
Well Known Member
Any interesting tips or facts or rumors about new products to be introduced at Oshkosh this year?
Garmin Stuff

Don't remember where but heard Garmin is coming out with a new and improved 396, 496 maybe. Also heard of a mini version of the 1000.

Pretty good time to be building. Better time to be flying!!!!!
David Clark

I got all excited the other day when I received an email from Sporty's about David Clark's new headset. It's priced at $799 and has a lot of nice features, but at that price, I was disappointed it doesn't include Noise Cancellation ala BOSE. Sport's is taking orders but can't ship until late July. Does that sound like the week of Airventure?
Someone said don't buy any new avionics until Oshkosh; that's no real surprise, but I would have thought we would have some good rumors by now!
Don :D
X11 Has it

rv7boy said:
I got all excited the other day when I received an email from Sporty's about David Clark's new headset. It's priced at $799 and has a lot of nice features, but at that price, I was disappointed it doesn't include Noise Cancellation ala BOSE.
Don, it sure does. If it didn't, I think they would have a hard time selling a $799 passive headset. ;)
David Clark has ENC

Thanks, Brad. Somehow I missed the description of the David Clark headset ENC in the email I received from Sporty's and I confess I didn't take time to check the DC website. Now I'm wondering if Bose or Lightspeed will have some new products/prices at Oshkosh.
OSH Rumor Central

I heard that the G men are coming out with a 496 that is larger has an internal A/P and approach plates with free weather. :D And the next Turbo belchfire 400 can be built from a QB in just 7 working days!! But really, I think the actual RV-12 will be there........ ;)
Van's Product announcement

My copy of The RV Ator 3rd issue, 2006 came today. Page 10 contains a paragraph that says,

"If all goes well, we will have a significant product introduction at AirVenture 2006 -- the result of over a year's intensive work.

No, not the RV-12 (Which is not expected to be finished in time).

Something else."

What is in the works? Is it the matched hole version of the RV-8 fuselage?
Wishful thinking

zspivey said:
My copy of The RV Ator 3rd issue, 2006 came today. Page 10 contains a paragraph that says,

"If all goes well, we will have a significant product introduction at AirVenture 2006 -- the result of over a year's intensive work.

Hopefully a new nose gear for the A series.
zspivey said:
My copy of The RV Ator 3rd issue, 2006 came today. Page 10 contains a paragraph that says,

"If all goes well, we will have a significant product introduction at AirVenture 2006 -- the result of over a year's intensive work.

No, not the RV-12 (Which is not expected to be finished in time).

Something else."

What is in the works? Is it the matched hole version of the RV-8 fuselage?

I have an e-mail form Van's saying late '06 (I read that to mean post-Septmeber?). Maybe they pushed it up a bit. Sure would be nice timing...

Heard two rumors from a dealer yesterday. Garmin 496 (couldn't get any details on features from the dealer) but I did a google search and found this on the web (google cache, the content has been removed from the original site):

Don't look on the Garmin website for their next portable, it doesn't exist yet. To be honest, I haven't seen one or or offically heard the word from Garmin that a new portable GPS will be introduced at OSH. But having said that, two "reliable sources" state Garmin will in fact introduce a new portable GPS named the GPSMAP 496. The new 496 has all the features of the popular 396 plus what you read below.

Here's what I've learned.

The new 496 is built on the same frame as the present and popular GPSMAP 396
Processing speed is slightly increased (so they think)
Comes with the City Select built-in, full unlock
AOPA Directory
Airport Ground & Taxiway layout for 600 Airports
Price is $2,795.00
I feel like the New York Times putting this up without actually hearing the word from Garmin but we shall see at OSH. To date, there are no aviation Marketing Memo's mentioning the GPSMAP 496 so in reality it doesn't exist. The crown jewel of the GPSMAP 396 is the aviation weather in my opinion. While the above features sound interesting, the $2,795.00 price verses $2,195.00 for the 396 just doesn't seem to excite me. Let's see what really happens.

The dealer also told me to wait on buying an Icom handheld. Don't know if this was because of a new Icom product or what.
OneTwoSierra said:
The dealer also told me to wait on buying an Icom handheld. Don't know if this was because of a new Icom product or what.

Yep, per the latest Kitplanes issue, Icmo will be offering a version of the I-24 and A-6 with a lithium battery.
matched hole RV-8 fuselage with fastback option including new canopy frame soon to follow, and maybe the actual RV-12 POC project hauled in on a truck would be my guess for Vans showing at AirVenture 06. The nosewheel situation for the A series RV's is a re-designed fork with a smaller frontal area and a shorter threaded axle portion on the nose strut to allow more ground clearance when the fork tucks under. I personally want to see Cessna's LSA entry, I think thats going to be the major attraction this year!
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smithhb said:
Yep, per the latest Kitplanes issue, Icmo will be offering a version of the I-24 and A-6 with a lithium battery.

I bought the Lithium version last year.
Oh there'll be some new stuff all right...and not all from the Garmin camp either - unfortuneatly (or fortuneately) some of the stuff is under really tight secrecy until the show, but I know of several thing which will be pretty neat (at least to some people and unimpressive to others).

Sorry to be so vague, but in less than 14 days we'll all get to see lots of new stuff at least introduced at OSH this year! Now, like we've all been learning the hard way - it doesn't mean all the goodies will be available this year!


One of those closely guarded secrets wouldn't have anything to do with Wx for the Avmap IV, would it?
jferraro16-Take it to the bank-saw it, touched it and liked the many improvements made. Only thing I thought they could have improved on were the landing gear towers for the taildragger. Still very busy with a lot of hardware and steel. Many of the parts the builder had to make out of extrusion are now all punched flat stock and formed. It was beautiful and will bring the 8 up to the same level of kit as the 7, 9 and 10.
brules said:
jferraro16-Take it to the bank-saw it, touched it and liked the many improvements made.

I've been holding off on ordering my RV-8 fuse based on all of the FB talk. With that in mind, I just talked to Tom(at Vans) and he "assured" me that there would be no RV-8 FB at Osh. I hope you are right and he was just keeping the company secret.

Hard Knox-The company has spent the last year producing a matched hole fuse RV-8. They had to develope not only parts for the taildragger but the tri gear as well. Tom is right in saying there will be no Fastback at Airventure 06, there probably won't even be the match hole standard RV-8 proto there, just a company announcement. The game plan though was to bridge the fast back design off of the work that went into the match hole RV 8 which would be easy now since it is all drawn in the system. With a portion of * sales going to the Rocket camp it's logical to try and recapture those sales by introducing your own version which has been done by Vans in the past.
Since I can't get to OSH (being stuck here in NZ) I hadn't been taking any notice of this thread. But I'm glad I looked. The matched hole RV-8 with possible FB is a seriously exciting development. For you boys over there, especially the ones that make it to OSH, please please PLEASE post back and keep me informed: I should be ordering my fuse in a few months and I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if a factory matched-hole FB is in the works...


"Stuck" in NZ doesn't seem quite accurate. ;)


Thanks for the info. Like I said, I've been conversing with Van's about the matched hole upgrade for a couple of years now. First it was "after the -10", then they narrowed it to "end of '06". I could order now, but was gladly waiting until December to get the match hole. With the addition of the FB piece, I'm sitting on pins and needles.


I'm right there with you, keeping the fingers crossed. Sometimes you have to read between the lines, right? Not "at" OSH, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be can hope!


If you are correct, I have to start re-thinking my project. I was planning on slowbuild wings / QB fuse. Mainly because the fuse was not matched hole. Now I may turn that around and do QB wings / slowbuild fuse.
Vans project

Since we are all wondering what is Van going to come up with, I will put my money on a certified version of the RV10. Just for grins! :rolleyes:
RV-10 Trainer- if you put your money on a certified 10 your horse will probably cross the finish line last place. The money to certify any aircraft is one big hurdle and Vans I'm sure could fund the project, but the aircraft would have to meet certain FAR's and criteria. It was designed as an amateur build aircraft and would have to undergo testing to meet the standards of production aircraft. The 10 has a close competitor already, the Cirrus , which is already certified.
New FADEC at Oshkosh

I have it on good authority that there is to be a new FADEC being launched at Oshkosh this year. Called the Eagle EMS, it is a Precision Airmotive product aimed at the experimental market. The initial release will be for 180 hp Lycomings, and the company hopes to have an RV-6 fitted with the system flying into Airventure this year, though I know that they are still working on it.
Check out their website, for more info...
Martin in Oz
Could they make it any easier?

On the drive home last night I was thinking about this thread and was wondering if Van's big announcement is that all their kits are going to be match drilled and dimpled. Kind of like what they are doing with the RV-12, only without the dimples.

The tail kit would still require the dimples so they meet the 51% rule. But other than that exercise there is no reason for us to dimple any more. Kind of like a quickbuild w/o the rivets installed.

Just think how much that would reduce your build time.

It?s too late for me, unless I become a repeat offender...
Garmin 496

Looks like the rumors were true about the Garmin 496. It was announced this afternoon.

What's New?
The GPSMAP 496 builds on the reputation of Aviation Consumer?s Product of the Year ? our GPSMAP 396. Additional features offered by the new 496 include: Garmin?s SafeTaxi airport diagrams for over 650 airports; AOPA?s Airport Directory data; Garmin?s altitude sensitive Smart Airspace alerts; enhanced high-resolution terrain; private airports and heliports; faster 5 hertz GPS update rate; and pre-loaded automotive maps of North America or Europe. The near real-time Panel Page, with its accelerated GPS update rate, is worth the upgrade alone. XM WX Satellite Weather? and audio entertainment packages are optionally available. Plus, the unit?s built-in turn-by-turn automotive database makes it an all-purpose, go-anywhere navigator for the dashboard as well as the cockpit.

You guys are all wrong......The RV-12 will not be there......the RV-8 fastback will be. The everyman's more affordable Rocket....sorry Mark. Sleek, fast, insurable, and affordable....what more could you ask???
ScottHersha-I would be willing to bet you that Vans has sent their RV-12 to Oshkosh via highway, because they know if they don't at least show something to keep some attention, they will drop off the radar screen as far as LSA is concerned. I also believe that product announcement will be a matched hole RV-8 fuselage. If they show up with a fastback RV-8, the only way they could pull that off was to put a fastback on their RV-8 Dilbert, since all they would need to do was drill off the turtle deck and make the changes without building an entire new aircraft.
brules said:
ScottHersha-I would be willing to bet you that Vans has sent their RV-12 to Oshkosh via highway, because they know if they don't at least show something to keep some attention, they will drop off the radar screen as far as LSA is concerned.

Agreed. With all the hype and fanfare Sport Pilot has produced, at last years AirVenture it was definitely the buzz word. The Sport Pilot tent had a steady stream of interested folks and the Sport Pilot Forums I attended were almost full. The LSA Mall had a pretty good attendance from what I saw and I suspect this year it will draw an even larger crowd. What with mega company Cessna unveiling their shiny new LSA and Rans with their new S-19 LSA not to mention the Europrean LSA entries, Vans cannot afford to be left out of this early, growing, Sport Pilot fan base.
OK stupid question???

New guy here..please no beatings..

What is meant by "fastback"???



Still trying to get clearance from my control tower.. :eek:
I was ordering a compass from one of the major avionics guys today, and we got on the subject of panels and EFIS's, and in the middle of the discussion, he asked if I was going to OSH. When I said no, he said to check their site on opening day for the big announcement.

Deals with something for the bigger (side by side?) RV's. No more could be pried out! Some obscure reference to not very deep, but I'm not sure.....

Only 3 days to go!
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You watch

I'm betting that there will be another Garmin announcement most likely around the G1000 for experimentals... Let's see, it's been 2 years since they introduced it, so their exclusive arrangements with the certified guys are just about up. Course, it's just a guess at this point... Last time I asked the guys at Garmin about the G1000 for experimentals they handed me a 396 and said, here, the G1000 for experimentals.... :)

It will take a unique airplane to support it if it happens too. For example. I have one in my 182. It has 25lbs of wiring alone and a million wires from the front avonics bay to the rear one. Yep, there are TWO avionics bays. If we speculate on the price, I'm betting somewhere well north of 75K. The rumor on the certifieds is that it's at least 70K worth of avonics with no wiring, etc.

The challenge will be W&B with those two Avionics bays..... But alas, we'll see, but it just wouldn't surprise me....
What is meant by "fastback"???

What is the fascination with the RV 8 fastback?

Are they that much faster?

To me there is no finer looking plane than a TD RV 8 and the 360deg view from inside is unbeatable.

I really wish my F1 was a total bubble canopy.