
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
You at OSH? Taking pictures? Got a laptop? Use this thread to share what RV stuff you are seeing with the folks that couldn’t attend. This thread will get big.

Thanks in advance,
Doug :)
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KC Flight

KC Flight is planning a 0800 arrival on Saturday (weather permitting). The flight will be

with gagglers of


We will be in HBC.

Our new guy, Tail Man (Funny story) will be working the Piper booth all week, maybe the Diamond booth as well.
OK, where did all those names come from? As I understand it, a pilot doesn't get to choose their call sign. Is that right? (FYI - I'm not military so I could be lost)

I hope lots os people post pics and stories. I've never been to Oshkosh so I'm living vicariously !
RV count

At the close of business Friday there is a nice even 40 RVs in Area 51 and homebuilt camping, plus a few more scattered around the field. About on schedule for Friday. We should get in another 100 or tomorrow and should be well over 300 by the time the show opens on Monday. The grounds are dry and all available parking spots are waiting for you.
Saw the RV-10's of Schmidt's and Strasburg's land. Talked to Scott & Renae(?) at the Red Barn. Quite a few RV's landing, the Corral is filling up. Got a notice that potential high winds and rain on it's way so I tightened down the tiedowns and canopy cover. 30 minutes later blue skies again

I made it OshKosh and am in good company. Marc(vertical power) on one side

and a bunch more one the other side.

made it to the museam
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Arrived safe & sound

Easy flight up - little rain but no biggy. Approach and landing a nothingburger - controllers and ground personnel are pros. Runway dot.

From the flight up (below).

Now off to dinner.

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Listening to Fisk Approach

I've been listening to Fisk approach controllers working the traffic into KOSH today. I just heard them tell a Mooney to keep his speed up because a group of six RV's was behind him. Love it!

METAR for KOSH indicates it's a beautiful day at Oshkosh. They were holding around the lake about an hour ago.

I was gonna fly up this year but my plans changed. Hoping to go next year.
another great day in paradise. I can not believe the magnitude of this place. It has been great to see so many of the RV's from VAF. I would try to post pics but they are lousy and the EAA uplink is garbage.
OSH Request?

Can anyone swing by the Emagair booth and get some pictures of the E-Mag Six on display.....and see if the dual-mag replacement P-mag is there as well?? Thanks a bunch! - Rosie's Test Pilot:)
Wish I was there, Keep the pics coming for us at home, Thanks! have fun out there.
Can anyone swing by the Emagair booth and get some pictures of the E-Mag Six on display.....and see if the dual-mag replacement P-mag is there as well?? Thanks a bunch! - Rosie's Test Pilot:)


I got you several photos of the six cylinder version. Dual mag is reported to be in the same case. Will post tonight.

I got you several photos of the six cylinder version. Dual mag is reported to be in the same case. Will post tonight.

Hey Gary,

I would be really interested in the Dual Mag replacement as well. If you get any pics/info/price that would be great!!

6-cylinder P-Mag

Norm and Scott:

Here are some photos of the 6-cylinder P-Mag. The dual mag unit is in work. It was reported that it will be built around the same housing as the 6-cylinder unit so I expect that it will be about the same size.

Had to breakout my notebook as I did not know how to upload the photos from my iPad2.





Need to learn how to share this with everyone from my Google+ account.
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Sexy Looking

Thanks Gary, that looks like the drive end of the dual mag. Just needs two more wires and it should work. :rolleyes: I will be following this for sure as I would like to change mine out. If this proves to be a reliable alternative for us H2AD types... Almost sounds like a disease.


Norm and Scott:

Here are some photos of the 6-cylinder P-Mag. The dual mag unit is in work. It was reported that it will be built around the same housing as the 6-cylinder unit so I expect that it will be about the same size.


Need to learn how to share this with everyone from my Google+ account.
That Yellow RV-4 is very sweet. Great job whoever built that beauty.

Since REO is the featured band I have to tell you a story about them from my high school days. In the early 70s, REO played a lot of small venues in the Midwest (they are from IL). I was in a rock band in high school and we actually got to open for REO at a local club. They let us hang out with them at the hotel after the show. Way cool. Still remember (most of it) vividly. What happens at Holiday Inn, STAYS at Holiday Inn!!

Thanks for the pictures for those of us who can't make it. I can smell the brats and donuts from my office desk.
KOSH web cams

For those wishing that they were at Oshkosk, you can view three real time web cams on under the EAA members only section. These web cams are mounted on towers situated around the airport and rotate through about 270 degree arcs.
I view several times daily just to see how many people and airplanes are at the show.

Abilene, TX
That first cap sighting at REO Speedwagon looks amazingly like AZTAILWIND, Brad Ransom of Flagstaff.
That Yellow RV-4 is very sweet. Great job whoever built that beauty.

It is a good looking plane. But I think it is an RV-3.

I am so jealous right now. I guess the live feed will have to do. Thanks to everyone for posting their pics.
You can also view the air show camera and listen to the announcer on EAA radio. Air show camera comes up at apx. 1500 hours each day.

For those wishing that they were at Oshkosk, you can view three real time web cams on under the EAA members only section. These web cams are mounted on towers situated around the airport and rotate through about 270 degree arcs.
I view several times daily just to see how many people and airplanes are at the show.

Abilene, TX
What Plug in

osh is streaming live at lots of stuff for us non oshers.

OK, I'm not computer illiterate but I can't get the OSH365 videos to work. Get a message that says required plug in not installed.

I've reinstalled quick time, win media player 10+, jave, flash..

I give up..

what do I need to get the videos to play on a Win 7 machine.
Works fine for me - Firefox with whatever plugins installed. However, try the LiveATC feed at (scroll down until you see the radio feeds and take your pick of player).

Edit: BTW, looking at the latest album, I'm curious if Bounty Hunter III is a tribute to Scott Kalitta or some warbird. Anyone know?
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I don't know what to tell you except to keep trying. My Win 7 machine at home seems to work pretty good, but my XP machine at the office is real quirky...meaning it seems to drop with no warning either the video or the audio and sometimes both.

Hope you get it to working. Maybe some of the computer whizzes here will give you some real help.

P.S. My Google Chrome browser seems to work better than either Firefox or IE Explorer.
Try turning the Pop-up blocker off temporarily on your computer. There is is an Active-X plug-in trying to load. That's what I had to do, and the cameras play fine now.

David Lewis
Empennage complete
Wings in progress
Stein Shirt

I had on my "Steinair" shirt Monday at lunch and two gentlemen asked me where I got it. They then introduced themselves as Stien's brother and father.

Stein, enjoyed talking with your family and as I told them, people read the "We are not happy until you are broke" and always ask to see the front of my shirt. Most think it will say "IRS".

Thanks for the shirt.
Lite rain this am, with thunderstormers redeveloping this afternoon. Some may be sever. Keep an eye on the sky, and tie down your plane tight.
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Back from my first Osh adventure.

biggest highlight for me: besides the airshow on Monday, putting to rest once and for all that I would ever be happy in a Pipistrel.

biggest bummer for me: trying to see around a couple of yayhoos standing on a gator at the REO concert ;) [ed. Nice. dr]

Great time had and will definately be back
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Wet day at Oshkosh

I've been able to watch just a little of the live airshow video today. With the wet conditions how appropriate that today is the day to honor the U.S. Navy. Maybe they can pretend runway 36 is the USS Steve Wittman! ;) Wow that would be a big aircraft carrier.

Looks like a good airshow even with the low ceilings.

Next year, I gotta go to Oshkosh.
I've been able to watch just a little of the live airshow video today. With the wet conditions how appropriate that today is the day to honor the U.S. Navy. Maybe they can pretend runway 36 is the USS Steve Wittman! ;) Wow that would be a big aircraft carrier.

Looks like a good airshow even with the low ceilings.

Next year, I gotta go to Oshkosh.

If you really want to get an appreciation for Naval Aviation:

Next time you're on the runway, take a look at the distance from one distance remaining sign to another (1,000 feet). Then imagine 28 fighters all packed into that space running simultaneous launch and recovery operations.
According to my SOP meter (Seat of pants) the crowds are huge! North 40 was nearly full, more RV's than I have ever seen. A very nice crowd! Not sure about the other camping areas, but it just seemed to me to be a very large crowd, a lot of planes any way.
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Other pics?

Come on guys! Doug can't be the only RVator taking pictures....please post them up for those of us that couldn't make it!
Looking at Doug's images from today (Tuesday), I'm struck by this question: Why doesn't Jeff Point ever look older?
Clean living brother, that's the answer. Plus, I have Darwin, who ages enough for both of us.

To make this post RV related :))). After my rather bold public prediction at the Vans banquet that we would break 425 RVs this year, we seem to have fallen well short. Probably in anticipation of what proved to be crappy weather Wednesday, a lot of you bugged out Tuesday night, and I can't blame you. Wednesday sucked rocks. Ridding a scooter with wet underwear is not as much fun as it looks. Anyway, the peak count last night, after a few arrivals and a boat load of departures, was 354. Still not bad considering all the doom and gloom predictions.

Disclaimer- this number is the peak number of RVs on the field at one time, not total number during the week, so it can be misleading. If 100 leave tomorrow and another 100 come in, the count is the same but doesn't tell the whole story. In any event we have been very busy in area 51 and this is the firtst time I've touched the iPad in 2 days. EAA wifi sucks worse than this mornings weather, so thank God for MyWi.
According to my SOP meter (Seat of pants) the crowds are huge! North 40 was nearly full, more RV's than I have ever seen. A very nice crowd! Not sure about the other camping areas, but it just seemed to me to be a very large crowd, a lot of planes any way.

Agreed Larry - tons of airplanes all around - especially compared to last yea! But the place sue seemed a lot less crowded today with the light rain - what surprised me most was that I figured that all the buildings would be packed, but some of them were fairly light - not sure whee everyone was hiding....

Come on guys! Doug can't be the only RVator taking pictures....please post them up for those of us that couldn't make it!

Well I took a bunch of them yesterday, but they were ALL of that beautiful RV-3, and all of close-up details. Of interest to those building -3's....
Wednesday sucked rocks. Ridding a scooter with wet underwear is not as much fun as it looks.


I for one appreciate your dedication to making that parking mess work. I wouldn't have made it out in the weather window which got me back home in time for work if you had not made that wet ride. Thanks.

Now if you could just keep the Mustangs from blocking the taxiways for 30 minutes at a time...
