I'll be there with a couple of guests. We won't be at the races on Saturday, but were planning on showing up right as the races end. How can we get to the party?
I'll be there with a couple of guests. We won't be at the races on Saturday, but were planning on showing up right as the races end. How can we get to the party?

Go in the gate on Alpha, at the cross street Mt. Anderson. Stay straight ahead, last hangar on your left.


Listed as "participant drive in entrance" in this photo.

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Access through gate.

Dan, Bob, et al ------ has anyone done anything toward notifying the gate staff of late arrivals ????

I know this was done a few years back, and they let us in without having a ticket---------after racing done for the day of course.
Mike: I'll see what I can do tomorrow. The volunteer gate staff changes about twice a day during the races. Sometime after the races end, Rent-a-Cops take over for the rest of the night. Anyway, I'll give it a go, maybe they can be persuaded with a hamburger. Dan
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Hey Dan - all is not lost! Greg and Julia left 9 cans of PBR in the garage that they said might have been left over from a previous R3 - we can bring that along!

Does PBR have a vintage?

Please, please, get rid of this stuff. Dan is willing to drink almost anything, so give them to him!
Guys: Here is the latest word from the security folks at Reno Stead. Don't start the BBQ until after 1700L due to increased FAA presence since the incident two years ago. The head Race Security guy said the TFR is up until 1700L and ramp security remains in place until then. What actually happens, I've told, is Race Control gives the airfield back to Stead tower at 1700 when the TFR goes down. Don't quite know what a BBQ has to do with a TFR but anyway, no BBQ until after 1700L tomorrow. The better news is that the Gate 3 entry will let people in with no wrist band to WALK from Gate 3 to my hangar, no cars, you are going to a BBQ at Hangar MA-7 are the magic words. Anyhoo, that is how it is supposed to work. My crew and I (wife) will beat feet as soon as allowed and get the set up going. Find someone to bother for a while and mosey on down after 1700. 3 cases of cheap beer and 1 case of Sam's Club no caffeine or calories are in the hangar on ice as we speak. See ya'll tomorrow, Dan
Tricia and I will be wheels up for KTRK as soon as the lowvercast breaks up here. Grab a rental car and we should be to the BBQ by 17:00 if my evil plan works out...:D

Can we bring anything for the BBQ?
Yeeeeeaaaaa !

Great to meet you all.

Sorry if I didn't get around - I guess we should have had name badges.

Back at the Silver Legacy.

Tomorrow should be great racing.

Thanks for organising everything - hope you didn't get too wet or get struck by lightning :eek:
Thank you for putting on the wonderful BBQ. It was nice to meet you and your wife.

Joel, and Bob too.
Someone needs to post pictures from last night so that Doug can put it on the front page tomorrow! I never pulled out a camera....

Great time all!
Dan you threw quite the party - sorry did not get to say hi but since we share the same airport I'm sure I'll get a chance to, soon enough. I just stopped by quickly to pop in and wow, you guys put up a very nice spread!

Mike N. great chatting with you briefly as well as the rest of the UK contingency! On your way to SFO if you get a chance and have the inclination you should pass by Lake Tahoe just to see it; totally different look than the high desert landscape near Stead. If you drive south past Reno on 395 out of town and take "Mt. Rose Highway" route 431 to Incline Village and then take route 28 to Tahoe City then north on 89 back up to Truckee to join 80 to San Francisco if you have an extra hour or so and would like a tour of the mountains and Lake Tahoe to the west of Reno. A few good places to eat along the way if it agrees. I'd take you guys for a boat trip but I just pulled "Season Pass" out a few days ago so for the rest of the season it's just limited outings and then to bed the boat goes for the winter.

Dayton, as always thanks for the chat!

TruTrackAndrew, great meeting you I wish I could have stayed longer to chat more.
thanks Dan!

Here is a link to some pictures :
Thanks to all who came, it ended at 8:30, the rain, lightning, and thunder did not seem to bother anyone. Thanks all for coming, see you next year. Dan

...sorry I didn't meet you, your wife said you were still running around somewhere, but she took good care of my wife & me!
....also talked to, or just eavesdropped on some of the local pilot propwash, all very entertaining!
Thanks for putting this on, it was a great end to a great couple of days!
Reno BBQ photos

I finally got around to downloading my photos from the R3 BBQ.

We had just gotten going when the rains came, great lightning show too.




Sport race pilot, and pace plane pilot, Nasty Bob.


Our host.




Sport Bronze winning pilot, Slick Tim.


Factory representative???


So, you are the only kid trapped in a hangar filled with old folks talking airplanes while waiting for the rain to stop-----how do you entertain yourself???

Cake icing fingerprinting of course ........

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Dedicated race fan??

O.K., not at the BBQ, but this guy was in the stands at Reno.

Section 3 is rumored to contain a few strange characters:confused::confused:


Anybody want to guess what anniversary of the air races it was??
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NASCAR of the air...

At least he's an airplane fanatic!

Dan, thanks for hosting again - and for letting me sit in your 9!
