Just a reference point....I ordered the day before the March increase, and I just got a call from Chris asking when I actually needed the engine.

I pushed it out knowing I probably won't need it until late next year, but he also said if that changed and I needed it sooner, they would try to accommodate.

Other thing he mentioned was that if the supply chain issues all magically went away, then you need to take delivery when it's done....but he didn't think that was going to happen anytime soon.

cheers I got the same impression. Certainly have to take delivery when they have it ready or you lose your pricing advantage. Im hoping the supply chain issues on this particular item don't go away anytime soon...(very selfish I know)
Just don't want it sitting in the shop for too long unused.:(
After speaking to Lycoming at Sun N Fun, I wish I would have ordered and taken advantage of the lower price. They told me a Thunderbolt is likely 2 years out now. That would have worked out perfectly. Now I have to decided, do I order now so I have a number in line, wait until I "need" it and hope the lead times are less, or hope to find someone who ordered now and no longer needs the engine...

Which engine is 2 years out, or does it matter? I'm thinking it does, because I ordered an IO-540 Thunderbolt about a week before the increase and nobody has contacted me about when I really need it.
Data Point

We ordered a Thunderbolt 540 late in February. Got the form letter from Chris. No other comms from Vans, or Lyc. Talked to Jeff from Lyc at SnF. He told me 24 months for that order, but was speaking in general terms, not specificly our order.

Hope this is useful to someone.

Which engine is 2 years out, or does it matter? I'm thinking it does, because I ordered an IO-540 Thunderbolt about a week before the increase and nobody has contacted me about when I really need it.

It appears the thunderbolts are maybe 6 months behind the vanillas. Bet it will be two years from now absolute minimum if you order a thunderbolt today. I guess because only two guys work on a TB engine (read somewhere) and the extra processes make it longer. However there will be a lot of buyers like me wanting to push out the delivery date that I’m sure lycoming will have the ability to jiggle things around a bit. I’d give up my slot to someone needing my engine Type earlier….just not my price!:p
Official delivery timeframe

Great I received my time frame for delivery from vans through lycoming…..end of next year….Dec 2023 to start of 2024. This has eased the worry of having the engine sitting around too long. Plus time to get the rest of the funds together. Bit of a relief.:p