David, No deposit however I do have the 600 EXP model which was installing just a few months before this all came out so I do have an iron in the fire. It IS great news that navworx isn't out of business and I feel that based on my impression of Bill he will stand behind your investment with his company.... eventually. :-(
I completely understand your frustration though and I agree that they should give you your money back without hesitation! Also feel that if Bill would communicate a little more regularly with a web site post etc it would keep customers in the loop.
I think that affords a window into the business philosophy and sheds some light on why these problems are happening to them.

You don't know anything about the man or what's going on in his life. You also don't understand the first thing about life's priorities if you think a man's business is the most important thing in his life.

You have no window into his life. The arrogance of some people is amazing.
I think that affords a window into the business philosophy and sheds some light on why these problems are happening to them.

Honestly though, with how long this has been going on and how, relatively, little we seem to know about whats going on behind the curtain, he may very well be able to handle the day-to-day stuff from vacation (this may be a run-on sentence, sue me). It's 2017, there's really not much you can't do while away. The guy has had a ****ty couple months, maybe he needs to step back for a week, take a breather, then get back into the fight. I highly doubt that he's cut ties with the outside world.

I'll just leave this right here

I share your feelings in that it would be VERY beneficial to Bill to keep us in the loop on his webpage. Since I bought two of these units, I feel the financial pain (and have not requested a refund) and have been VERY proactive in coaching for help. I think I was the first to contact AOPA via phone, emailed EAA, talked the actual FAA guy involved with this, wrote to the FAA admin assistant and my Senator...eventually talking to his "aviation" person. All with pleas of getting the FAA to work with Navworx to resolve. Also I did ask Bill to keep us in the loop on his website.
Called yesterday

Trying to follow-up on my non-AD related technical issue.
Left a message with my phone number.
Have not heard back.
I would really like to get my unit repaired - so I can get back to flight testing with it!
Ralph, you probably won't get any support any time soon. I tried for a couple of months for a non AD problem and got no replies or help from either Navworx or Dallas Avionics. What's your problem? Maybe I or someone here can help.
Here's my issue....

I have the unit installed, wired up, and running.
430W is the position source and traffic display, SL-70 is the control head and altitude source, and MX-20 is the display configured for traffic and weather. All provide and receive properly in the simulated mode.

The unit is configured and comes back with the green "Ready for Flight" indications. It also comes back with a "TX/RX error" indication.

Before the AD brouhaha started, I had been communicating with Bill and his staff to get my unit configured and working. The last response from him was to the effect of "we gotta get rid of the TX/RX error" and he instructed me to do some system initialization in various sequences. I have tried every possible combination that I can think of - all resulting in the TX/RX error message. During that set of tests, which lasted quite a while, I got a fail warning from my SL-70 - which went away when I powered off the NavWorx box. I waited a half hour before powering it back on...I think the NavWorx box has an issue as this part happens every once in a while the exact same way....power cycling the NavWorx box clears the issue in my SL-70 immediately and waiting a half hour prevents it from recurring.

I have sent all of this in to NavWorx along with screen captures of the "Ready" and "TX/RX Error" messages - but with the AD noise, I think I have been forgotten in the shuffle. Since I am using a 430W for my position source, I think that will allow me to continue operating the unit as the AD should allow that (my common-sense thinking). Meanwhile, I have flown it in airspace where I should have received both traffic and weather - with no indication of ADSB-IN data.

Thanks in advance,
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My -013 wasn't transmitting about 50% of the time, but always received (FIS-B) OK. My problem was with the Transmon circuit. I rewired it twice, tried another Transmon, and still, it wouldn't reliably capture Baro Alt or squawk code. I finally dumped the transmon and wired directly to my transponder for the squawk code, and wired directly to my encoder (Ack 30.9) for the Baro Alt.

Doesn't sound the same as your problem but still, make sure you have good Baro Alt and Squawk codes from the transponder (and position source, I too am getting position from my 430W via ARINC) as it won't transmit without both being green on the status screen. Hopefully someone else will chime in with ideas, or someone local will offer to swap ADS600-B boxes with you to troubleshoot.

Both the position and alt indicators show as green - it also says ready for flight - along with the yellow TX/RX indicator.

Mine is also a -13 direct wired to the SL-70 for the altitude and squawk code...no TransMon gizmo...

I'm in Laurel, DE (N06) - if anyone has a unit they'll let me troubleshoot with (or let me put mine in their working environment), I would greatly appreciate it.
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You don't know anything about the man or what's going on in his life. You also don't understand the first thing about life's priorities if you think a man's business is the most important thing in his life.

You have no window into his life. The arrogance of some people is amazing.

I know nothing about the man or his priorities. But I do know he has a real risk of losing his business if he doesn't resolve this issue. If it were me, I'd be working around the clock to find a meaningful resolution to avoid the destruction of a business that I spent years building. I recognize this is my opinion and should not be expected of all.

I also have no idea how he prioritizes his life choices. However, most business owners that go through an unplanned closure of their business have their lives turned upside down (professional and personal), whether they want it or not. I would certainly be cancelling vacations to avoid that possible outcome. I just can't see this as anything but a life or death situation for Navworx.

further, I find it interesting that posters on this thread have contacted AOPA, FAA, EAA, senators, etc. to resolve this situation, yet the business hasn't returned customer calls for several months and is now the owner is on a cruise.

I apologize if I came across too strong with my opinions here. In hind sight, I regret sharing them.

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I'm experiencing similar support issues. I've decided to sit back until this debacle has quieted down a bit. It helps keeping the blood pressure down. I have a Stratux that I'm using in the interim. When it gets a little warmer in the hangar, I'll start working on it again.

My issue is that the display out went dead. It's work fine for almost four years. Bill quickly blamed the wiring. I can successfully run a loop back test from the EFIS to the DB37 at the NavWorx unit. I also checked for shorts to each wire. MY EFIS also gives me the ability to promiscuous listen on the port to see the actual data being transmitted. No data was being transmitted.

I did send the unit in and Bethany recertified it and sent it back the day before this fiasco started with the FAA.

Installed back into the aircraft. No joy, same symptoms.

So I installed it Geoff Combs' aircraft. Same symptoms in his as well. No output on the display. At least the symptoms are consistent. Yes, the display output settings have been validated by numerous folks besides myself.

The unit works just fine, with the exception of the display output.

Numerous calls and emails have not been returned.

I'm somewhat sympathetic to his plight with the FAA, but my patience with Bill's lack of communication to his customer base is starting to wear thin. Especially what appears to be abandonment of supporting his customer's support issues.

I have the unit installed, wired up, and running.
430W is the position source and traffic display, SL-70 is the control head and altitude source, and MX-20 is the display configured for traffic and weather. All provide and receive properly in the simulated mode.

The unit is configured and comes back with the green "Ready for Flight" indications. It also comes back with a "TX/RX error" indication.

Before the AD brouhaha started, I had been communicating with Bill and his staff to get my unit configured and working. The last response from him was to the effect of "we gotta get rid of the TX/RX error" and he instructed me to do some system initialization in various sequences. I have tried every possible combination that I can think of - all resulting in the TX/RX error message. During that set of tests, which lasted quite a while, I got a fail warning from my SL-70 - which went away when I powered off the NavWorx box. I waited a half hour before powering it back on...I think the NavWorx box has an issue as this part happens every once in a while the exact same way....power cycling the NavWorx box clears the issue in my SL-70 immediately and waiting a half hour prevents it from recurring.

I have sent all of this in to NavWorx along with screen captures of the "Ready" and "TX/RX Error" messages - but with the AD noise, I think I have been forgotten in the shuffle. Since I am using a 430W for my position source, I think that will allow me to continue operating the unit as the AD should allow that (my common-sense thinking). Meanwhile, I have flown it in airspace where I should have received both traffic and weather - with no indication of ADSB-IN data.

Thanks in advance,

Both the position and alt indicators show as green - it also says ready for flight - along with the yellow TX/RX indicator.

Mine is also a -13 direct wired to the SL-30 for the altitude and squawk code...no TransMon gizmo...

I'm in Laurel, DE (N06) - if anyone has a unit they'll let me troubleshoot with (or let me put mine in their working environment), I would greatly appreciate it.

I can't imagine how being connected to an SL-30 could give altitude and squawk to the ADS600. I assume you mean SL-70 or GTX-327 or something like that.

The SL-70 will output altitude and squawk.

The GTX-327 will only output squawk. If you have a serial encoder or an EFIS acting as an encoder, then you can use that for altitude.
I copied and pasted the Cessna Pilots email and sent it to Mark Baker and asked if it was what he said. Here is the response;

Hi Brian,
Mark Baker has been traveling extensively lately and I have been asked to respond to your email.
It is our understanding that NavWorx is still in business, and has been discussing the proposed AD with the FAA in hopes of coming to a resolution. Other than that, the FAA continues to review the comments posted to the docket in response to the proposed AD, and we urge members to remain patient during this process.

Thomas A. Zecha, Jr.
Manager, AOPA Pilot Information Center
Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association
[email protected]
Phone: 301-695-2211
421 Aviation Way, Frederick MD 21701

There is some new info on the Cessna Pilots Association forum from a person whose wife worked at Navworx. Unless Navworx (Bill) has a rather large sum of money to fight this, I'm getting the feeling that their doors may never open.
Just hope maybe someone will pick up the pieces.
Just strictly a FYI thing, I checked the last time Bill logged into VAF-----earlier this month.

So, it would appear he is at least monitoring the discussions here, if not contributing to them. His last actual post was about a year ago.

Bill-------any input would be appreciated.
Well as a very early adopter .. I've now gone through all the 5-stages of grief and am finally at acceptance.

Based on the complete lack of customer service/updates, ridiculous tirade on the website blaming everyone but themselves, and no forthcoming communications with a solution, I no longer believe we'll get a solution from Navworx.

That said, I'm researching replacement options and am shocked that the cost still remains as high as it is. The LEAST expensive solution I can come up with is to do the ES upgrade to my 330, then hope Trig quickly releases their new low cost certified GPS as a position source for the 330, since my 430 isn't good enough. Then find a ADS-B in source for the Grand Rapids screens, and maybe with ARINC for the 430.

I'm wondering why other providers like Dynon etc. don't release their ADS-B and GPS solutions for those of us who don't have their hardware. Seems like a good income source!


RV6-A N142DS
I'm wondering why other providers like Dynon etc. don't release their ADS-B and GPS solutions for those of us who don't have their hardware. Seems like a good income source!

To use a GPS as your ADS-B OUT position source, you must test it with that ADS-B OUT device, and produce engineering data that this system meets a Source Integrity Level (SIL) that is sufficient. The GPS and ADS-B transmitter are not allowed to exist and be tested independently.

So basically, for Dynon to "release" it to the world, we'd need to provide test data and installation instructions for it to be legal, for every transponder and UAT on the market. That's just not something we currently see a strong enough business case for. It's why we only support our GPS with our transponder because that's the only combination we can control well enough to make a statement of compliance. We'd even need to control for firmware revisions on the ADS-B OUT devices as this can easily change compliance and compatibility.

It is possible for someone that isn't Dynon or the Transponder manufacturer to do this if they want to, so you could actually buy a SV-GPS-2020 and hook it to your transponder and test it yourself, but then you'd be the one making a statement of compliance to 91.227, not Dynon or the ADS-B OUT manufacturer. You'd probably need to redo this anytime any software changed in the GPS or ADS-B OUT transmitter as well.

From the FAA guidance on ADS-B in experimentals. Note that it doesn't talk about GPS independently, it's always the system as a whole, and that it requires the manufacturer to provide installation instructions that create a repeatable compliant system:

I operate an amateur built experimental aircraft. What should I install?

The ADS-B Out equipment installed in an aircraft must meet the performance requirements of the ADS-B TSOs. A TSO authorization, issued in accordance with 14 CFR 21 subpart O, is not required. However, ADS-B Out systems and equipment installed or used in type-certificated aircraft must have a design approval issued under 14 CFR 21 (or must be installed by field approval, if appropriate).

The performance requirements include those requirements referenced in section 3 of the applicable TSO (UAT or 1090ES), including considerations for design assurance and environmental qualification. Deviations to the requirements can be approved for equipment which does obtain a TSO authorization, as identified in 14 CFR 91.227.

For experimental category aircraft there is no FAA approval required for the ADS-B Out system installation. Owners of these aircraft may elect to install equipment authorized under a TSO, in accordance with the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. Alternatively, owners of these aircraft may elect to purchase uncertified equipment. For uncertified equipment, the owner should obtain a statement of compliance from the supplier, along with installation instructions, that identifies that the ADS-B equipment complies with section 3 requirements of the applicable TSO and that, when installed in accordance with the installation instructions, complies with the aircraft requirements of 14 CFR 91.227. The FAA expects manufacturers to perform appropriate engineering efforts to ensure the equipment complies with all requirements of Section 3 of the TSO before issuing their statement of compliance, and expects installers to consider the guidance in the current version of AC 20-165B when performing the installation.

Owners of experimental aircraft should retain the statement of compliance from the equipment supplier in the aircraft records to assist in resolving in-service issues, should they arise. The FAA monitors compliance to the ADS-B Out requirements, and if the equipment, or an installation, is determined to be noncompliant the operator may not be able to enter the airspace designated in 14 CFR 91.225 until the equipment or installation is brought into compliance.
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DWS - think about this as a low cost option

It looks like you have a similar setup to my panel. I've got two 430s (non-WAAS) and a 330 transponder (non-ES). Sunday I learned GRT is now selling their Fly Safe 2020 Compliant GPS for $500 that provides compliant gps information to their EFIS and other systems. While it's non-certified, they say it meets or exceeds FAR 91.227, TSO C166b, TSO C154c standards.

I asked in another thread whether this could feed gps data to my 330. I was told it would and if I upgrade my 330 to a 330-ES then I would meet ads-b out requirements for experimental category aircraft. While this setup is not allowed for certicated aircraft it is legal in experimental. Now if I add FlightBox ads-b in data to my EFIS (which is doable following GRT instructions) I should have both ads-b "in and out" on my EFIS and iPad. The good thing here is that Garmin ads-b out is 1090 MHz which allows you flight above 18,000'.

I estimate the equipment cost at $500 for the Fly Safe GPS and around $1,300 for the 330 upgrade. This is a cheaper and I think easier approach than the NavWorx approach from an installation standpoint and I know GRT is a good small company that supports its client base. If I decide later to go a different direction then selling the upgraded Garmin 330 should recover most of my upgrade cost. NavWorx's reputation has suffered these last few months and like you I'm looking for a good, inexpensive option.
To use a GPS as your ADS-B OUT position source, you must test it with that ADS-B OUT device, and produce engineering data that this system meets a Source Integrity Level (SIL) that is sufficient. The GPS and ADS-B transmitter are not allowed to exist and be tested independently.

...GRT is now selling their Fly Safe 2020 Compliant GPS for $500 that provides compliant gps information to their EFIS and other systems. While it's non-certified, they say it meets or exceeds FAR 91.227, TSO C166b, TSO C154c standards.

It will be interesting to see if the FAA rules we can have a compliant "experimental" system by mixing and matching independently tested GPS receivers and transponders. Here we have two reputable vendors apparently holding different opinions on this issue....if I understand their positions correctly.
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The unit works just fine, with the exception of the display output.

Bob, I tried to wire (on my ADS600-B) a Bluetooth adapter and a WIFI adapter to Display 1 and Display 2 (so as to have my choice of either) and I found out, using sniffers and other means, that Display 2 does not send out TIS-B, only Position. I spoke with Bill on the phone and he was insistent that if it showed up on the "reports" screen, it is being output to all three Display outputs, end of discussion. I did try it with multiple iPads (WingX) and multiple Androids and Andriod apps, and Display 2 never would send out TIS-B. Even the raw data showed position only. I enjoyed speaking with Bill, but on some issues, I believe he might have the propensity to deny the existence of bugs or hardware issues as he did with Display 2 output. It is, after all, calling his baby ugly.
I know nothing about the man or his priorities. But I do know ... the owner is on a cruise.

When I spoke with Bill last week, he was surprised to learn that he had been on a cruise.

It turns out that he did go for a whale-watching boat ride while on vacation, but he never took a cruise. (He did take a call from a NavWorx customer while on vacation and apparently this was the source of the "cruise" rumor. He mentioned the boat during the call to explain some of the background noise.)

To quote an old friend, "It's not that we don't know. It's that what we know just isn't so."

David Bunin
Bob, I tried to wire (on my ADS600-B) a Bluetooth adapter and a WIFI adapter to Display 1 and Display 2 (so as to have my choice of either) and I found out, using sniffers and other means, that Display 2 does not send out TIS-B, only Position. I spoke with Bill on the phone and he was insistent that if it showed up on the "reports" screen, it is being output to all three Display outputs, end of discussion. I did try it with multiple iPads (WingX) and multiple Androids and Andriod apps, and Display 2 never would send out TIS-B. Even the raw data showed position only. I enjoyed speaking with Bill, but on some issues, I believe he might have the propensity to deny the existence of bugs or hardware issues as he did with Display 2 output. It is, after all, calling his baby ugly.


I never hooked up my wifi to display 2, but was about ready to when the display 1 issues started occurring. I'd would have been really pissed if all I got was position data, with no traffic or weather. That certainly is contrary to what's implied in the manual.

I've advised Bill on numerous occasions over the last four or five years, he really needs to provide a support forum on his site. Most of his users are pretty tech savvy, especially the early adopters. Users helping other users would take a tremendous burden off his support. It was also give him a place to disseminate information in a controlled environment. For what ever reason, not communicated to me, he didn't think it was added value.
Hmmm ...

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so." - Will Rogers

From the 50's.... Pick a box for the previous comments -

I don't kmow how many times I've looked at the Navworx site expecting to see a support forum but it never happened. It would be the best method to distribute info on the products and avoid all this guessing. Maybe a lesson learned for business in the 2000s. Actually got better info on navworx products from some of the competition or at least distributors Web site forums.
Feeling better today about ADS-B replacement solutions... I now have a workable solution for ADS-B OUT for my non-W 430/330 setup after I remove the NavWorx unit.

I'm going to have the ES upgrade done for the 330 to turn it into an ES then add the Garmin GPS 20A as a position source. That should work out to round $2000 for OUT .. still haven't worked out the IN for my GRT displays.

Unfortunately, there are limited options for GRT IN to feed the displays. All the Garmins speak their own language so the most promising looks to be the Pathfinder Remote unit, that would add about another $400 to the package. Does anyone with a GRT display use the Pathfinder Remote?

The pain of losing my NavWorx unit is beginning to fade. :)

N142DS RV-6A
Feeling better today about ADS-B replacement solutions... I now have a workable solution for ADS-B OUT for my non-W 430/330 setup after I remove the NavWorx unit.

I'm going to have the ES upgrade done for the 330 to turn it into an ES then add the Garmin GPS 20A as a position source. That should work out to round $2000 for OUT .. still haven't worked out the IN for my GRT displays.

Unfortunately, there are limited options for GRT IN to feed the displays. All the Garmins speak their own language so the most promising looks to be the Pathfinder Remote unit, that would add about another $400 to the package. Does anyone with a GRT display use the Pathfinder Remote?

The pain of losing my NavWorx unit is beginning to fade. :)

N142DS RV-6A

Stratux can be wired into the GRT now for about $100.
I have one from my pre-Navworx install back in Nov 2015.
I may try to implement for redundancy.
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FAA Rebate?

Feeling better today about ADS-B replacement solutions... I now have a workable solution for ADS-B OUT for my non-W 430/330 setup after I remove the NavWorx unit.

I'm going to have the ES upgrade done for the 330 to turn it into an ES then add the Garmin GPS 20A as a position source. That should work out to round $2000 for OUT .. still haven't worked out the IN for my GRT displays.

Unfortunately, there are limited options for GRT IN to feed the displays. All the Garmins speak their own language so the most promising looks to be the Pathfinder Remote unit, that would add about another $400 to the package. Does anyone with a GRT display use the Pathfinder Remote?

The pain of losing my NavWorx unit is beginning to fade. :)

N142DS RV-6A

I think I might like this approach even better that the GRT Fly Safe 2020 GPS / 330 upgrade to extended squitter approach I discussed yesterday. What would make me like it even more would be it qualifying for the FAA rebate! Does anyone know?

This allows a certified gps and certified transponder and not mixing non-certified with certified equipment. A rebate of $500 makes this even more economical than the approach I discussed above.
What would make me like it even more would be it qualifying for the FAA rebate! Does anyone know?

The rebate is only available for aircraft installing TSO'd equipment (not just meeting the TSO) and for aircraft that have never transmitted ADS-B OUT before.

The GPS 20A is not TSO'd / Certified, and if you had a Navworx before, you've already transmitted ADS-B OUT.

It's a bummer, but for experimentals it's hard to get the rebate and actually save money since it forces you to buy more expensive TSO'd equipment that generally costs more than $500 more than your other options.
Garmin GPS 20A: Non-TSO'd

I think I might like this approach even better that the GRT Fly Safe 2020 GPS / 330 upgrade to extended squitter approach I discussed yesterday. What would make me like it even more would be it qualifying for the FAA rebate! Does anyone know?

This allows a certified gps and certified transponder and not mixing non-certified with certified equipment. A rebate of $500 makes this even more economical than the approach I discussed above.

It looks like I wrote the above too soon! I just looked at the Garmin website on the 20A gps. They say it's $850, non-TSO'd, and requires the purchase of a compatible gps antenna. Therefore I'd still be mixing a certified 330ES with a non-certified gps source at a higher cost plus antenna purchase. The GRT Fly Safe 2020 GPS again looks like a better solution.
It looks like I wrote the above too soon! I just looked at the Garmin website on the 20A gps. They say it's $850, non-TSO'd, and requires the purchase of a compatible gps antenna. Therefore I'd still be mixing a certified 330ES with a non-certified gps source at a higher cost plus antenna purchase.

True .. however if you take a look at the 20A install docs in the G3X documentation you'll find that it was specifically designed for this purpose in Exp Aircraft:

"The Garmin GPS 20A, while not TSO approved, meets the ADS-B Out position source performance requirements for FAR 91.227 compliance when used in combination with a Mode S ADS-B Out transponder meeting the requirements of TSO-C166b and installed in accordance with the instructions in this document. Example transponders which may be used in combination with the GPS 20A for FAR 91.227 compliance are the Garmin GTX 330ES, GTX 23ES, GTX 35R, GTX 45R, GTX 345/345R, and GTX 335/335R."

I called Garmin today to confirm its use with the 330ES and they confirmed the above.

So I suspect spending a little more will mean a Garmin Transponder paired with a Garmin GPS. While I believe that GRT should be good enough, it's such a muddy area... I don't want to play.

Who knows!

I'm a huge fan of Raspberry Pi .. use them for several applications. I'll have to take a look ..want to mount in the back and use the belly antenna I used with NavWorx.


N142DS Rv6-A

I recently put a transponder antenna on the bottom of the RV-6's tailcone for my dual-band Stratux install and am getting good service. The Raspberry is mounted on a sidewall in the baggage compartment and talks to a Nexus 7 running Avare.
I recently put a transponder antenna on the bottom of the RV-6's tailcone for my dual-band Stratux install and am getting good service.

Sam .. when I looked at Stratux it was a dual-band dual-antenna system... did you mount two antennas on the bottom? What are you doing with the other antenna?


David Schaefer
RV6-A N142DS
Sam .. when I looked at Stratux it was a dual-band dual-antenna system... did you mount two antennas on the bottom? What are you doing with the other antenna

Not Sam, but I'm testing a Stratux with belly mount antenna in my 9A. Last night I got 6 towers at 1500agl and air to air traffic from 100+nm away. I have dual band receive, with a splitter cable (dual mcx to single sma) feeding one antenna to both SDR modules. Feeds iPad and my AFS 4500.
Not Sam, but I'm testing a Stratux with belly mount antenna in my 9A. Last night I got 6 towers at 1500agl and air to air traffic from 100+nm away. I have dual band receive, with a splitter cable (dual mcx to single sma) feeding one antenna to both SDR modules. Feeds iPad and my AFS 4500.

Same here, one antenna split to two receivers.
Hmmm ...

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so." - Will Rogers

I suppose I now know where my friend got it from.

I never thought to ask him if it was an original.
Gave up

Well guys........ I have officially given up. Should have went with my son's advice. I guess that Air Force Academy education IS the real thing. He's a C-17 aircraft commander/ instructor pilot. Yep should have listened when he said I should have bought my ADS-B out equipment from a "big boy". Sad to say, but like an informed person told me: "the buzzards are circling" Navworx. SOOOO, I am getting an Appareo ESG. Will be installing when my son permanently moves out here mid March. He will actually be flying my airplane more than me probably, since for the short duration of his remaining AF career he will be commuting from KAVL to KCHS leaving on Sunday PM and returning Friday in the PM. Already got him a hangar at Summerville, SC. It's a good 1 hour 15 min. flight in the -6A.
So, if by some miracle Navworx works something out with the FAA, I will sell my never been opened Navworx ADS600B-0012. The list price I see has risen dramatically. But, with the Appareo I will get a new transponder replacing the KT76A. I just ordered and received the Navworx stuff a week before the FAA did them in. My luck........ :(
Well guys........ I have officially given up.
I feel for you. I was planning to order the EXP box from them to install during my upcoming condition inspection. As much as I love the little guy, the underdog, and small nimble companies that do what others should be doing... after the incredibly poor way they've handled this issue, I'm looking elsewhere.

You know, sometimes you get tied up in a regulatory snafu. It happens. It usually happens because you misinterpreted something, or missed something, or maybe thought you could get away with something (AmeriKing), but occasionally it's just not your fault. Doesn't matter. In this case, we really have no idea what the problem is or if it will be resolved. There has been a total vacuum from Navworx, which now (from what I'm seeing here at least) extends to simple customer support as well.

Screwing up is forgivable. If you screw up, own up - fix it - move on. But it doesn't matter whether things are your fault or not, clamming up and not supporting your customers is unforgivable. Navworx may or may not survive, but at this point it doesn't matter to me. Even in the unlikely event it turned out that the FAA was completely wrong, I'm not buying from them because I have no confidence they'll be answering the phone or email when I need them.
I love the EXP box and hope it continues to work, because there is no support or hope that it would ever be fixed.
I bought in early and was a big supporter of the product.

With the way they have and are treating their customers, I don't see how they can survive. They have lost all trust and credibility.

I just hope Bill is in negotiations with a big company(Avidyne) to maybe take over their product line & offer support for all the orphans.
Any new peeps out of NavWorx?

Just checking to see if anyone has heard from NavWorx in any form....
I have started another thread to help each other out with tech issue....
I have some help lined up for me and offer my environment (SL-70, 430W, MX-20, AFS3400EE, and GRT Mini-AP) for testing your -x12 and -x13 units.
I believe everything is on hold until the FAA makes decision on proposed AD.

That should happen within 60 days.

I cant imagine the FAA's action in anyway limit Navworx from replying to CS emails, answering the phone or at least posting an update for their customers.

The FAA may have provided the bullets, but the damage appears self inflicted. Had they at least posted status updates to make it appear they are fighting the good fight, most of the customer base would have hung in there and supported them with more emails and phone calls to the FAA.
It appears Bill has moved on, maybe we should also.

Tim Andres
I cant imagine the FAA's action in anyway limit Navworx from replying to CS emails, answering the phone or at least posting an update for their customers.

The FAA may have provided the bullets, but the damage appears self inflicted. Had they at least posted status updates to make it appear they are fighting the good fight, most of the customer base would have hung in there and supported them with more emails and phone calls to the FAA.
It appears Bill has moved on, maybe we should also.

Tim Andres

I tend to agree with you Tim.

The owner has lost interest in the company he founded.

Least he could do is say its on hold pending the proposed AD.

But not a word, its like he doesn't exist.

He owes money to guys who have received nothing, may be in a hole keeping his head down.
Reminds me of the BD5 days. Really wanted to build one of those but decided to wait. Lot of people lost big $ on that . Myself, I wound up with a 600 EXP but it still works great.
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