It is not unusual for even Regular Army to be placed on guard duty without ammo even on military bases.

I was placed on guard duty more than a few times in El Paso/ Ft. Bliss/ Biggs without any ammo. I guarded the space shuttle when it was there many times without any ammo. I was even placed on guard duty in Saudi with no ammo in the middle of Desert Shield/Storm.

Heck I was even placed on guard duty guarding the ammo dump....without any ammo!

It was always a laugh when the Sgt of the guard would read us our "Deadly Force Authorized" orders....since we did not have any ammo!

I suppose I could have clubed them bad guys with the weapon.....:confused:
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This was a fun flight on Tuesday! Thanks Tim, Scott and Sean!




Kathy, Welcome to VAF. Fabulous photos. Best I saw of the show. The smokin T-28's are great!! and the silouette say's it all. Thanks for posting and good luck to Alex.
Crew car in Salina KS

I think we win the biggest P.O.S. crew car contest.

Stayed overnight in Salina on the way back from OSH, it was 105+ degrees, 90% humidity that day. No A/C, front windows wouldn't go down. We were rolling in style!

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Anyone here own this airplane? Love to hear more about it. The more you look the more interesting it gets.....


Did anyone notice the excessive positive camber on the FW-190 landing gear and know the reason for this radical design? Most if not all taildragger designs from the WWII era used zero camber.

This was the best prop card I found.


That was a rare single-seat Cessna.

Hey, I just had an inspiration! You know how folks like to look in the cockpit while they knee your flaps and bang their camera against the fuselage? I'll bet a pair of my dirty skivvies hanging on the canopy handle will stop all that....
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