Gary, ain't pickin' on ya, but let's not blame the system for hot oil. Long idle and taxi times are just another design point for cooling systems.

Airplane and I spent 16-years based, flying, and operating out of the hot southwest with more than 2,500 hours flying there.

I did not have issues after the initial problems and fixes 24-years ago. There are limitations that I am well aware of. IF I am complaining about high oil temperatures after a long taxi at OSH, there are going to be a lot of others in worse shape than me.
... Long idle and taxi times are just another design point for cooling systems. ...

I obviously designed my cooling system wrong. Designed it for flying, not taxiiing.

Yes, with a bit of weight penalty by increasing radiator sizes and cowl flaps it could be optimized for both...

Assumed the departure lanes might get real crowded Thursday morning, so I fired up about 7:20, and got released about 8:00. Would have been faster, but there was some holding while 36 was closed to push the 777 out of the Square. Sounds like things did get slow later.


They could have picked a better time for this move.


When everything is closed.
Closed 36 both and then 27 with the slowest TUG FROM H$LL.

Bad planning on aircraft handlers on that one.

My .01

They could have picked a better time for this move.

0600 When everything is closed.
Closed 36 both and then 27 with the slowest TUG FROM H$LL.

Yeah, 6 AM would have been a good time. The guys who move 'em might not get much say about when they move 'em. Lots of Big Mules...

Must have closed both after I got out. We were parked about 10 minutes, until they got the triple 7 aligned with 36L, then they started releasing us single file on 36R, the taxiway.
Friday afternoon, the ATIS said "Winds variable, gusting to 16", something I had never heard before. What, gusts from random directions? Forecasts and other local airports were generally 220~240, so both runways were sure to be moderately crosswind. I got 18R, pink dot, and lucked out with probably the best I've ever done at OSH....which naturally, no one saw, so it didn't happen.

At least you missed the divots I left.
A great 24 hours at KOSH!

2 hours and 20 Minutes from KLXT (Lee's Summit, MO) to KOSH on Wednesday morning. Landed on the Green Dot around 10:30 or so with 2 miles open ahead of me and 2 miles open behind me at Ripon. Taxied straight to HBC with no delay.

Thanks to the very nice gentleman wearing a Van's shirt that handed me two extra Airventure passes as he was heading out! Didn't catch his name as I was receiving the arrival briefing at the time. Forwarded second pass to another RV pilot that landed a little while after me.

Met Doug Reeves after being a subscriber since 2005 (or sooner). Thanks for the pic Doug!

Had lunch with my son who was working at his company's booth. That pilot's certificate at 17 and experience building an RV as a kid paid off:)

3 long walking trips through displays/vendors. Visited Van's booth/RV-15. Afternoon airshow. Night Airshow. Fireworks show.

Started up the RV around 11:30 am on Thursday and less than 10 minutes later was 5th in line for 36L departure.

Trip was too short and I have been in long taxi lines at KOSH before but I had a great all-around trip to Airventure this year!

RV-related presentations

The best two presentations I saw in my short three days at OSH were by Bill Judge (@Monkworkz), on his development of the Monkworkz vacuum pad power source, and Mike Vaccaro, on the current progress of the open-source Onspeed AOA system.

Both presentations highlighted the versatility of RVs as design and test platforms - and RVers as early adopters. They confirmed the continuing beneficial impact of experimental aviation on advances in both technology and safety.

The scariest presentation was Age and Aviation Insurance, after which I had to go talk to my agent to make sure my money is still good with them. It is. On the brighter side of gloom, the presenter said that if you're going experimental, go RV because that's as close to a 172 rating as you can get.

Someday I'll walk the HBC area getting to my plane, instead of scoping out windshield fairings or door seals or interior paint.
Paying it forward

Andyrv, sorry I interrupted your briefing. Glad you could use the wristband and thanks for helping “pay it forward “ with the other one.


Every year the Thursday AM departure is a traffic jam. Stayed until Friday this year partly due to the spectacular KOSH weather. Barely had time to do a run up...barely stopped taxiing from HBC all the way to the RW36 hold line...fastest departure from KOSH ever. It was like I had priority handling. Will absolutely avoid Thurs dep going forward.
Every year the Thursday AM departure is a traffic jam. Stayed until Friday this year partly due to the spectacular KOSH weather. Barely had time to do a run up...barely stopped taxiing from HBC all the way to the RW36 hold line...fastest departure from KOSH ever. It was like I had priority handling. Will absolutely avoid Thurs dep going forward.

Yup - it costs almost nothing extra to stay another night, and my Friday mid-morning departure had me alone on the taxiway and runway from the moment I started up. Stress-free…..
Interruption appreciated

"Andyrv, sorry I interrupted your briefing. Glad you could use the wristband and thanks for helping “pay it forward “ with the other one.


Thanks for the interruption Roy! I was still coming out of the "ultra focus" mode of arriving/landing at KOSH as well. Catch you out there next year:)
