EAA 32 (St. Louis) again will donate a few tables so that if folks bring stuff, there'll be a place to put it.

I'll stop over to WalMart and pick up a cheap grill and charcoal if folks want to cook their own. but I should check first. Is anyone planning to bring their own food?
I plan to make it this year Bob. Should be able to bring some munchies from my campsite.

About time I put faces to the names in this forum!

I cant show up empty handed. A case of beer and a bag or something to munch will be with my lawn chairs. No need for grills, will eat prior and just be there for bull and beers.:D
I can bring a (very) small grill.

Linda and I will want to cook some Brats or Dogs. Will bring some snacks to pass around.
Just updated the list. Now, the 10-day forecast calls for a high of 77 on Wednesday under sunny skies. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as perfect.

The coming weekend doesn't look all that special , though. Rain and a high of 70 on Saturday. That's not going to be real pleasant for those of us getting in early.
Add us to the list!

My wife and I are looking forward to attending.:D

Seb and Darlene Trost
Henderson NV
EAA 1300
Just a reminder that we're going to need to pass the hat at some point to pay for the xtra camping spots. Shouldn't need more than about $2 per. Looks like about 100 ppl coming. $42 a day for two extra sites (I think two will do). Five nights (I'm probably going over Friday)...
On to Oshkosh!

I'm heading over to Oshkosh this afternoon. Looks like a stormy Saturday and I don't want to be setting up a tent in high winds.

I've updated the attendance page and I've also added a live chat for Wednesday evening to the Piece of Grass 2009 home page. If you can't make the BBQ, you can join us virtually. I'll post up some pictures and process some quick YouTube videos during the evening.

I'll leave the laptop in a prominent spot so people can drop in at the campsite and say "hey."

If you're going to POG '09, remember to bring your own chairs. We will have one very lame grill if you'd like to cook a hot dog or something. Any snacks we'll have will have to be donated by people. I just don't people to be disappointed that they don't find the big organized affair of previous years (although if we could get a company to donate a few thousand dollars, we could do it next year. Hint. Hint.)

I'll post some stuff on the blog later today. My cellphone number (it's different than the one I had last year) is also on the page.

Fingers-crossed for fun.
Shhh... Important

I think Bob is on his way to Osh and can't read this. Shhhh..... I've attended the first get together then got involved helping Bob with the others. I don't think anyone really realizes how much effort he puts into the deal. Even a low key version like, POG 09.

I also am very confident that he grossly under estimates the amount of money he expends. Although, he doesn't want to make money on the deal, he needs to get his expenses covered. After all, he is building a plane on the "pay as you go," method. And, he is doing this for us!!!!!

So, I'm asking everyone to be very generous when the hat is being passed. I'm thinking a minimum of $5 a head. Additionally, if you're going to cook there, try to be self contained. (There will be a grill) I don't think he is bringing the full set up.

Can't wait. Lets have some fun. And, lets make sure Bob has fun and isn't working too hard!!!!!!!
Hat availability ?

Will there be VAF hats available at osh? If so where. Thanks. See you there.
The tent is set up. Just as I was thinking "I hope this isn't the year a pole breaks, a gust of wind came along. Fixed with some galvanized steel pipe and the typical friendliness of people I didn't know.

The compound is set up too. Hopefully we'll be able to ring it with some RV builders. Things are pretty thin so far. I don't think I've ever come out on a Friday before and not seen a plane land all day (though I'm sure one did).

FYI, parking is up to $8 this year. Camping was $24. Internet service in the campground spotty. Flush toilets good. Showers better. Old men in showers still kinda creepy.

And here it is, your...umm... piece of grass


Remember there's a happy hour every evening, so stop by.

BTW, on Wednesdy, I know a few of you are in homebuilt camping. I'll give folks a ride back. It's a small car, though, so I can only fit 4 at a time (assuming three SQUEEZE into the back seat).
Since we're not leaving Wednesday as previously planned, I'll probably drop in and visit a bit. Looking forward to meeting people IRL at last.
To KOSH on Sunday

I was at your very first "sit around" a number of years ago. Will drop by Wednesday. Will be in homebuilt camping.

Joel Haynes
7A N557XW
Bozeman, MT
Old men in showers still kinda creepy.

Now that's funny, right there. I think my 11 y/o son was traumatized by the shower trailer at SNF a couple years ago. We hit the trailer in the morning with the rest of the crowd - bad idea. When we finally got in we noticed that there was very little room to maneuver and lots of naked, wrinkly, bloated, sagging flesh (some of it ours). I told him this is a right of passage for any young man.
Now when we go to SNF we avoid the trailers and go to the shower buildings in the afternoon when they are about empty. I don't want to do anymore psychological damage to him if I can help it. :)

WX permitting, I will be arriving Thursday evening. Will look for the POG.
Bob, checked out the grass lat night wit Paul Trotter.

It seems to function well for the purpose of drinking ale!

Should work fine!

See you soon!

:) CJ
Great to hear from everybody. Once again, i cannot overstate how little I'm contributing here other than the space. I'm a little worried that folks may be expecting more than it is. Be sure to bring your drink (there's a camp store right across the road if you want to stop in there).

I've got to get over to Walmart tomorrow and get a cheapie grill if anyone wants to cook something (cheap...you got THAT part, right?)

The cmapground is PACKED this year. Very surprising.

Given the cold nighttime temps, I'll try to find some firewood.
And he gave a great talk at the banquet. One of the highlights, along with the award for Doug.
A nice evening


That sky is what we in the Midwest like to call a perfect Midwest evening sky.

I don't know how many people showed up for Piece of Grass. I'd guess 80 or so.

I've posted pictures here. I didn't get everyone and I didn't get to talk to everyone but it was a nice relaxing evening. We even had a fire and Darwin Barrie, Brad Oliver, Chad Jensen and Joe Ferraro closed the place, again. Bill Repucci has been inducted into the post-event hall of fame, too.