
Well Known Member
Well, I ordered my wings yesterday and Van's said it would be right at 8 weeks before shipping. I am currently working on the rudder so my guess is that if I keep rolling along at this pace, I will have time to finish the empennage, the emp. fiberglass work and work up a wing jib before the last week of February rolls around. I thought about delaying the wing order as baseball season (my son's) runs from early February until the end of April and I will be busy most weekends with lots of mid week travelling too. My thought was not to even have a project during that time, but now, since I am enjoying the build so much, I figure I will need something to do when I am not watching college baseball, Right?! :D

Like I said, I am really enjoying the build project - more than I thought I would...so for all of you "lurkers" out there trying to decide if you can do this...you can! The sooner the better - get moving. Just jump in on the empennage and tools and you will find out if you like it or not...if not, sell the tools - and you are not out much money. Like I said, I was where you are now - for a while - and I wish I would have just jumped in.

Not to mention the many, many FANTASTIC people you will meet thru this adventure!
Yes, Slow build.

Will do Bruce! I would love to see "HulaGirl" in person :D I look forward to the wings for that reason - bigger parts...but also, where the heck am I going to store those bigger parts? I am in 1/2 to 2/2 of a two car garage. Will my wife's car ever see the inside of the garage again...and will I have to be running into the spare bedroom for wing parts during construction? :) Oh well, as she always tells me, "It's better to ask for forgiveness, than permission"

I'm about to put my wing kit order in too. Just finished my last priming job on the empennage, I hope (left elevator parts). Should get them together this week. I robbed from my wing kit fund to order a couple of AR-15s before they get banned, so I'll have some time to do the fiberglass while I replace that.

What, if anything, did you order with the kit? I've read the posts and called Van's. At this point, I don't have any idea about an autopilot for servos. The Van's guy said maybe conduit, if you're going to use it for wire runs. He recommended Duckworks landing lights, but I think I like the idea of landing/taxi lights in the fiberglass tips and nav/position lights on the outboard ends. I don't want to have to cut into the leading edges. He said to order some proseal if you're working fast, but I'm not so I think I'll wait on that due to shelf life. So I'm pretty much just ordering the kit and conduit to start with.

I appreciate the congrats - and you are a smart man for temporarily re-allocating some of your wing money to AR-15...maybe I should have done the same thing! Interesting that you don't hear about the shooting in San Antonio 2 days after the CT shooting - because the outcome was different for a reason the libs don't want you to know about,


Anyway, back to RV's ... With the wings I ordered the fuel tank test kit for an additional $6 and I upgraded the fuel caps to "deluxe" from standard. From what I understand you can get conduit (corrigated or smooth) for the wire runs from the big box hardware or even do the wiring without it. You also have to decide whether you want float type fuel sending unit or capacitive sending unit. The stall warning system is included, and I am doing the same thing with the proseal - ordering later...although I have heard that the refrigerator will increase shelf life.

Take care - thanks for keeping us safe out there...I guess tonight you will be very busy!! Be safe!
Yay! Another set of 8 wings being built! Glad to hear, oh yeah and I have been washing the wifes car for quite a while now,her parking spot in the garage is paint booth right now:eek::eek:

Thanks! I'll follow suit with the test kit and fuel caps. Probably just get a pitot, etc. after-market later.

It sounds like you're about to start elevators, so I thought I'd share some tips that I've learned. I deviated from the plans based on what I've read and some problems my friend has had. The plans tell you to form the stiffeners, etc. then rivet them both to the left and right skins. Hold off on riveting them onto the left one and bend the tabs first. I bent my tabs too far into the relief holes which resulted in a crack. I opened the relief hole up to absorb the crack, but didn't like the look and ordered a new skin. Fortunately, I didn't have to remove the stiffeners! When you form your stiffeners on the left side, match drill them first thing. You have to shorten some of them slightly and the plans are a little confusing about how to measure because one of the holes doesn't exist on the stiffener until you match drill it.

The trim tab instructions tell you to bend the trailing edge first. I held off on this because that makes it difficult to get to the rivets on the bottom flange of the spar. I bent the tabs first, prepped and primed, then back-riveted the bottom flange. Then I taped a 3/16 steel dowel inside the trailing edge. The dowel will hold the bend radius on the trailing edge and you can bend it by hand. Make sure to leave enough dowel rod sticking out of the relief hole to be able to pull it out.

I didn't bend the trim tab or elevator tabs the way the instructions say, either. Instead, I used a variation of what tkatc did here: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=86302&page=8. It worked very well. I started the bend with small piece of oak board, then finished it off with the flush set (about 45 PSI). I haven't drilled any of the holes in the tabs yet. I'm waiting to get the trim tab lined up with the elevator when I finish it and I've been told that's when to drill those holes (for alignment). Then I've got to figure out how to dimple them, or find out if the pull-rivets will make their own dimple. So I'm waiting to close the top of the trim tab until I figure that out.

Hope this makes sense and helps when you get to it.
Your fast......or I'm slow.

Congrats on your wings. I am getting ready to fill out my wing order in the next day or two. It just seems like the other day you were posting about your empanage order. You will be flying before I even set my first wing rivet ;)
Congrats on your wings. I am getting ready to fill out my wing order in the next day or two. It just seems like the other day you were posting about your empanage order. You will be flying before I even set my first wing rivet ;)

Seriously, I think I started my empennage several months before him. I too will probably order my wings this week. Originally I was going to wait until I definitively had the funds saved up for the whole kit, but I just can't bear to wait any longer...so I guess I'll be doing the deposit and paying the rest when shipping time comes.

I'm going to have to get more disciplined about money or I'll never get this thing done once it comes time to write checks for stuff like the engine and avionics...
Thanks guys!

Thanks Kevin, perfect timing! Yesterday I finished drilling, deburring and dimpling both elevator skins and all the stiffeners...I appreciate the tips! :D

It sounds like you're about to start elevators, so I thought I'd share some tips that I've learned...

Thanks Sean! You are right, it seems like it was just yesterday to me too! :D I really am enjoying the build, which was a worry for me before I started. I know it won't all be sunshine and daisies - but so far, so good!

Congrats on your wings. I am getting ready to fill out my wing order in the next day or two. It just seems like the other day you were posting about your empanage order. You will be flying before I even set my first wing rivet ;)
Ha! You go Philip!

Philip - I have been following along with you and your build on your website!! I also remember when Bill (ColoRv) said "congrats on ordering the empennage, now order the wings" and I almost fell out of my chair! :eek: But it is almost true...the emp. goes by pretty fast. You did have a head strat, but you have had some other extenuating circumstances that I have not had... We all work at our own speed, like I said, I will be slowing WAAAAAAY down in Feb/March/April for baseball season...I may have to slow down just to be able to have the cash for things like engine and avionics!! :)

Seriously, I think I started my empennage several months before him. I too will probably order my wings this week. Originally I was going to wait until I definitively had the funds saved up for the whole kit, but I just can't bear to wait any longer...so I guess I'll be doing the deposit and paying the rest when shipping time comes.

I'm going to have to get more disciplined about money or I'll never get this thing done once it comes time to write checks for stuff like the engine and avionics...
I'm going to have to get more disciplined about money or I'll never get this thing done once it comes time to write checks for stuff like the engine and avionics...[/QUOTE]

I know the feeling. I think that is why I took so long to build my empanage. I'm still not done... I have to finish the left and rebuild my rudder :rolleyes:
Hey Jim. Followed your lead...sent my wing order in tonight

Ordered my wings tonight. :D. I'm sure speedy Jim will be done with his before I even get mine inventoried:eek:
You're welcome Jim, although now that I've seen your kitlog and know that you live close to Jay Pratt, I realize you don't need any tips from me. Wish I had that benefit! My co-worker (friend that is also building an 8) and I were down for a Bell Helicopter course this spring and stopped by and saw him. He spent a lot of time with us and showed us around the shop. A genuinely nice guy. He didn't happen to have a Kentucky State Police hat on did he? I sent him one when we got back home because he was so accommodating. Wish I had plenty of money to move down there for about a year!
Well whaddya know, I just ordered my wings as well!

I do wish there were other kit ordering options besides faxing or mailing the order form. I guess I've been spoiled by the modern world of instant online ordering, and just sending an order form off into the ether and hoping to hear confirmation at some point is profoundly unsatisfying. Ah, the curse of living in the information age...

Ordered my wings tonight. :D. I'm sure speedy Jim will be done with his before I even get mine inventoried:eek:

HAHA! Good for you Sean! Congrats!!! It's exciting - now it's a party ! :D I have been following along with your build too!

You're welcome Jim, although now that I've seen your kitlog and know that you live close to Jay Pratt, I realize you don't need any tips from me. Wish I had that benefit! My co-worker (friend that is also building an 8) and I were down for a Bell Helicopter course this spring and stopped by and saw him. He spent a lot of time with us and showed us around the shop. A genuinely nice guy. He didn't happen to have a Kentucky State Police hat on did he? I sent him one when we got back home because he was so accommodating. Wish I had plenty of money to move down there for about a year!

Kevin, Yes, Jay is the master! A super guy that has more patience than I thought was possible! The last time I was there he said, "If I had a bunch of money - I would still do this (help people with their RV's) because I just love doing it" I believe him...and no, the last time I was there - Jay wasn't wearing a hat. :) Look me up next time you guys come to town!

Well whaddya know, I just ordered my wings as well!

I do wish there were other kit ordering options besides faxing or mailing the order form. I guess I've been spoiled by the modern world of instant online ordering, and just sending an order form off into the ether and hoping to hear confirmation at some point is profoundly unsatisfying. Ah, the curse of living in the information age...


Congrats Philip!! The wing dominoes are really starting to gain momentum! :D For my empennage order, I was at the office and I used the one lonely old fax machine over in the corner. But for the wings I was at home... so I went to my printer, which is also a copier/scanner and I scanned my completed order form and then emailed it to "[email protected]" I emailed it Friday - and on monday I got a reply email saying, "Thanks, all received"...so that is kind of a midway use of old/new technology :D

Now we just have to wait for the post office to deliver our letter with the shipping details!
Well whaddya know, I just ordered my wings as well!

I do wish there were other kit ordering options besides faxing or mailing the order form. I guess I've been spoiled by the modern world of instant online ordering, and just sending an order form off into the ether and hoping to hear confirmation at some point is profoundly unsatisfying. Ah, the curse of living in the information age...


Way to go. Wish we could have gotten together and got a group discount:D. I did get a email from barb telling me she got my order. But, the only reason I think she emailed me was because I had her delete the wing tips.

I guess we will all be posting around march that we received our kits. Then a month later Jim will be posting that he is almost done with his wing an the fuselage kit is on the way:eek:
Way to go. Wish we could have gotten together and got a group discount:D. I did get a email from barb telling me she got my order. But, the only reason I think she emailed me was because I had her delete the wing tips.

I guess we will all be posting around march that we received our kits. Then a month later Jim will be posting that he is almost done with his wing an the fuselage kit is on the way:eek:

Yeah, I added a note on my order requesting an email confirming receipt, which I got a couple hours later. So the wheels are turning, now it's on me to make sure I have the balance ready when they call in a couple months.

Way to go. Wish we could have gotten together and got a group discount:D. I did get a email from barb telling me she got my order. But, the only reason I think she emailed me was because I had her delete the wing tips.

What kind of wing tips are you looking at? I was told not to get the factory wing tips by a local builder. He told me a brand to get, but that was a year ago and I can't remember. I have a phone call in to him to find out. I've got a week of training coming up, then I'll probably order my wings when I get back to celebrate getting the week behind me.
What kind of wing tips are you looking at? I was told not to get the factory wing tips by a local builder. He told me a brand to get, but that was a year ago and I can't remember. I have a phone call in to him to find out. I've got a week of training coming up, then I'll probably order my wings when I get back to celebrate getting the week behind me.

I was going to put on the old style wing tips. Let me know what you find out. I didn't know there was another brand.
Will do. I'm in class/simulator all week, but I'll try to get in touch with him during breaks.

Wow.....this thread is starting a wildfire! Great job on the motivation Speedy Jimzales!!:D

Warning when building tank brackets

Hi guys and congratulations for the wing kits!!!

I got my slow build kit last November and I just wanted to give you a heads up on an old "known issue" concerning the tank brackets if you're slow building...

Please read this thread BEFORE working on the Z brackets.

It could save you guys about 12 hours of work, re-ordering the Z's and platenuts and wait for them to arrive...

When my new parts arrive, I will follow Dan's method!!!

Thanks for the heads up! As I am building the slow way.... I appreciate any and all warnings to save me time and money! :eek:

Hi guys and congratulations for the wing kits!!!

I got my slow build kit last November and I just wanted to give you a heads up on an old "known issue" concerning the tank brackets if you're slow building...

Please read this thread BEFORE working on the Z brackets.

It could save you guys about 12 hours of work, re-ordering the Z's and platenuts and wait for them to arrive...

When my new parts arrive, I will follow Dan's method!!!
The "letter" came...

Yesterday I received my letter from Van's informing me that the wing kit would be shipping the week of 2/25/13...and I guess this is standard practice, but they also informed me that because I was getting the deluxe fuel caps, which they also sell from their catalog, (and therefore I was deleting the standard fuel caps) that I now have a "non-standard kit" and I have to sign off to the fact that my configuration might be unairworthy or may jeopardize safe flight... :rolleyes:

I understand that they have to have some way of protecting themselves from people who are bent on putting RV-3 wings on an RV-8, but come on, a fuel cap switch? :eek:
Yesterday I received my letter from Van's informing me that the wing kit would be shipping the week of 2/25/13...and I guess this is standard practice, but they also informed me that because I was getting the deluxe fuel caps, which they also sell from their catalog, (and therefore I was deleting the standard fuel caps) that I now have a "non-standard kit" and I have to sign off to the fact that my configuration might be unairworthy or may jeopardize safe flight... :rolleyes:

I understand that they have to have some way of protecting themselves from people who are bent on putting RV-3 wings on an RV-8, but come on, a fuel cap switch? :eek:

Ha, got the same thing today. "By the way, we just want you to know that your nonstandard fuel caps could possibly cause your plane to crash and burn. Please sign and acknowledge that this is, like, totally not our fault."

Like you, I get the whole legal CYA aspect, but it's still kind of amusing.

Me too. They have been busy sending those out the last couple of days. I have not had any time it he shop. On a week long trip at work...we are also putting our house on the market feb 7th. I have a ton of projects to get done. The good news..... if, and I do mean a big IF, our house sells we are building on an airpark.

My wings are due to get here 3/5/13!!!!! I have to get busy:eek:
Me too. They have been busy sending those out the last couple of days. I have not had any time it he shop. On a week long trip at work...we are also putting our house on the market feb 7th. I have a ton of projects to get done. The good news..... if, and I do mean a big IF, our house sells we are building on an airpark.

My wings are due to get here 3/5/13!!!!! I have to get busy:eek:

I think we all got on the same production cycle here. That's my expected ship date too.

Now we're, like, RV brethren or something, bonded together forever by our shared wing kit ship date.

I'm getting all kinds of antsy over here...can hardly wait for the wings. I'm putting the finishing touches on the tail, and I'm ready for something new and big to work on!
I know....

I agree Philip! It's kinda like when you are eating a bag of chips - in the beginning, you reach in the bag and pull out 3-4 chips and they fill up your whole hand - with ease, you are making chip-eating progress by leaps and bounds. Then by the end of the bag, you have to dig around in the bottom for all those tiny crumbs... :D Like you - I am ready for some more "Big chips"! :eek:

I'm getting all kinds of antsy over here...can hardly wait for the wings. I'm putting the finishing touches on the tail, and I'm ready for something new and big to work on!
On their way...

Well, I spoke to Van’s earlier and the wings are being shipped out today, I have a tracking number and everything! :D I guess the “week of the 25th” means that they will ship it on the last day of that week. Oh well, I am excited…

Skyking Bob was in town and we did some wing jig building! Looks like I need some movers dollies to move the big boxes around the garage, huh? Sheesh, I think I will need a bigger garage. :eek:

If my calculations are correct, Sean’s and Philip’s wings should be going out next week… and Kevin has about 1.5 months to get ready :D
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Well, I spoke to Van?s earlier and the wings are being shipped out today, I have a tracking number and everything! :D I guess the ?week of the 25th? means that they will ship it on the last day of that week. Oh well, I am excited?

Skyking Bob was in town and we did some wing jig building! Looks like I need some movers dollies to move the big boxes around the garage, huh? Sheesh, I think I will need a bigger garage. :eek:

If my calculations are correct, Sean?s and Philip?s wings should be going out next week? and Kevin has about 1.5 months to get ready :D

Yup, my ship date is supposed to be next Tuesday. I verified that a sizable hole appeared in my bank account this morning...they processed that final payment like clockwork.

Now I'll be watching carefully for your "THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post so I can estimate how long mine will be in transit.


...the travel time will be longer as they have to travel all the way to Georgia to get to you Philip...:D maybe they should just put your wings on the same truck as mine and just keep going to the peanut/pecan/peach capital after dropping off my crates? Whadduya think? :eek:

Yup, my ship date is supposed to be next Tuesday. I verified that a sizable hole appeared in my bank account this morning...they processed that final payment like clockwork.

Now I'll be watching carefully for your "THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post so I can estimate how long mine will be in transit.

Throw mine on the truck too. I'm sure they can swing by Tennessee.

Congrats on the wing shipment. I need to get this crazy rudder rebuild done. If it wasn't for that I would be getting antsy :)

Oh, by the way Jim, great job on your build site. I'm sure you are going too......but, don't forget to pull all the blue plastic off. I hear it can be a pain latter down the road and can trap moisture causing corrosion.
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One more tool you need


Glad to hear the update on the wings.

I wanted to pass along a tid bit I learned this week. If you look at item #2 on page 7-2 you'll see instructions to dimple the W-822 (under-wing access panels) to #6 along one side, and install K1000-06 platenuts on the spar. Dwg 9A, Sect B-B tells you to use a #28 drill on the center hole. Neither of these items are on the tool list on Van's website. I called Van's to ask if there was a work around since I have everything listed in their suggested tools, and Ken told me they previously used #8 platenuts all the way around the accpanelnnel, but problems with minimum edge distance made them change it to #6 platenuts on the spar flange. He said a #8 dimple is close, but you can tell it isn't right, and there are just enough #6 screws on the airplane to make it worth while to get the correct dimple. Fortunately, I'm not at a work stoppage while I wait for the tools to arrive, but I wanted to pass it on to you.


Just installed my finished slow build wings on the fuse . I did not match drill anything other than the holes that did not exist . I drilled all holes to size , deburred , dimpled, primed and assembled . Every hole lined up , an ice pick helps if needed . Make sure you spend the time to prep the ribs , 90 degrees and flute , also " massage " the area two holes from the leading edge , if not done it will leave an " outie " dent on the skin , saw it on a quick build .
Had to move mine to Thursday

I just got off the phone with Con-Way...tomorrow afternoon is my delivery time!


Same here. Unfortunately, I have to fly Tuesday and Wednesday. I pushed my delivery for Thursday. I'll be on the watch for the "wings are here"!!!!!

Jim, what's your status

Hey Philip - Glad to hear that you are taking delivery tomorrow!! Very exciting :D

Sean... Cancel the flight, hold the phone, shut the front door and get those wings delivered! HAHA! Just kidding - I know if it wasn't for our "day jobs" we couldn't pursue our dreams! :D

I myself, have been traveling a lot lately, as I expected during this time, and haven't even had a chance to update the build log since I received the wings :eek: I finished the inventory night before last! But just wait until you crack open those wing crates!!! The packing job by Van's was stupendous as usual - a true work of art. Other than the back ordered platenuts (210+) there was just one tank fitting that was missing! I need to get back to the build - I was moving things around in the garage/shop tonight, but no actual "work". :eek

Exciting time in RV-8 land!!! Keep us posted here as you get your wings!
Freight driver called and wanted to know if he could deliver early. My office is ten minutes from the house, so I said "Sure!"


Now, let's see if I can be at least mildly productive here at work for the rest of the day...
I don't know...

...you look like you are coming down with something Philip! You may even have a fever...! :eek: Congrats! Let the fun stuff (It' all fun stuff) continue!

Freight driver called and wanted to know if he could deliver early. My office is ten minutes from the house, so I said "Sure!"


Now, let's see if I can be at least mildly productive here at work for the rest of the day...

And here I sit in Miami looking at your picture of what should be in my garage!!!! I bet our wing kits rode on the same truck...Conway was the same shipping co. I wont be able to make that plane get to Nashville fast enough tomorrow....Ill have my wings Thursday!!!!!

How much did the shipping cost......I realized the other day that they charge for that on delivery.
And here I sit in Miami looking at your picture of what should be in my garage!!!! I bet our wing kits rode on the same truck...Conway was the same shipping co. I wont be able to make that plane get to Nashville fast enough tomorrow....Ill have my wings Thursday!!!!!

How much did the shipping cost......I realized the other day that they charge for that on delivery.

It was $354 and some change for me.
Congrats on the wing order

I am nearly finished the tanks and the two wings are almost done on one side only as in Canada we have to have one side open for the inspector to see inside.

It gets to look and feel like a plane all the more each part that is done. You are gonna love building that wing. Look forward to more posts
I got started on the rear spars this past weekend, since the tank attach nutplates are backordered. I also spent some time just reading through the instructions. I was honestly a bit intimidated...there's definitely a lot more complexity here than with the tail!

Still, nothing I can do but just get to work. Hopefully my backordered parts come soon...I'll probably be able to prime and rivet the rear spar assemblies this coming weekend, and then I can get rolling on the main spars if I have the stuff. If not, I guess I could always get going on straightening all 543209 ribs in this thing.
