
Well Known Member
Guys: It is that time of year that we start thinking about the Reno RV Rendezvous hangar party. This is it will be at my hangar as usual on Saturday, September 14, immediately after the final race. All RV owners, builders, and friends are invited for hamburgers and dogs with the fixings and beverages, including the cheapest beer I can find. Greg, please post your Google Earth location of my hangar so I don't get lost. If you plan on attending, please send a quick email on the number of attendees. PS: The secret password to get in is (RV3), don't tell anyone. Dan
Two and a half weeks to go:D:D:D

From a few years back.......

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can't wait! :)

mark down 2 Reno virgins that will attend; willing to make a 'charitable' donation for 'real' beer, but happy with anything cool & sudsy.

( might need a ride back to the Peppermill!!! :rolleyes:)

Perry & Michele
Count us in for six meals

Paul, I, and four relatives (including two teenagers who will not be drinking beer) plan to join the festivities. I'm happy to see the announcement and, since I'll be in the area all week, I'll be glad to help with preparation (especially before Saturday, when the family comes in).
I will be there, and as long as I have a vehicle or a ride back to the hotel, I will definitely stop by!:cool:
My brother and I will be there as well. Looking forward to it. Will have my TDI wagon if someone is needing a ride back into Reno.
our plans

Tom & Bonnie are planning to attend. We have not been to Reno Air Races in many years and are looking forward to attending.
I won't miss it.
Crewing top secret airplane in field.:rolleyes:
Will be there 8-15th.
Staying in Reno.
Site Pic

Here's the picture of the site with a few notes added. Sounds like the BBQ is shaping up to be another good one!! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


Looks like Bob beat me to the punch on the hangar location map. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on one's point of view) I will still be in northern BC working and unable to attend this year. I guess the show will go on without me anyway.... guaranteed to be a good time. I'll be there in 2014 for sure.


Please count me in for 8 coming from El Paso. All Vans owners. My first time to Reno ?can?t wait. Can we pay at the hangar door? Cheers and thanks for putting this on.
Thanks, Louise, you know we need all the help we can get. Bob, thanks for posting the Google Earth Map, now I know where my hangar is. For all the first timers and the old crowd who "forget" things, my hangar MA-7, and it is in front of the dead zone line. So, we can't access the hangar until the last race is done, then we will be able to finish setting up, lighting the fires and kicking the tires. It should be a pretty good crowd counting the email and PMs. Dan
Ralph and I plan to be there. With all the smoke in Reno you could just hang the meat out for a day to give it some character.

Hey Greg, sorry I'll miss you when I'm up!
Vendors on site ??????

sorry for the thread creep, maybe we need another one! :)

Does anyone know or can tell me the typical vendors there? I'm just wondering if I should bring an extra suitcase for swag,....or is there very limited aircraft stuff on site?
We'll be there

Marcie and I will be there. We will also have a rental car should anyone need pickup/delivery. Our RV8 will be at Truckee. We will have just attended the Tailhook and Squadron Reunions in Reno so we'll be ready for some RV talk.

Is there anything we can bring?

Greg, we'll miss you and Julia, but we'll be back!
Put me down as a "local" help volunteer as well Dan (if that wasn't obvious from Louise's post). I'm living at Greg's house, so if you need anything from there, just let me know.

sorry for the thread creep, maybe we need another one! :)

Does anyone know or can tell me the typical vendors there? I'm just wondering if I should bring an extra suitcase for swag,....or is there very limited aircraft stuff on site?

Lots of vendors, mainly food, clothing, airplane models, aviation artwork, toys, expensive watches, etc. Mostly memorabilia type things.
Racing time

Just got the tickets and hotel reservation all taken care of, see you guys/gals on the 14th.

I will be there Fri, Sat, and Sun.

Anybody want to get together and visit, my cell is 530 417 1124
anyone want to post or pm phone #?

Just got the tickets and hotel reservation all taken care of, see you guys/gals on the 14th.

I will be there Fri, Sat, and Sun.

Anybody want to get together and visit, my cell is 530 417 1124

Mike brings up a good would be nice to be able to call some of the VAF folks at Reno.
I am not buying a lot of roaming minutes, but will have lots of 'text' on my cel#.
Mine is 250 86tree-68niner5 so feel free to txt me.
( do we sound like a bunch of teenagers or what???) :)

If your aren't keen to post your phone #, I'm curious...... is there is a better way? surely you guys do this all the time at the big flyins!
3 more Canadians

Please add 3 more to the list as we will be making the trip for the races again this year. Thanks for the great bbq/party every year!! It's much appreciated and great to meet fellow rvers.

Hey guys!

This may be slightly off topic, but it's because I saw the huge number of first-time Reno Air Race visitors in this thread. I'm not a Van's owner, but I am a friend of the type--If you guys need tools or spare parts, find Bob Mills and he'll get you in touch with me.

Less than two weeks!

Put me down for 2.5. I'm a non-drinker, but will bring a couple of six packs from local beweries down so you guys and gals can get sloshed:D
...gettin' crowded in here! :)

so far I see about 36 responses...sheesh, I think we'd all better bring a six-pack or 2!
Is there any chance of putting anything on ice in the hangar first thing in the a.m.? if I ride the shuttle from town, I imagine there's a limit on how many pallets of cargo one can bring!....and it's bound to get kinda lukewarm if'n I hafta sit on it all day!:rolleyes:
more Reno info please

Ok, I am counting sleeps until we leave for Vancouver/Seattle/Reno....and I'm thinkin' I may not have access to VAF near race time.
......anything new on the BBQ?
I hope to run into some of you guys on Friday to plan for the Sat. evening, perhaps I can help in some way......
Is there a favourite watering hole after races, or a place to meet?
I am at the Peppermill all week, but driving around Tahoe part of the time.
Anyone have a recommendation for a car rental place?

( surely a VAF hat will get you a discount, right? :)
Guys: At last count I show 45 confirmed attendees and 1 maybe. Looks like it is going to be a good time. Remember, I can't get to my hangar until the last race aircraft lands (jets) and it will take a few minutes to get up and running, but the beer and soft drrinks should be cold and as many chairs as I can get set up. Ya'll are all welcome mozy down at your pleasure. Dan

Looks like I have two more relatives joining us so the Dye-Hose party will be 8.

Paul and I are now in the area so please call, email, or PM when you would like help.
Hey guys!

This may be slightly off topic, but it's because I saw the huge number of first-time Reno Air Race visitors in this thread. I'm not a Van's owner, but I am a friend of the type--If you guys need tools or spare parts, find Bob Mills and he'll get you in touch with me.

Less than two weeks!


Just got the tickets and hotel reservation all taken care of, see you guys/gals on the 14th.

I will be there Fri, Sat, and Sun.

Anybody want to get together and visit, my cell is 530 417 1124

Nice offer by Louis above, and there are several local RVers that are good resources, if anyone needs a maintenance assist.

Looks like I'll probably be parked in the RARA hangar over by the Formula airplanes this year, along with 3 Glassairs. With 30 Sport Class entries this year, we needed to move a few airplanes around in the hangars. Jason Rovey (RV-8) and Stan Sutterfield (RV-8A) will be in the Sport Class hangar across from the RARA hangar. Hope you'll come buy and visit us all. If you need a maintenance assist come find us. Mike can get in touch with me too, and if we're not dashing to a briefing or getting ready to race, we're happy to help out our RV buds...or just hangar fly and tell tall tales (is that redundant? ;))

Looking forward to seeing everyone during the races and at the BBQ!


Looks like I'll probably be parked in the RARA hangar over by the Formula airplanes this year, along with 3 Glassairs. With 30 Sport Class entries this year, we needed to move a few airplanes around in the hangars. Jason Rovey (RV-8) and Stan Sutterfield (RV-8A) will be in the Sport Class hangar across from the RARA hangar. Hope you'll come buy and visit us all.


Oh the images and emotions you stir Bob - I will always be thankful for the experience last year. I have no problem visualizing the two hangars and number 49 and 391 in their places of honor. Good luck out there!

Before that experience I would never have considered a pit pass - now I would not go there without one.

Bob Axsom
take note of the EAA presence at Reno

I just got a note that perhaps should be shared; it asks that you RSVP to EAA if you want to visit the 'hospitality tent'. You are supposed to also show a current membership card to enter ( if only I could find mine! maybe just a number will do?...a member since 1965!)

try this link if you didn't get the notice, and are a member ( or want free....water???):rolleyes:

can't wait! :)
I'll be working the membership tent outside the hospitality tent all week and I look forward to seeing you all! I think the reason EAA is asking for RSVP this year is because it was so popular last year that we ran out of snacks and drinks almost every day...I worked the week last year too, and it was busy.


Looks like I can make it to Reno this year. I am a little bit late in the planning. It would just be me for the Big Hanger Party.

I do have an extra bed if someone needs a place to stay for Friday and Saturday night in Reno. Nothing fancy just a bed. If anyone has an extra seat coming back to Mesa, AZ I could split the fuel cost or what ever I can help with to get back to Mesa, or some place close to there. Leave me a Private message or call 480- two-one-five-9 one 4 three.

Two More


My Dad and I would like to join y'all. Thanks Dan for the invite.

We will be staying in our earth bound RV all week a few hundred yards from your hangar and would love to help. Call or text, 65zero-7niner6-zero787.

The earth bound RV has California Plates RV-9A if anyone wants to stop by and chat.
Total count as of 0747L 12 Sep is 64 folks, plus locals. Shoot, looks like I need to buy more beer. Maybe an all time record, wonder if it's got anything to do with Greg Arehart not being there? The more the merrier. Dan
Total count as of 0747L 12 Sep is 64 folks, plus locals. Shoot, looks like I need to buy more beer. Maybe an all time record, wonder if it's got anything to do with Greg Arehart not being there? The more the merrier. Dan

Hey Dan - all is not lost! Greg and Julia left 9 cans of PBR in the garage that they said might have been left over from a previous R3 - we can bring that along!

Does PBR have a vintage?
+2...not me, but Neil, my hangarmate and wife, Tracy are heading to Reno today and were planning on stopping by the R3........(Neil isn't on VAF)