I suspect those clips will be already drilled for the stiffener since those are dimpled and match drilling them would be a bit harder. The clips are expected to be ready in Oct or so.

Understood - the match drilling would be to the bulkhead - I looked at mine and didn't see existing holes.
I knew one day my proclivity for procrastination would promote a payoff! :D

I haven't started the tail cone yet so implementing a service bulletin should be easy.
PERFECT timing for me. Just getting started on the tail cone. Horizontal stab only has about 728 rivets to go. :rolleyes:
It looks like an update to chapter 10 was posted today that shows stiffener clips that attach the j-channels to the bulkhead.

Am I just not seeing it, or did Vans remove the chapter 10 update?


I just recently finished making my own little brackets to tie the ends of the J-channels to the bulkhead, so it figures that Vans would now come out with a fix...but I want to finish riveting the tailcone together and got tired of waiting.
I called yesterday wanting to order the clips. I was told that they had jumped the gun by posting the fix when they were not ready to manufacture them and send them out. So I guess they pulled the bulletin so others would not call about them. Others had called also.
Revisiting an old thread. This has to do with oil canning on the Aft side skins.... not the SB related to bottom skin cracking. I will be starting phase 1 in a few weeks and my fuselage exhibits this condition with light pressure applied on the right skin. Now that the fleet has another year or two or so of flight time has this resulted in any cracks or other required maintenance? Has anyone applied the stick on vibration reducing padding and if yes, did it help?