Good Morning Petit Jean!
Back safe - Taylor, TX

Hi Bill,

Great show!! A huge "Thank You" to all the folks that made this happen. The Wife and I are already thinking about next year.
Petit Jean

Plane is back in the hanger. Stopped at Gastons for brunch (ate to much). The weekend was great due to some very fine hosts. Next year I will try to remember the curd and toss in a bit more variety of real cheese. It was a wonderful weekend ! Thanks again to those that made it happen. Ron

Gary, Beautiful picture, almost makes me wish we had camped instead of staying in the lodge.

Ron, Thanks for the offer of the jump starter, plane started fine after about 45 min on the charger.

Hope everyone made it home safe! We did after our little delay getting started.
Hi Bill,

Great show!! A huge "Thank You" to all the folks that made this happen. The Wife and I are already thinking about next year.

It was our first time and we had a Great Time! Thanks again to everyone and all the hard work by our hosts (especially Misty!).

We look forward to doing it again next year!

Plane is back in the hanger. Stopped at Gastons for brunch (ate to much). The weekend was great due to some very fine hosts. Next year I will try to remember the curd and toss in a bit more variety of real cheese. It was a wonderful weekend ! Thanks again to those that made it happen. Ron

Ron, Tanya says YES to curd! Thanks for "cutting the cheese".

I think this was our 7th or 8th year. Yes, very different than back then but there are always new adventures to be had with an open mind. This venue gets used quite a bit by the same folks at other times for the quiet, lights out, quiet campfire experience :).

Bill, Thanks for leaving a few sticks of wood stashed in the woods in past years. It hasn't gone unnoticed and has been used outside of this event :).
We made it home and had a great time! This was our first trip over 500sm with the 7 loaded to the gills! These guys work hard and put on a great event! Had a great time camping and made a lot of new friends! Hope to see everyone again next year!

Another great year

Another fine year on the mountain by the North Little Rock crew. Had a great time and thankful for the opportunity to meet so many new people. Hope everyone made it home safely.
Home in Aubrey

Heather & I made it home safe. We took it easy and had a good flight home.

Thanks to everyone that made this a great event. All the hard work was apparent.

I hope to see everyone next year.
Thanks Petit Jean!

We had a Blast! Thank you to all the organizers, cooks, drivers etc.


The hiking was Great, I just had to keep up with "antelope legs." At the Natural Bridge on Seven Hollows trial:

Real Indian Pictographs, we lucked out and a veteran of the trails showed us where the trail used to run by these pictographs.

Cedar Falls from below:

Cedar Falls from above, if you zoom in you can see the people. I was about six feet away from the stone wall by the edge and wasn't getting any closer!

My daughter seems to lack my fear, ah uh I mean respect for heights.

A little history in the mix:

We met so many great people I couldn't keep everyone straight! I kept asking Gary from Pennsylvania for advice on which trails to hike, he politely told me for the fifth time it was his first time here.....the trip inspiring couple's RV4 with large tires .....Laughing with the RV10 couple from Iowa about a "unique" voice on the radio....watching the Royals game with local KC peoples....the inspiring vegetarian cancer survivors house we fly over on the way to OSH.....Sampling TruTrak Andrew's micro brews.....Learning about LuLu's in Gulf Shores Alabama.....every volunteer.....and all the people who boosted my daughters confidence by asking if that was her on the radio.
Thanks for a great weekend!!
There is a burn ban in Arkansas. The ban was modified by Saturday night allowing for charcoal only fires with a 5 gallon bucket of water on standby.

Petit Jean was wonderful, as always.

We made it home after a long hard day of flying, 0.7 hours. Can't believe we did it all in one day! :)

A special thanks to the crew that worked so hard to make it all happen. You all (or All ya'll as Bill would say) are exactly what makes flying RVs so much fun.

I have such a great time hanging out with old and new friends. Hopefully next year I will be able to hit the trails with my kids, I know that they would really dig that. Just didn't quite get it all done this year.
Patti and I had a great time, as usual.

Anybody have a picture of Steve's eyes? Was it Figs who had, what, 10 or 15 wing walkers?

Bill S. will no doubt be posting a link to photos soon. He forgot his coat and nearly froze to death hanging out of the Air-Cam, but soldiered on, which only shows how much he loves ya'.

On the downside....Ron M. made a special trip to Wisconsin, and hauled a full case of Cow all the way to Arkansas. It was stocked in the fridge at the Presidential so it would be cold for Saturday night. Then some clowns drank it all Saturday afternoon while the rest of us were at the airport, volunteering, flying, etc. Folks, the organizers do not provide malt beverages. While there isn't a soul at PJ who wouldn't give his last beer if asked, not asking is just stealing.
Patti and I had a great time, as usual.

Anybody have a picture of Steve's eyes? Was it Figs who had, what, 10 or 15 wing walkers?

Bill S. will no doubt be posting a link to photos soon. He forgot his coat and nearly froze to death hanging out of the Air-Cam, but soldiered on, which only shows how much he loves ya'.

On the downside....Ron M. made a special trip to Wisconsin, and hauled a full case of Cow all the way to Arkansas. It was stocked in the fridge at the Presidential so it would be cold for Saturday night. Then some clowns drank it all Saturday afternoon while the rest of us were at the airport, volunteering, flying, etc. Folks, the organizers do not provide malt beverages. While there isn't a soul at PJ who wouldn't give his last beer if asked, not asking is just stealing.

I think Tanya and I shared the last Cow on the ramp, hand delivered by Ron. It was very special. Thanks Ron, you're a class act!
No Wing Walkers

But I did get a lot of people ask me when I was leaving so that they could plan their departure to leave later :D:D:D.
Pictures of Petit Jean .... first 150 or so

Looks like I posted this in the wrong Forum initially :rolleyes: but this link will take you to the Post(up)Dates VAF thread and links to a larger album as well as some stats on who showed up :) COLOR][/I]

It was absolutely the best RV Gathering we have ever had if you measure it in planes arrived and miles of smiles! :):):)

Hope everyone had as good a time being a participant or volunteer as we did putting it on!:D

Link to updated VAF thread:

Direct Link to larger album

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Come on Figs....

But I did get a lot of people ask me when I was leaving so that they could plan their departure to leave later :D:D:D.

Figs, always the center of attention ..... if you don't start behaving we are going to have to get Judie to give you another TNT ....Texas Nose Twister :D


Gotta love those OK'ies ;)

Bill :)
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Petit Jean

This Judie. I had so much fun this weekend. So many great people. Can't wait for next year.
How to get a "Burn Ban Waiver" ?

There is a burn ban in Arkansas. The ban was modified by Saturday night allowing for charcoal only fires with a 5 gallon bucket of water on standby.

Actually, the ban was upgraded from Medium to High Thursday afternoon which allowed for no fires at all...major bummer after we had bought 200 pounds of charcoal. :( First thing Friday morning, we got in high gear with the Department of Tourism to go to the State Park Superintendent to negotiate with the Forestry Commission. Eventually we got to the right person (thanks Joe) and he convinced them that we had a lot of very careful, safety oriented, potentially revenue producing adults sitting around each metal campfire pit with a 5 gallon bucket of water just waiting for an ember to try to make a break for it. We received the only "fire ban waiver" ever known to be issued in Petit Jean State Park!

We slept well knowing there was also a water faucet close by.... and smaller containers of compatible fire putting out fluids. When we left the campground Saturday night, there were still lots of folks carefully guarding firepits and having a great time doing what campers do :D

You just have to know people who know people who know people who care! :) The RCC had never heard of them doing that before! Good things happen on the RV Mountain and this was one of them! :)

BTW...Charcoal makes a wonderful fire...cozy, warm, no flames to burn your toasties, and no smoke to get in your eyes! Really pretty nice but pricy compared to firewood!
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Petit Jean

Lana and I had a great time and wish to express our thanks to all the organizers and volunteers. We have attended a lot of car show, airplane, motorcycle and boat events in the past, however, this event has got to rank among the top of them all! Only thing, wish I hadn't forgot to pack my "long britches" (as you would say in Arkansas!)
My pictures from Petit Jean

Here are my pictures from Petit Jean 2015
I found out that I had some smears on my lens, so nothing great, but a few decent ones maybe.

Great time, looking forward to next year!

Oh, I found out why my battery was not charging properly. My main ground wire from my battery to the Engine broke at the attachment connector at the engine. I have a second ground on the other side of the engine which allowed me to start the engine with my charger and allow everything to work, just wasn't charging the battery. Got it fixed just got to see if I'm going to need to order a new battery. If I hadn't had that second ground I would have missed out on all the fun!
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Here are my pictures from Petit Jean 2015
I found out that I had some smears on my lens, so nothing great, but a few decent ones maybe.

Great time, looking forward to next year!

Oh, I found out why my battery was not charging properly. My main ground wire from my battery to the Engine broke at the attachment connector at the engine. I have a second ground on the other side of the engine which allowed me to start the engine with my charger and allow everything to work, just wasn't charging the battery. Got it fixed just got to see if I'm going to need to order a new battery. If I hadn't had that second ground I would have missed out on all the fun!

I recognize a few of those shots!!