
Well Known Member
UPDATE 10/22/2015 ...... It's done! 151 unique aircraft attended, 124 RV's stayed and played, 180 for dinner Friday night...What a weekend!
UPDATE 10/12/2015 .... 120 + currently registered ... 113 RVs of every make save the RV14 but including the RV15 ... It's a perfect weather forecast! Average 70 degrees and dry all weekend. We're all in for a big big RV Gathering! Expecting RVators from 21 states and some from Texas as well ;)
UPDATE 8/29/2015: ... 92 RVs Pre-Registered ..... Can you say RV Woodstock ?? ...... gotta be over 50 to know what that is ;)
UPDATE 8/10/2015: 5 days open and we hit 80 RVs pre-registered tonight .... it's going to be a hellu'va a time on the Mountain :)
UPDATE 8/05/2015: OK Oshkosh is over soooo ? PJ Registration is now open and I am told by the folks at the Rockefeller Conference Center that the Presidents Lodge is already full and the Meadows is filling up fast. If they are available, they also have multi bedroom apartments that are very reasonable. Works great for couples of couples or 3-4 guys! Never hurts to ask :)

Please remember that we have to haul it all in to the Mountain so preregistration is really important to us. We have never had to limit registrations but we are getting close to capacity. Our mission isn?t to have a huge fly in,? it?s just to have a great RV gathering of friends so sign up quick and make plans to bring a RV friend to the Mountain.

Click here for On-Line Registration:

----------------------------------------- Original Post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So, we're getting excited because it's the flying season,... there are more RVs than ever,... we live in a great country,... and we're all a very blessed group. :) Having said that.....I'm really excited because my favorite three fly-in's are almost on us! Oshkosh is coming up, Triple Tree is on the way, and it's time to block out time for the 2015 Petit Jean RV Gathering....The dates are locked, the lodge poles set, the firewood is getting cut,... it's all coming together for October 16, 17, and 18. It's going to be a great weekend on the mountain.

Just a few of the faces, places, and good times. 100 RVs with 200 Grins say it all ;) Nothing but RV!


Block out the dates, plan to come and just have an easy RV good time. It's all about the people, the planes, and the Gathering. We'll do our best to make sure you have a great weekend with your friends!

Campsites are always available as long as we know you're coming. You can book rooms at the lodge now and I would highly recommend it. Many have already jumped the gun. Group number for special rates is 63953 and the phone number is 501-727-5435. Hope you can make it! Check out the albums below for memories or previews ... they're both fun!

Petit Jean 2014 RV Faces Just a Grinning :)

Around the ramp .... more grinning :)

Check out the website for past years pictures and great video!



Post something if you had a good time at Petit Jean! See you on the Mountain :)
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It's going to be a large time ... :)

Hey, it was really nice of you and Mary to come out to Hinton and cool us down with a cold water just when we needed it. That leg in from Sante Fe seemed like it took forever :p

Never saw wind blow like that. Scary moment when 3 RVs get loose by themselves around a gas pump. I made the three worst landings of my life there in the first 1500 feet down the runway :(

Hope Dennis and Figs and the rest of the OK group will make it. Already booked 16 rooms since the first notice went out to the email list. The FBO tells me he might be making a few additional campsites available as well. Planning a surprise activity for the Friday night event.... :rolleyes: ( and no running LeMans starts for the golf cart races :)

Holler when it gets a little closer to Triple Tree time and we'll coordinate a gaggle flight and arrival! :D

See ya on the Mountain!
We are in!

Another couple from the Oklahoma gang booked today. We had a blast last fall. What happens around the camp fire stays around the camp fire. (I hope).:)
Looking forward to Oct

Hey Bill,
Darlene and I are already booked. We've had a great time every year meeting new and "old" friends!! I'm hoping I can get a few more to join me from Michigan

Gary and Darlene Kremers


EDIT... I really need to change my avatar, it John and Diane's plane now!!
We are really looking forward to our 3rd Petti Jean fly-in! Had such a great time the past 2 years! Thinking about camping this year.
Already booked

Looking forward to another great event from the tireless AK group:D
On the calendar

Mechanical issues grounded us last year and we missed the Petit Jean trip. My wife said that better not happen this year. Good thing you're giving me this much lead time!

Bill are you ready for us to start registering on the site?

Bill, is it true the new Goodyear Blimp is going to make an appearance at Petit Jean this year??

Bill, is it true the new Goodyear Blimp is going to make an appearance at Petit Jean this year??

I'm very sorry.... I can neither confirm nor deny that truly fascinating rumor :rolleyes:

.... we do try for something different every year but we're not sure how to top the C130 fly by :D. (Which really happened)

Strange things happen on the Mountain ;) .... but the Goodyear Blimp ??
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I for one am looking forward to another astronomy lesson from an expert while lying on the runway in the dead of night after all of Andrew's scotch is gone! We'll dust off the camping gear for our one night per year of "roughing it" (hardly).
laying on the ramp

I too was laying on the ramp in the middle of the night. What a beautiful night it was. I did have an interesting thing happen while gazing at the night sky. There was a blinking light from an airliner passing high above. When I noticed it, it was straight up. I decided to time it until I could no longer see it. It took 13 minutes before the light disappeared. I figured average speed for an airliner moving along about 8.3 miles per minute, (500 mph), this put the aircraft 108 miles away before I lost sight. Just one of the fun things I did last year at Petit Jean. Looking forward to another great time this year.
perhaps I mssed it
I dont see a location for this Petit Jean flyin.

Might have some Georgia boys interested i coming.

Thanks for the info.
We'll dust off the camping gear for our one night per year of "roughing it" (hardly).

Sorry 'bout that "roughing it" Scoot,... if you can get Cookie to double her chocolate chip batch, we'll upgrade the table from paper plates to biodegradable "Formal Chinette" .... ($3.00/25 at Wal-Mart...we spare no expense) ;)
Petit Jean is truly RV Heaven. I did not manage to fly in last year but drove to it. The RV crowd virtually owns the mountain and the lodge. I already have a room booked this year and will definitely fly this year.
I just reserved a house, and the lady said it was the last one. They still have an apartment left (going, going....)
Sandy and I will be there. Looking forward to it. Last year was fantastic, and one of the best flying events we have ever attended. It will surely be a hard act to follow. Hope they will be doing the photo passes again this year? Can't wait!!

Tom Odehnal
First Timer - How do I register?

Awoke this AM thinking that I need to register since it opened yesterday ( ). So, silly question: How how do I register? Is there a form to fill out somewhere, a simple email saying we're coming? We already reserved accommodations w/ the park a couple weeks back, was that good enough?

Inquiring first timers would like to know. ;)


David, you should see the Registration link on the website go active Tuesday or Wednesday. We are slightly delayed getting it out (had to go to Oshkosh ;)) but it is a very simple on line process. Click on the link, fill in the blanks, all done. We'll also post the link here when we update the thread.

Glad you're planning on coming! Promising to be a great group this year. Several :rolleyes: jumped the gun and booked rooms already but there are more and the campground is wide open. I think we had 17 states represented last year, hoping for a couple more.

Already heard folks talking at Oshkosh about brown water and Spotted Cows .... must be that outdoors, camping, hiking, nature thing :D

See you on the Mountain! :) Bill
You're missing more than half the fun if not camping. The real fun starts well after the last bus to the lodge:)
You're missing more than half the fun if not camping. The real fun starts well after the last bus to the lodge:)

Ahhh Grasshopper, when Tanya hits 60, you will develop a new appreciation for the Presidential Lodge ;)
Lodge +1

Dan is a master of many thing, including Scotch. Sure hope the lodge guards don't bust us again this year for drinking out by the fire.

Holding short

Hi Bill,

Ok - Holding short on the registration link.

I did confirm this PM that I spoke to the proper folks (RCC) for the one bedroom apartment a couple of weeks ago. For those other 1st timers that may not know, the apartment is fully furnished w/ a kitchenette, towels, sheets, etc. So good there.

This is gonna be the Wife's 1st real XC, too. She commented the other day that she's looking forward to this.

Hoping for fair WX,


David, you should see the Registration link on the website go active Tuesday or Wednesday. We are slightly delayed getting it out (had to go to Oshkosh ;)) but it is a very simple on line process. Click on the link, fill in the blanks, all done. We'll also post the link here when we update the thread.

Glad you're planning on coming! Promising to be a great group this year. Several :rolleyes: jumped the gun and booked rooms already but there are more and the campground is wide open. I think we had 17 states represented last year, hoping for a couple more.

Already heard folks talking at Oshkosh about brown water and Spotted Cows .... must be that outdoors, camping, hiking, nature thing :D

See you on the Mountain! :) Bill
On line registration is Open !

UPDATE 8/5/2015: OK Oshkosh is over soooo ? PJ Registration is now open and I am told by the folks at the Rockefeller Conference Center that the Presidents Lodge is already full and the Meadows is filling up fast. If they are still available, they also have multi bedroom apartments that are very reasonable. Works great for couples of couples or 3-4 guys! Never hurts to ask :) Camping is always open.... we'll always make room as long as we know you're coming!

Please remember that we have to haul it all in to the Mountain so preregistration is really important to us. We have never had to limit registrations but we are getting close to capacity. Our mission isn?t to have a huge fly in,? it?s just to have a great RV gathering of friends so sign up quick and make plans to bring a RV friend to the Mountain.

Click here for On-Line Registration:

Website for all the good stuff:

Hope to see you on the Mountain :)
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UPDATE 8/5/2015: OK Oshkosh is over soooo … PJ Registration is now open and I am told by the folks at the Rockefeller Conference Center that the Presidents Lodge is already full and the Meadows is filling up fast. If they are still available, they also have multi bedroom apartments that are very reasonable. Works great for couples of couples or 3-4 guys! Never hurts to ask :) Camping is always open.... we'll always make room as long as we know you're coming!

Please remember that we have to haul it all in to the Mountain so preregistration is really important to us. We have never had to limit registrations but we are getting close to capacity. Our mission isn’t to have a huge fly in,… it’s just to have a great RV gathering of friends so sign up quick and make plans to bring a RV friend to the Mountain.

Click here for On-Line Registration:

Website for all the good stuff:

Hope to see you on the Mountain :)

The Registration link does not work. When I click on it, I get a web page that says: "Bad Request"

Tried retyping the link and a little EXPERIMENTING and found this link to work.
Type this in if you have problems ""
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The Registration link does not work. When I click on it, I get a web page that says: "Bad Request"

Tried retyping the link and a little EXPERIMENTING and found this link to work.
Type this in if you have problems ""

OK Condor.... try it again :rolleyes: Something about the way I inserted the link. Won't work in your quote but should work now in the original first post and the update above!

Look forward to you coming this year. Probably find some excuse to have a formation flight or 6 ;)
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Website Links active as well

Website Links have also been updated! You can register from there as well! Check out the pictures and video and then go to the Registration page and let us know you're coming :) !

Website :

Thanks Bill
We plan to make it and have registered...

from Sequin, Texas, as we did last year, in N261RM. we were the only RV9 on the field for most of the fly-in, tho one other did visit briefly on Saturday. Will hope to see a chum from Alabama in his RV3 this year, too, to check the RV3 category box. Don Olandese, Sequin, TX
from Sequin, Texas, as we did last year, in N261RM. we were the only RV9 on the field for most of the fly-in, tho one other did visit briefly on Saturday. Will hope to see a chum from Alabama in his RV3 this year, too, to check the RV3 category box. Don Olandese, Sequin, TX

Yup,... you and Bob were the only Dragging Wheel 9's but there were 8 Nose Dragger 9s on the field. Not sure where Buz was but maybe he'll come this year and you can have a 3'some 9'some :) Tail Dragging 9's are almost as rare as 3's and 14's :eek:

Here is what folks flew in last year.... 98 in total! We needed that 3 to fill out the card :


2015 Registration Count

UPDATE: 8/7/2015 Registration opened Monday and we now have 75 airplanes registered with RV8s leading the pack....what's that all about....7a's ruled last year :) I'm told the A means Advanced Military Gear :rolleyes:


70 are RVs and 5 are wanna be RVs or RVs on the way ;) About 1/3 camping and 2/3 staying at the RCC. I understand there are a few rooms left but plenty of campground!

It's promising to be a big year on the PJ RV Mountain :)

Bill (the Petit Jean Indian)
I'm in

Just signed up, this will be my wife's first cross country.

Hope the weather cooperates.

Anyone else from Wisconsin heading there, please email me so we can caravan out
[email protected]
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We'll be there!

Cindy really looks forward to Petit Jean!

My hat is off to the Hot Springs and North Little Rock EAA chapters that make this event so wonderful!

See you there!

I plan on flying up for the day just for fun (my better half will not be able to make it this year). I typically have done prop balancing while there but this time I've had a request to do a transponder (VFR) check. If you would be interested in having your xpdr certified please shoot me an email as I'm still not sure if I want to drag the equipment up there unless there are a few folks that would like it done.
I plan on flying up for the day just for fun (my better half will not be able to make it this year). I typically have done prop balancing while there but this time I've had a request to do a transponder (VFR) check. If you would be interested in having your xpdr certified please shoot me an email as I'm still not sure if I want to drag the equipment up there unless there are a few folks that would like it done.
Hey Walt, I say take this year off from work and just enjoy your day there. I have seen you working your tail off in the past. You deserve a day of just relaxing this year.
I plan on flying up for the day just for fun (my better half will not be able to make it this year). I typically have done prop balancing while there but this time I've had a request to do a transponder (VFR) check. If you would be interested in having your xpdr certified please shoot me an email as I'm still not sure if I want to drag the equipment up there unless there are a few folks that would like it done.
Hey Walt, I say take this year off from work and just enjoy your day there. I have seen you working your tail off in the past. You deserve a day of just relaxing this year.
I plan on flying up for the day just for fun (my better half will not be able to make it this year). I typically have done prop balancing while there but this time I've had a request to do a transponder (VFR) check. If you would be interested in having your xpdr certified please shoot me an email as I'm still not sure if I want to drag the equipment up there unless there are a few folks that would like it done.
Hey Walt, I say take this year off from work and just enjoy your day there. I have seen you working your tail off in the past. You deserve a day of just relaxing this year.
Final musings at 0300

My son has been been sick for three days and tonight seems no better. So I am awake at 0300 after another coughing spell and now I'm thinking about Friday.
Are there any specific requests for Scotch? I will bring a couple bottles of whatever I have around if no one specifically asks for anything special. I was also thinking about bringing down some local beer from northwest Arkansas. Saddlebock is what I'm planning there. Has anyone had beer from Saddlebock before?
Looks like my plans are changing slightly with the sick kiddo. Right now Norm and Lucas will come down Friday in the beer wagon (RV-10) and I will be in trail Carrie Ann (RV-4). Lucas will hang out for a few hours Friday, but he can't stay the night. Norm and I will camp Friday night and then Saturday morning Norm and I will return home and I will pick up Carrie, Madi, and Jamon in the family truckster (still the RV-10) and we will come back down and stay Saturday night at the lodge. Madi is super excited about doing some hiking and Jamon just wants to see airplanes. :)
So if you aren't already planning to be there, DO IT! Much fun will be had by all! Friday night Scotch and Star watching!
Oh, and the new ECO autopilot will be there to see plus we are planning a fun giveaway for the raffle again.
Great people, great airplanes, and great stories. My favorite fly in of the year!
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I will be arriving Friday morning, but since I will be solo I'm going to be camping. I have a reservation at the Lodge if anyone needs it before I cancel.

Rich Emery
richrv7a at
six three six 284 4678
Hey Walt, I say take this year off from work and just enjoy your day there. I have seen you working your tail off in the past. You deserve a day of just relaxing this year.

x2! Walt, you do outstanding work, but a whole heck of a lot of it. You deserve a break, Brother. Come on up to the mountain and stay a'while.
I'm going to have to skip this year... working this weekend to install a new GTN-650 in a friend's Lancair.
Planning on flying down with my daughter for Fri night and hiking on Sat, I'll try to round up some local brews as well!
we're thinking of flying into morrilton around 3-4pm, grabbing gas and heading to petit.
is this the best bet for fuel?
May I...

Just wondering if it would be ok to stop by on Saturday. Looks like I may be off work afterall! Almost done with the -7 emp and would like to take a look at all the the beautiful birds!
Yes, Iron, our little PJ get-together has morphed into something none of us ever saw coming.

And don't forget Danny and Martha Jane, they were going up to PJ before I had ever heard of the place ...