
Thanks forvthe update. I have a panel upgrade in my future and at the rate MGL is progressing, you'll be ready before I am :)

Best of luck with those small potholes !
The future RV grin just got bigger!!

As a newbie here (having been a serial lurker for a while) I decided it was time to put pen to paper [or finger to keyboard!!] and what better place than with a product developed and manufactured right here at home. Yup you guessed it, I live in South Africa, and hope to start buidling a RV9A in the new year!! I have already obtained the Preview Plan set etc and am in the process of sorting out my "build area". Fortunately we live on a farm so space is not a big issue. Obviously the "Panel" is still a long way down the track but it is comforting to know that at least something wont be subject to the fluctuations of the Rand/ Dollar exchange rate and is such a great product as well. I will no doubt establish contact with Rainier at some time in the not too distant future, but, as the saying goes, the secret to getting ahead is getting started and at age 62 :eek: I guess I'd better not wait too long!!
Till next time - I'll just continue absorbing as much info as possible from all the amazing folks in the RV community.
Many thanks to you all
Kevin Walker
Welcome to VAF!!!!

As a newbie here (having been a serial lurker for a while) I decided it was time to put pen to paper [or finger to keyboard!!]
Kevin Walker

Kevin, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Good to have you aboard, you are gonna love it when the plane gets done, and the first flight is happening.

You might want to start doing face stretching exercises now, the grin will be a big one;)

A few questions...

I have an anywhere map pro subscription running on a Windows 7 tablet which I love.
I have a non-WAAS Garmin 430.
Any chance of interfacing the HITS to a flight plan and approach entered in either of those?

Any plans to incorporate an audio panel within your iefis?
Is it too soon to ask about iEFIS templates for panel planning?

No, not too soon. More info will find its way soon. Should have the 7" and 10.4" final in a few days as well.

iEFIS Explorer panel size.jpg

Mounting depth (behind the panel flange) is 28mm (just over an inch).
Leave some space for connectors.
No fans or forced air cooling required. It is recommended to make provision for at least convection airflow behind the panel to avoid build up of heat due to other avionics.

CEO MGL Avionics
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A few questions...

I have an anywhere map pro subscription running on a Windows 7 tablet which I love.
I have a non-WAAS Garmin 430.
Any chance of interfacing the HITS to a flight plan and approach entered in either of those?

I'm not 100% sure how the non WAAS 430 compares with the 430W but I'm pretty sure basic nav should work if connected through the ARINC.
For the GPS you can connect via the iEFIS NMEA input (should work with pretty much any GPS).

Any plans to incorporate an audio panel within your iefis?

Not in the panel itself, at least no immediate plans. We put quite a bit of audio support in the V6 radio itself basically elliminating the need for a audio panel.

No, not too soon. More info will find its way soon. Should have the 7" and 10.4" final in a few days as well.

Mounting depth (behind the panel flange) is 28mm (just over an inch).
Leave some space for connectors.
No fans or forced air cooling required. It is recommended to make provision for at least convection airflow behind the panel to avoid build up of heat due to other avionics.

CEO MGL Avionics[/QUOTE]

Perfect. Thanks very much.
Rainier...any updates on the release of the iEfis?

No updates, everything is on track and in the production process now. Explorer (8.5") is looking good.
Molds for Discovery and Challenger (7" and 10.4" units) and also in production.

The first production batch for the Explorer is nearly sold out so if you need one early, make sure you have your name on your distributors waiting list.

CEO MGL Avionics
Any further info re: pricing? If you're nearly sold out of the first run of the Explorer, I'm assuming this has been set, yes?:)

I do not think he meant sold out as my understanding is they are not yet available. MGL has established a waiting list. There are additional mod's to the existing supporting box's that must also be updated to play with the Explorer units.
We have not shipped any Explorers as none have thus far been completed. We only expect this to happen end of March judging by current progress related to the various contract manufacturers. MGL does final assembly of the parts as they come in. A bit like Boeing's 787. Logistically quite challenging to get this right. Just one minor delay of a single part and everything has to wait.

iEFIS breaks with our tradition as it is time for a fresh start with respect to the various "support boxes". In the main this involves new communications buses, new protocols and new distribution of "work" among the various bits.

iEFIS cannot use any of our current AHRS, compass or RDAC (engine monitoring) units.
iEFIS gets a brand new RDAC called a "RDAC XF", a new AHRS (a version of the SP-7 with some changes) and a new compass (a version of the SP-6 with some changes).
iEFIS does NOT support the COM extender or the I/O extender for the simple reason that it has those two built in as standard.

Current SP-6 and SP-7 units cannot be upgraded by distributors or yourselves. We can upgrade them at the factory but that is only feasible for South Africans due to the high shipping costs and customs hassles.

Current RDAC units cannot be used with the iEFIS.

On the other hand, new SP-6, SP-7 and the new RDAC XF can be used with existing MGL EFIS equipment which remains in production so we have full compatibility here.

SP-4 and SP-5 AHRS cannot be used with iEFIS.
We have a new tactical grade AHRS in the wings called the SP-9 (usable for all systems).

Pricing for iEFIS has not been fixed yet but it will be good. Most Explorers from the first batch have been reserved by various customers. None have asked for the price - I suppose they know that that is not an issue.
We tend to price things quite tight as we have a long supply line - in order to do that we need to know every single cost and that we only know once we have assembled units and can start adding up - anything up to that point is an estimate only.


I do not think he meant sold out as my understanding is they are not yet available. MGL has established a waiting list. There are additional mod's to the existing supporting box's that must also be updated to play with the Explorer units.
My understanding follows. Rainier can correct me if I'm wrong & if he has time. He is busy with the final details:

For the iEFIS system, the first system will be the mid-size, Explorer (8.5"), and a minimum system would be the main hub iBox and one Explorer display (up to 8 display or other modules can be added, WiFi, BlackBox Recorder, HUD, etc).

iBox has was released to production last month & first run is in production.
Explorer was released to production last month & first run is in production.
CAN bus versions of SP-6 (magnetometer) and SP-7 (AHRS) are in production. The needed RDAC-XF is in production and available. AP servos use the CAN bus and are available now.

Display bezels for Challenger (10.4") and Discovery (7") have been completed and are in progress for release shortly after Explorer.

I don't know the status of the WiFi module.

Here is what the iBox looks like:


Here is what the Explorer display looks like:


Here is what the RDAC-XF looks like:


Also available now are the V-6 & V-10 VHF COM radios and the V-20 NAV radio is in progress.

Here is my first pass at RV-6A modular panel upgrade to MGL Explorer:
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Grayhawk basically says it all.

The Wifi module will be released sometime after the initial release. I'm actually using it during the development - the simulator is now actually fully funtional and connects to a real iBOX. You could call it a "free EFIS".

Our biggest issues at the moment are production bottle necks combined with some staff shortages.

The Challenger iEFIS is 10.4", not 11.4" that's a typo I'm sure.

First release software is not 100% finished but getting very close.

The screen image of the iEFIS Explorer shown above has changed a lot - much more pleasing to the eye now.
I'll start releasing "teasers" in a week or so.

CEO MGL Avionics