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My beef is the ATC "keep it in the air" repetitive coaching to cover HIS/HER @$$ on min painted marker interval all the while the follower is hot, high, long of their marker and closing the gap.

We got there early on Sunday and watched some of the craziness on 36. It was amusing to watch. Planes would come down into ground effect 1/2 mile before their assigned dot and then just drag the plane along just above stall speed for a while and put it down on their dot. I kept wondering how that can help with spacing.

I watched as the little 152 looking plane (flight of three, but #3 did a go around first time) try that trick and as he was floating along got a gust he couldn't handle and flipped over in to the east ditch. Apparently spot landing practice is not too high on most pilots to do list and one more reason that folks should do some refresher practice before diving into OSH stuff. If all you ever do is 3* final approaches, like the FAA wants, I imagine OSH is a real challenge. Based upon what I see near me, most folks are not used to turning final 1/4 mile from the runway. Seems most modern students are going 1.5 to 2 miles out on base. I was behind a guy yesterday that was 3 miles out on base. If that is what you are accustomed to, OSH must be a real eye opener, especially on 27 where you are turning base at the threshold.

I feel fortunate to be at an airport that has a runway that has cross winds 90% of the time. I suspect some folks at bigger airports don't get a lot of crosswind practice and Sunday was a bit gusty.

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Landing at Oshkosh

It always amazes me to watch the Ford, AT6's Beech 18 taildraggers, etc handle gust to 30 straight across 36, but some of the nosedraggers can't handle 10 knot crosswind.
As interesting as this is getting, it has gone completely off the track of the original post, so I think we’ll close it….
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