About 15,000 ag hours, but....

...Texas A@M in conjunction with Air Tractor, have discovered that a boom height of around 9' above the crop does a much better job than 1', so we decided to go "up" to 9':)...seriously. We even have a radar altimeter that fits in an inspection plate to directly read height above the crop....all this so you guys can enjoy blue jeans and the best, cheapest food on the planet!

.... We even have a radar altimeter that fits in an inspection plate to directly read height above the crop....all this so you guys can enjoy blue jeans and the best, cheapest food on the planet!


...and I do like my blue jeans. :) The only place I don't wear them is to church and that's because my wife won't let me.
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...Texas A@M in conjunction with Air Tractor, have discovered that a boom height of around 9' above the crop does a much better job than 1', so we decided to go "up" to 9':)...seriously. We even have a radar altimeter that fits in an inspection plate to directly read height above the crop....all this so you guys can enjoy blue jeans and the best, cheapest food on the planet!


Yeah, that's what Smokey and I (and others here) used to say to our wingmen..."hey, let's pop it up to 9' on this run-in!" ;)

Pierre, that is just dern cool! :cool:


All the way up there? There is no way and I mean NO WAY you were A-6 crews!
9 FT, thats way up there in them clouds!!!

A-6 Intruder, gone but always near to our hearts!
Funny thing is......

....that after flying no higher than 300-500' all summer, ferrying back 'n forth to the field, then getting in the -10 and going past 3,000' on the way to 8000 kinda gets your gut in a knot until you once again get "used" to it:)....man, we're high!


Hoe gaan dit my friend! Having grown up "fixing" AG airplanes, I have a great appreciation for the art and those who practice it. Later flying with my South African Ag pilot buddy Johan I learned how tough it really is to do, and do well. When I wore an Air Tractor hat to our F-16 graduation party way back when my squadron commander commented "Ag pilots?, now that's FLYING!"


This bumper sticker remains on my tool box to this day!
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