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CJ--I just sent you a PM indicating that I just mailed my order and deposit.

Thanks for putting this together.

rvmike said:
I don't want to be a naysayer, but a friend had his engine rebuilt by these guys. There was zero service and lie after lie to fix the problems after the build. I think a bunch of homework is due before anybody sends these guy's $$.
Who are you refering to? American Prop?
rvmike said:
I don't want to be a naysayer, but a friend had his engine rebuilt by these guys. There was zero service and lie after lie to fix the problems after the build. I think a bunch of homework is due before anybody sends these guy's $$.
What is your friend's name? What was the name of the person he was dealing with?

I have had dealings with them on three different occasion and they are as good as Bart and Sue at AeroSport Power.

I have meet over a half dozen RV pilots (I do not remember their names) at various fly-ins / air shows that have gotten engines and props from them and not one of them had anything bad to say.
Number 26


I mailed my $600 deposit to American Propeller this morning. Please add me to the PCU5000 group buy list. Also, THANK YOU for organizing this group buy!

Best Regards,

Bill Palmer
RV-8A In-Progress
Chino Hills, CA
Vans FWF Kit Mod to remove MT?

OK, This sounds like a great deal on a great gov'nuh, but if I order the FWF kit from Vans, doesn't it come with the MT governor? Or will Vans remove the governor (and adjust the price accordingly) if I don't want the MT? Has anybody determined what the price adjustment would be for a FWF kit without the MT?

Since nobody has asked this seemingly obvious question, am I missing something, or do most builderse forego the FWF kit and just buy the parts a-la-carte? :confused:

Highest Regards,

Noah Forden
RV-7A Finishing
Saunderstown, RI
Noah said:
OK, This sounds like a great deal on a great gov'nuh, but if I order the FWF kit from Vans, doesn't it come with the MT governor? Or will Vans remove the governor (and adjust the price accordingly) if I don't want the MT? Has anybody determined what the price adjustment would be for a FWF kit without the MT?

Since nobody has asked this seemingly obvious question, am I missing something, or do most builderse forego the FWF kit and just buy the parts a-la-carte? :confused:

Highest Regards,

Noah Forden
RV-7A Finishing
Saunderstown, RI

Vans are very flexible on the FWF kit (in fact on ALL kits). You can delete whatever you want and they will reduce the cost of the kit accordingly. I deleted lots of things including the MT governor, the oil cooler, the alternator and other parts...because I wanted better quality components. No problems with Vans.
I'm In


Since I'm a cheap bas...buzzard, I'm clinging to the down payment up to close of the offering period, but APS will get my order for a PCU5000. I sent you a PM for count purposes in case this post gets overlooked.

John Siebold
Boise, ID

The response has been over the top!

In the past few days the orders have been ROLLING in!

In less than 10 units we will be in the 41-50 unit ($1,071.00) category!

There is no reason to say no!

Thanks for all your participation!

:cool: CJ
Exisiting Woodward Governor on IO360-A1B6

I connected a winch of sorts to hoist my IO-360-A1B6 out of the crate tonite and discovered that it has a Woodward governor on the back of it. This engine came off a B24 Beech Sierra. Is this governor usable in the RV-7A? Any reason to forego this governor for the PCU 5000X?

If I were to buy the PCU, anybody have any idea whether the Woodward governor would be worth anything on the used market?

Any recommendations?

Thanks to all in advance,

Noah Forden
RV-7A Finishing
Rhode Island
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Noah, Here's one on ebay with 3 days to go and it is already up to $6.50!

In all seriousness, I don't know of anyone using one in an RV and unless it has a yellow tag, no one would pay any real money for it.

Soooo, either the PCU or rebuild the old Woody. Me, well I would get the PCU.

;) CJ
Noah said:
I connected a winch of sorts to hoist my IO-360-A1B6 out of the crate tonite and discovered that it has a Woodward governor on the back of it. This engine came off a B24 Beech Sierra. Is this governor usable in the RV-7A? Any reason to forego this governor for the PCU 5000X?

If I were to buy the PCU, anybody have any idea whether the Woodward governor would be worth anything on the used market?

Any recommendations?

Thanks to all in advance,

Noah Forden
RV-7A Finishing
Rhode Island
Depends on what model Woodward it is. I have a Woodward on my RV-6 for almost 10-years and 2,004 hours. Instead of paying $750 to have it overhauled, I am purchasing a new PCU-5000 in the group buy. Engine top rebuild is planned in the fall.
Thanks Bodie!

All, we are in the home stretch for this deal. Only several more and they are down to $1,071.00!

If you are on the fence, now is the time to put your order in!

Click here for all the ordering information.

Doug, How about putting this up on the front page for the last week of the group buy?

:cool: CJ
Captain_John said:
Thanks Bodie!

All, we are in the home stretch for this deal. Only several more and they are down to $1,071.00!

If you are on the fence, now is the time to put your order in!

Click here for all the ordering information.

Doug, How about putting this up on the front page for the last week of the group buy?

:cool: CJ

Cap'n John, Even the current $1100 will be a super cheap price for this excellent governor (best available in my opinion). One of the better known engine builders quoted me $1599 for this unit several months back. I hunted all over the place for a better price and the very best I could source was $1350. Thanks for setting up a really good deal. As previously advised....I'm in.

Incidentally, what many people fail to understand on group buys such as that the person setting up the group buy (YOU) ends up doing a huge amount of negotiating and communicating and emailing and monitoring.... all to save a few hundred dollars on your own governor which is the same benefit that everyone else gets. In the end it turns out to be a very big task , more like a service to the RV fraternity than a worthwhile economic pursuit. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for noticing! The Hooker Harnesses group deal went so well, I thought I would do this one.

I am paying the same as everyone else. I am only doing this for the betterment of us all.

We have a huge bargaining chip and I plan on playing it!

I am not sure what I will do next, but keep your eyes peeled and wallets open!

You are all welcome!

:) CJ
Thanks for bringing this TTT for me Bob!

I think we just might make the deepest discounted category!

It looks like Doug will not feature this thread anytime soon, so I will be posting another thread in the main forum area to hopefully garner some more interest in the group buy.

I know for a fact that some people have overlooked this thread because I have been getting PM's asking about the buy and when it will begin. Featuring it should alleviate that problem.

:) CJ
I'm in

Whew, thought I was cutting it closer than I really was.

I took care of my form and payment today John. I had Kevin Russel walk me through the technical stuff on the right of the form.

Thanks a bunch for arranging this.

Jeez, I just saw this today and am printing my form right now so i can get a check sent off. Thanks for the work on this Captain John. Tony
Too good to pass up

I'm in also. Talked to Kevin and he helped me get all the blocks rightand I fired away a deposit check. Now if I can just get a response from Whirlwind as to how long it will take to get my WW200RV prop I'll be in business.
One more day on this!

Hey guys, you still have some time on this! Call Bob or Kevin at American Propeller, tell them your order will be postmarked by Monday, fill out the form, writhe the check and get a great deal!

PCU Group Buy

CJ, I just filled out the form, attached a check, and it goes in the mail in the morning.

Thanks for doing all of the legwork for this deal.


Let me say, Thank you to all for participating!

We have succeeded in making the deepest discount category my a HUGE MARGIN!

I have been unable to follow this thread as closely as I would have liked to this past week. I see that there are several PM's in my inbox as well.

Thanks again for all who participated!

Keep your eyes peeled for future group buys!

I have some new ideas!

:) CJ
another one

We just placed our order for one today, so mark down one more.

Thanks alot CJ! Having arranged a grroup buy I know and appreciate the work you put in.
What now?

So I got a receipt for my deposit, but no details on the remaining payment, shipping costs or dates.

Should I expect an invoice, or give them a call?
I would wait

I talked to Kevin at American Propeller yesterday about a prop order and also about the governor order and he said that Americtech is working on it and we should hear something in a few days. I think they will contact us for the remainder due and tell us what the shipping charges are.
Gents, They are working on it.

The orders are being processed and I would be willing to bet that we will be getting our products soon!

Nicole answers the phone and does the billing. Kevin is doing the processing.

I spoke with them yesterday and they are all over it!

Call them if you want it expedited, otherwise... they will contact you.

:) CJ
I just got a call from Nicole at American Propellor Service. She gave me my balance and told me they were working on getting all of them out. I think she said that they got 67 orders and were totally blown away (and maybe a little unprepared) by the response.
I just talked to her this morning and they were up to 69 sold. In addition, she took a credit card instead of a check for the remaining balance of $496. Total price was $1071 plus 25 for shipping (drop shipped from the factory).
Mike F said:
I just talked to her this morning and they were up to 69 sold. In addition, she took a credit card instead of a check for the remaining balance of $496. Total price was $1071 plus 25 for shipping (drop shipped from the factory).

had the same experience ~1/2 hour ago.

Keep em coming

Nicole got me finished as well. As an added benefit of this post I was introduced to the nice folks at American Propeller and I have since ordered a new constant speed prop for my 8. Talk about not being able to wait for all the parts to arrive. Ordered my new throttle quadrant and misc. parts from Vans today.
RV8iator said:
Nicole got me finished as well. As an added benefit of this post I was introduced to the nice folks at American Propeller and I have since ordered a new constant speed prop for my 8. Talk about not being able to wait for all the parts to arrive. Ordered my new throttle quadrant and misc. parts from Vans today.

Wow! Can they actually beat Van's prices on props?
On Whirlwind

Yes.. I decided on the WW200RV and got a competitive quote from Kevin and IF I ever need any help or service I believe it will be nice to already have a relationship established with the good prop shop. I studied all the standard props and read and reread Randy Lervold's evaluation of props and decided on the WW. I will pay slightly more than a Vans Hartzell, but when you factor in the spinner that comes with it as well as other things and the weight and smoothness of the prop, to me, it was worth the little extra money. I also got in on the PCU 5000 buy here on this site so that save a few hundred bucks.
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I am glad everyone is pleased.

I just got off the horn with Bob Honig and it seems that we topped 75 units in all!

Thanks All!!!

:) CJ
Personal service

Captain_John said:
I am glad everyone is pleased.

I just got off the horn with Bob Honig and it seems that we topped 75 units in all!

Thanks All!!!

:) CJ

When Bob Honig from American Propellors found out that AeroSport Power was building my engine he offered to take my governor with him to the Arlington Air Show and personally give it to Sue from Aerosport (who was also in attendance). And he did exactly that.

It was a very personal form of service and a nice gesture...and of course it saved me some freight cost as well.
Mike F said:
Received my governor today. Woo Hoo!! All I need now is an engine and prop.

got mine yesterday as well. still no prop, but i ordered the engine at oshkosh.
Bob was kind enough to bring mine to Oshkosh for me to pick up. It worked out very well.

Thanks for the group buy.

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