Oshkosh Web Log

Just finished the web log on my Oshkosh trip. Lots of pics. Arrived Saturday with a group from Essex Skypark, Maryland, and departed Saturday. Had a great time, of course. Link. Enjoy!
OSH in 2 minutes 50 seconds

I've been really busy since returning from my 9 day stay at OSH, but I finally got around to checking on the site. Thought I'd share this little tidbit: OSH in 2 minutes 50 seconds. I'm working on the long versions (three parts) but this was a quick recap. More to follow.



Hi Martin,
Thanks for posting "OSH in 2 minutes and 50 seconds." I'm looking forward to seeing the long version when you get it done.

I'm the RV-6A builder/driver who was parked one row in front of you.
Brent, I was one of those that got stuck in a hold for over an hour when they shut down all landings and only allowed departures. I held at the 2300 holding altitude. It was scary to see what was happening. So many departing pilots ignored the NOTAM and ATC instructions. There were multiple call outs of potential near misses from departing aircraft flying by/over FISKE. Even aircraft who were holding turned early or did not maintain their proper altitude. Causing more close calls. I’m really surprised, but grateful, there there was not a mid air during this fiasco.