

The empty weight has grown from 697 to 767 lbs WOW what an increase
those nice to have refinements really add up.
Last edited:
Al, your plane is looking great. Nice work. You and Ms. Al should be very proud! (sorry Ms. Al, I didn't know your name!)
I thought about you today remembering you were a retired Army Warrant Officer when I was talking to my son. He is an Army pilot doing some training in the AH-64D in Arizona. He was telling me about the amazing panel they have. I think the Apache must be the RV in the helicopter world!

Keep us up to date on your build. I am very anxious to see your data on the UL. It is such a pretty engine.

Brenda is the primary builder of this one.

I am the assistant. Yes, she is very proud of the RV she is putting together.

Van's has done a great job manufacturing the kit and providing world class support.

We believe the marriage of the UL engine to the airframe will enhance our flying experience's.

She has scheduled the AW Inspection in two weeks.

Brenda's RV12 " N495BA"
Brenda is the primary builder of this one.

I am the assistant. Yes, she is very proud of the RV she is putting together.

Van's has done a great job manufacturing the kit and providing world class support.

We believe the marriage of the UL engine to the airframe will enhance our flying experience's.

She has scheduled the AW Inspection in two weeks.

Brenda's RV12 " N495BA"

Congratulations to Brenda! And you?re assistant AL!
Well, I am glad to learn Brenda's name. She looks like she is having a good time in all the pictures AND she looks like she knows what she is doing! Nice work Brenda, and Al for helping!
1st Flight RV12 /UL Power 260iS

Passed the AW Inspectiom last Friday.
We have done some taxi and full power testing, propeller adjustment etc.
Finsihed tonight the last few items in preparation for the first flight.
Ready to go in the morning if the weather is cooperative.
Will post a PIREP once we have the data available.
Have a good flight!

Al and Brenda, Have a great flight. Long time coming - let us know how much fun it is!!
Passed the AW Inspectiom last Friday.
We have done some taxi and full power testing, propeller adjustment etc.
Finsihed tonight the last few items in preparation for the first flight.
Ready to go in the morning if the weather is cooperative.
Will post a PIREP once we have the data available.

Great way to spend the fourth! Have fun!!
First Flight of N495BA Completed

The aircraft flew today. It was choppy but the aircraft handled it well
The entire system was a pleasure to fly. The controls were just right.
The UL Power engine was very delightful no problems or issues.
We will be adjusting the prop for a little more pitch and installing the main gear wheel pants and cuffs.
We will be posting pictures soon.
What a great platform!
Thanks for the update

Thanks for the update. It must have been exciting and a fun flight. I have been following your UL power engine with great interest. Thanks for going the extra mile trying out something new. Now, happy flying ahead for you two!!
UL Power Flight.

The aircraft flew today. It was choppy but the aircraft handled it well
The entire system was a pleasure to fly. The controls were just right.
The UL Power engine was very delightful no problems or issues.
We will be adjusting the prop for a little more pitch and installing the main gear wheel pants and cuffs.
We will be posting pictures soon.
What a great platform!

Well Congradulations on your First flight to you both after all that pioneering work you have done..! Looking forward to some Pics when you can and later when things have settled down some Perfomance numbers Re both Airframe & Engine etc. Once again Congrads & Happy Flying!!
Outstanding!! So glad to hear you got it up in the air. I dont suppose KVBT is in your Phase I area is it? ;)
Flight testing

Over all the aircraft and engine are performing as advertised.
The engine is very smooth and easy to operate.
The cylinder temps are in the 260 to 280 F @ 95 to 100 F ambient.
The main issue is the Oil temps. They are higher than I want.
We are in the process of trying different solutions.
Since this cowl was a not specifically designed for this combination, we were not able to mount the Heat exchanger in the best possible location for airflow.
I see the Rotax may be having similar issues per another post.
Ul Power is in the process of having a cowl made specifically to meet the engine and airframe. We plan to be at Oshkosh with the aircraft.
Stop by to see if possible we welcome the feedback.

Well I can verify it made it to Oshkosh, got to chat with Al and Brenda while there. Sure seemed to be a nice combination.
UL Power Engine.

We are still waiting on delivery of a new designed cowl.
The vendor made the needed measurements in early Oct.
Our understanding is that it will sent soon for us to fit.
We made a change to the oil cooling which seems to have solved the high oil temps.
The plane is down now for changes to the larger sky-view screen and the landing gear modification.
Overall we are very pleased with its performance and support.

Brenda and AL

We are still waiting on delivery of a new designed cowl.
The vendor made the needed measurements in early Oct.
Our understanding is that it will sent soon for us to fit.
We made a change to the oil cooling which seems to have solved the high oil temps.
The plane is down now for changes to the larger sky-view screen and the landing gear modification.
Overall we are very pleased with its performance and support.

Brenda and AL

Good to hear Brenda & Al can you give us some Fuel flow & Performance figures now to compare to a Rotax Installation? I am still in mind for a the UL Power for my RV 12 eventually
Performance data

Hi Brenda.
I'm also looking for comparison numbers against the Rotax. Is there a firewall fwd kit in our future? If the numbers are acceptable I suspect the market might be considerable...especially if it is done as complete and turnkey as the Vans kit.
Good luck with the gear mods - I just got my kit yesterday!
Dick Gossen
[email protected]
UL Power 260Is

Hi Brenda.
I'm also looking for comparison numbers against the ROTAX. Is there a firewall fwd kit in our future? If the numbers are acceptable I suspect the market might be considerable...especially if it is done as complete and turnkey as the Vans kit.
Good luck with the gear mods - I just got my kit yesterday!
Dick Gossen
[email protected]

We will compile numbers once we get flying again in January.
Contact Robert Helms at ULPower.net as they are working with a vendor on a firewall FWD package.


Brenda and AL Smith