Why don't we meet under the new HBC 40X80 foot pavilion. More shade less confusion. ;)

Looking forward to meeting other RV builders even though I am not yet a 12 builder I would love to meet up to put names to faces and pick your respective brains :)
Me too.

plan to be coming up on the 21st. if weather is not a problem. First time for 888, and will use 90 Kts. at 1,800 per the Notam. She is comfortable all the way down to 70 without falling off the step. I would not miss the fun mixing in with all the other on the first trip for anything. Good luck and see you there.
Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
Camping Gear Shipped

Camping gear on it's way...plan on arriving AM on the 21st (as soon as ATC is up).

Looking forward to a fun filled week.
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I'll be in HBC from Sun-Wed. I'm flying in with my daughter and the wife and son are coming out commercially.
Depending on weather I plan on arriving on Saturday. I'll be alone this year as the wife and I had a miscommunication about dates and she booked clients for the week. I just counted N99PZ's mugs and this will make #14 out of 17 years of flying the 6A.

You'll find me fat and happy in HBC. I plan on staying as long as I can put up with the heat. We had a high of 62F today at the house.
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You'll find me fat and happy in HBC. I plan on staying as long as I can put up with the heat. We had a high of 62F today at the house.

Wow, I'm pretty sure it was closer to 62C at the shop today. Looking very much forward to the cool north for a couple of week with the family.
Now that AirVenture is underway, can someone report on the field conditions? Is grass wet to point where feet get muddy?

Traveling up tomorrow...