
Well Known Member
Getting ready to plan my first fly-in to Oshkosh. Was wondering what "others" are planning.

My buddy and I are leaving from Coeur D'Alene the 18th and fly the northern route (weather permitting). Plan on flying into Oshkosh Friday morning to avoid the onslaught over the weekend.

Would be interesting joining up with others enroute!!
Staked out the usual campsite yesterday, Camp Scholler opening day (Friday morning). I'm ready! If you need any repairs/tools or assistance, come and see our chapter at the Repair Barn between Vintage and the Ultralights. Our 55th year!
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Leaving the DFW area July 23 at the crack of dawn with a flight of 3 RV12s.
Route 16X KFYV KMYJ KHXF RIPON FISKE KOSH 802NM! Will stop at each airport for Fuel. All airports listed in the route has 91 octane mogas.
If anybody along our route would like to join up send me an email and I will coordinate it.D
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Leaving DFW area Tuesday 7/25 after work and camping somewhere along the way. Arrive OSH Wednesday morning. This was going to be the year of a week at OSH but the company I work for scheduled some meetings for Monday and Tuesday. NBD.
Ric, weather permitting, plan to leave KHLN on Thursday morning (7/20) with a fuel stop in KABR. Should be a good show. Woody

Getting ready to plan my first fly-in to Oshkosh. Was wondering what "others" are planning.

My buddy and I are leaving from Coeur D'Alene the 18th and fly the northern route (weather permitting). Plan on flying into Oshkosh Friday morning to avoid the onslaught over the weekend.

Would be interesting joining up with others enroute!!
I'll be working :(. In the AOPA Tent all week ��

Doing the Cessna 2 OSH arrival Saturday with some co-workers
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Flying in the 12 from Huntsville AL area on Saturday 22 July and camping at HBC. Know of a 9A also flying up. Hopefully I can convince a few more of our local 12s and other RVs to join us.
Tom and Katie will try to go weather permitting. It's been 3 years since time and we are looking forward to it.
Sunday through Saturday, sadly on American not in the 12 (yet). It will, however, be my 28th trip to OSH.
I'll be there with the whole family this year. Going in the big red Van, not the little Van's.
I'm in

I'm coming for my 3rd year and bringing a friend who has never been. Can't wait to show him around. My wife can't go this year so she is graciously allowing me to go without her. Driving in since my 9A isn't close to being done yet.
I'll be flying my RV-8 up from Phoenix with my daughter in the back. We're going to camp at HBC from Sunday to Wednesday, then fly all the way to northern California for a family reunion. It's going to be the adventure of a lifetime!
Driving this year and taking good friend who is 80 years old and was a USN Plane Captain for A4 Skyhawks back in the early 60?s on two different carrier groups. Going to be an eye opener?
Me, wife and daughters will be in Camp Sholler in a rented TT Sun-Sat.

Francesco 'Franz' my 8 FF lead will be with us in another TT with three friends.

Can't wait ;)
Louise and I will be there most of the week, or until we've had all teh fun we can stand! I think the airplane line-up is Tsam and Mikey if they both stay healthy for the next couple of weeks.

Looking forward to seeing all the old and new friends we have made, and will make, through this magic community of homebuilder's.
My dad and I are going again this year

We went last year and had a blast! He lives in Boise, Idaho, so he flies to San Jose, CA to pick me up. After a good nights rest at my house, we head East to enjoy the journey with the only goal being to enjoy every minute. We are going to visit with my brother and his family before barrowing his truck to complete the journey to OSH/EAA/Airventure. If you see N124WB on your ADS-B ... that's us! C-Ya! :)
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Flying from Logan Utah. Route advice??

I've been to OSH twice before but haven't flown myself yet. My wife has never been. We are flying our RV9A from Logan Utah KLGU on Thursday or Friday (depending on weather) with an overnight stop for an early arrival at OSH Saturday morning. What is the "northern route" some have been mentioning? We currently are thinking of going Casper, Rapid City, Huron Regional KHON and then an overnight stop before KOSH. Any suggestions for a better route or overnight stop? Is a route more along I80 rather than I90 preferable? Why? Thanks
I've been to OSH twice before but haven't flown myself yet. My wife has never been. We are flying our RV9A from Logan Utah KLGU on Thursday or Friday (depending on weather) with an overnight stop for an early arrival at OSH Saturday morning. What is the "northern route" some have been mentioning? We currently are thinking of going Casper, Rapid City, Huron Regional KHON and then an overnight stop before KOSH. Any suggestions for a better route or overnight stop? Is a route more along I80 rather than I90 preferable? Why? Thanks

Once you get past Rock Springs, its pretty much downhill all the way to OSH. I usually just go DIRECT to OSH from there, and pick a fuel stop that looks convenient in Iowa or southern Minnesota. This is really between 80 and 90, and there's no need to stick over one of the other.
Heading up Thursday the 20th with our "advance team" to set up camp for about two dozen kids and a dozen or so adults. My RV for this trip has six wheels and is well over gross. With all we have to bring, flying isn't an option anymore. No AvaitionNation planes there yet (next year) but Eagle's Nest One will be there. Hope to see a bunch of you!

Bringing a friend and first timer new pilot.
Be in the North 40 in a Grey 182RG (N6294T)... My ride until the 10 is done. Stop by to say hi if you see us.
We'll be in either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning till Wednesday or Thursday.
I was undecided until last night. I think I'll be flying the 12 up on Sunday, staying HBC. Don't know when I'll leave.
I will be there!

Will be there Saturday-Thursday. I am heading up via the RV-80, built by McDonald Douglas, as it will be a few years until I am done building the RV-8 :D Staying in Scholler and hope to see (again) or meet some more of you good RV people! Will be attending the RV-8 gathering, the Van's banquet and of course, the beer fairly social and the beer swap. :D:D
Will be up there from Friday until the end of the show. Bringing the RV-14. Between Van's, Homebuilt Council, Safety Council meeting, and giving a few forums on pre-buys and first flights, I think it is going to be busy. But it's always been our favorite event of the year. Really look forward to seeing so many of the friends that we've met and only seen at OSH over the years!

We'll be there in HBC--flying in Saturday morning after stopping to see friends and spending the night in Indiana on Friday the 21st. We got a new pop-up tent for this year that we can't wait to give it a try.
We are flying in from Long Island, just ordered my tent. This is a first for me including the camping! Looking forward to it..
We'll be there in HBC all week. We'll offset all of the "important" people (you know who you are) and not be busy at all. Just sitting there by the airplane with our feet in the grass having a snack listening to airplane noise most of the time...
speed and altitude

flying to Oshkosh in RV7A.

What speed and altitude are people going into Oshkosh at?

* 90 kts @1800 MSL.......OR 135 kts @ 2300 MSL?


I'll be flying in on Saturday afternoon from deep south Texas with my friend. She loves aviation and this will be her first trip to OSH. She will be blown away!! See everyone at the beer tasting and RV Banquet.
flying to Oshkosh in RV7A.

What speed and altitude are people going into Oshkosh at?

* 90 kts @1800 MSL.......OR 135 kts @ 2300 MSL?



90 @ 1800. Absolutely no reason to use the 135 -2300 high approach in any RV
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Driving from Jonesboro Ar

Driving up Thursday 20th, will be there all week. Hope to meet everyone at the Van's banquet.

Rich kincaid
Finish kit
Speed and altitude

Will be up there from Friday until the end of the show. Bringing the RV-14. Between Van's, Homebuilt Council, Safety Council meeting, and giving a few forums on pre-buys and first flights, I think it is going to be busy. But it's always been our favorite event of the year. Really look forward to seeing so many of the friends that we've met and only seen at OSH over the years!


Vic, what airspeed and altitude do you fly VFR arrival into Oshkosh? My first time in my RV7. Thanks,


It depends, if you get behind three cubs, you will wish you were high. I've done both. The low is OK, if a big if, you can slow to 65 for 20 minutes and not over temp. You take a chance on getting lower at the end, but mine always worked. Listen to traffic as far out as you can and assess what you are comfortable with. ATC didn't seem to care high or low.
Don't forget about

Fourth Annual Southeast Wisconsin RV-12 Meeting and Fly-In

Join Us
Fort Atkinson Airport (61C)
Saturday, July 22rd
11:00 AM?2:00 PM

Things to Do and See

Meet other RV-12 Builders
Meet Student Builders
Talk about building trauma and successes
See Multiple completed RV-12?s
Eat good food
Share stories
Make New Friends
Vic, what airspeed and altitude do you fly VFR arrival into Oshkosh? My first time in my RV7. Thanks,


Just fly the regular approach (90 knots at 1800'MSL). The RV's do not need to fly the higher-speed approach.
However, for those of you for whom this will be your first time, I highly recommend you go out and fly for a while at 90 KIAS and get used to it. The speed will feel differently to you, and most likely your oil temps will increase as well. Get used to your airplane in this flight regime, and the view out the window. Understand your power settings so you can set the pwer when needed and go back to looking out the window. It is REALLY important to fly with your eyeballs looking OUTSIDE the airplane during the arrival at OSH, as it is really busy.
Have plenty of fuel on board and try to be rested when approaching Ripon. Take a snack and a drink of water so you are sharp. Be prepared for a holding pattern when you least expect it, and don't hesitate to bug out if it starts to get crazy or confusing.
Weather patterns can put a lot of airplanes at Ripon at the same time (like last year on Sunday late morning and early afternoon).

Remember, this is supposed to be FUN! :)

I look forward to seeing many of you there, so be safe.

RV meet and greet

Maybe all the RV12 builders and owners get together at Vans booth at noon on Wednesday, have done it in the past. It's nice to put a face with a name here on the forums. Maybe have lunch together?
Meet and greet

Great idea, see you Wednesday at noon. Hope others can make it too. HBC pavilion.