
Well Known Member
(Doug, since this isn't model specific, I couldn't figure out where to post this. Would you kindly move it to wherever you feel it should go? --Thanks)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] The era of the big RVers BBQ at Oshkosh is over, let the return-to-basics begin![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We'll get together for an evening of sitting around doing nothing, not picking door prizes, not cooking, not sitting under a tent, not drinking someone else's free beer. In other words, it'll be a perfect Oshkosh evening.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You're invited to stop by in the campground where we'll have -- hopefully -- plenty of space for you to sit (on the chair that you bring), drinking beer or soft drinks (that you brought) and eating some food (that you cooked on the small, cheapie WalMart grill that we'll buy. We're not entirely without the desire for a little work!)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]See details here.

[ed. Looks great to me, Bob. See you there! dr ]
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Bob, I think this is absolutely the way to go. Only those who have organized stuff like what you have done in past years can fully appreciate how much work is involved. Perfect.
Can't wait

Hey Bob,

I'm glad there will be a happy hour a couple of other times. You can come drink some of Jeff's Scotch with Glenn and I.

Can't wait.
Great, guys. The only reason I go to Oshkosh anymore is to see all of you and show up unannounced on your doorsteps and drink your booze. I hear they have some airplanes there but...
I'm very likely, Plan A is for my group to be landing at the field before lunch Wednesday.
Add me in!

Will be pulling the fifth wheel from MS and will be camping in the pet area (wifes choice). Not too far from the shin-dig. Will be there.
I'll be there!

As a former Twin-Cityan myself, I've been looking forward to meeting you (and Alex, too!) for some time. Should be a hoot.
I'll stop by and meet you all!

I am not flying to OSH but I am doing the next best thing. I am loading up the Saturn and bringing my three year old son to his first big aviation event. He literally tells everyone he meets that he is going to OSH this year. He's pretty excited and so am I. I am looking forward to putting faces with names when I am out there so we will stop by the RV area and say HI!!

T'is a shame that I shall not be in attendance. I hope that those who are able..... a grand time while there. ;)

PS...PLEASE ..post pics of those who do attend.

My best to all,
Planning on it, Bob.

Thanks for all the local transportation options, it's a long walk from the HB camp ground. Maybe I can bum a ride with Rich Emery if he is going. :)

I'm there, if I can figure out how to get back to Appleton by 7 am on Thursday morning for the "company" briefing. I'm looking forward to it.

And, ya'll come by the National Park Service booth in the Federal Pavilion, if you have a chance. I don't know what to promise there as this is my first Oshkosh but it will give me a chance to meet more of you folks and you can learn more about aviation in the National Parks.
Count me in

I will be coming in late wed afternoon, would love to stop by and meet all of you. I am a brand new builder though, so could I get a few details about this shin dig. Bob, where is your camp located? Which night are you thinking of doing this? Thanks, looking forward to it!

I am a brand new builder though, so could I get a few details about this shin dig. Bob, where is your camp located?

Sorry Bob, I finally found your link in your first post (and I want to build an airplane!)...so disregard my previous question. There will be two of us.
Ha. I believe the couch is compost now, the victim of a collision, as I recall, with an unmotorized hangar.

Besides, Stein and his folks don't stay in the campground anymore. They're too old. They rent a house on the lake, I believe. And around that hour of the day I believe they're having white wine and goat cheese.
The couch is still alive. Stein just posted it's status in another VAF thread. (search for lazyboy)
Ha. I believe the couch is compost now, the victim of a collision, as I recall, with an unmotorized hangar.

Besides, Stein and his folks don't stay in the campground anymore. They're too old. They rent a house on the lake, I believe. And around that hour of the day I believe they're having white wine and goat cheese.

Bob...you really must stop over. We prefer Cuban Cigars, Old Scotch/Icy Margerita's and thick juicy steaks with perhaps a good cold beer chaser! I'm a midwest boy who never learned to like much "gourmet" stuff. I still take time to hang out in the campground where all the fun is at when I can. I do miss it after doing it for years, but I also relish going to bed in a bed with air conditioning, no highway noise and a nice individual shower after working a long hot day inside that wonderful hangar! I think Clay is going to bring either the couch, lazy boy or both this year as he told me today over lunch that there will be a barnstormers display at the show (where his 1929 TravelAir Biplane will be)....so perhaps one of his friends will bring the motorized furniture over!

Anyway, I might find time to come visit Bob sometime during the week! I just know better than to leave a sweatshirt hanging around....ask Bob about his Jackson Hole sweatshirt!!! :)

Just updated the attendee list at the link at the top of the page. I have some mail in my computer at home that I haven't added yet. Looks like a nice conveniently underwhelming-sized crowd.
# No Politics
# No Religion
# No Primer
# No whining about the media

I dunno Bob. Can we talk about "your" Cleveland Indians ? ? ? :rolleyes:

Bernie "Smoker" Ockuly
Strongsville, Ohio
RV7 "A", N914E, 563 hours, 1,237 landings, 1,295 rolls, 108 gallon of smoke oil, since 9/11/05
I dunno Bob. Can we talk about "your" Cleveland Indians ? ? ? :rolleyes:

Yes, if my son the paramedic comes over. Someone has to keep me from swallowing my tongue during the fit. Oh, wait, THAT won't work. He's an Indians fan, too! Dangit.

Anyway, the updated list of attendees is posted (or will be in a minute), On some, I only have a first name.
OSH-N-Bob 2009

Would love to drop by and say hi to everybody..

See ya there.
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Piece of Grass 2009

I will try to be there and bring another 7a builder with me. However, we may have to leave Wed morning or when the weather is favorable to fly back over the Lake Michigan pond:eek:
I"ll be there

Not sure how large a gaggle I'll be trailing, but I'll be there.

Art in Asheville
RV-8 Fastback Flying
"Lil Snorkey"
IO-390, BA prop
I've just updated the attendance list. For those needing rides, we'll try to coordinate something.

A reminder that -- money being tight and all (just wrote a check for the kid's tuition) -- I'm not providing goodies, however it'd be great if people could bring some munchies -- a jar of peanuts, a bag of chips etc and we'll throw them out there.

I'll try to bring a couple of watermelon. In the past, this has not gone over all that great, though. what do RVers have against watermelon? :D

Can someone donate a package of those "hello my name is" stickers? I didn't do ID badges this year either; I'm lame.
Hello, My Name is 4822C

I'll get a pack of stickers and bring a few sharpies, blue of course. We are good on transportation now - we snagged a room within walking (or is that stumbling?) distance.