I can confirm that the INR724 is an exact fit. My bench test on the repaired PP alternator was successful. Used an electric drill with a 3/4” socket to drive the pully, and wired up a small 12V Battery for testig.

Scoped the waveform, looks good.

View attachment 24337

The old diode pack shown.

I concur, INR724 diode bridge fits and works.

Vern, did your SRE bearing look like this? I need to confirm if these are still used.
Following up:

One characteristic of a failing alternator (diode or stator failures) is the high pitched whine that you hear in the headsets.

The level increases with load, so it can be easily detected with wig-wag lights toggling, for example.

As a backstory, I designed and built a video game in the 1970's. As a poor student, I couldn't afford an oscilloscope, so I rigged up my Sennheiser headphones with a series resistor+capacitor to allow me to hear what was happening in my circuit. It is amazing how much your ears can tell you. That was in the days where I could hear the hear the horizontal sweep of the old CRT TVs and computer monitors!

It is amazing how much your ears can tell you. That was in the days where I could hear the hear the horizontal sweep of the old CRT TVs and computer monitors!


Oh man, I remember that, being able to hear the fly-back transformers. The color TV sets sounded different than the black-and-white, as well.