There are still two minor points I'd like to see addressed:

1. The retraction linked above is a post to a thread in Classified; so the whole thread is scheduled to disappear in 30 days. That being the case, we have here a situation like many on the Internet where dangerous misinformation outlasts its debunking.


I have been asked by the owner of the VAF site (Doug Reeves) to help enforce the forum posting rules. I deleted your recent VAF post about _____Questioning Member's Credentials_____ for the following reason(s):

_X_ Civility / Tone
__ Not RV-related
__ Commercial promotion by non-advertiser
__ Mod/Policy bashing
__ Politics / Government
__ Illegal video clip
__ eBay / Barnstormers / etc.

The posting rules are explained in greater detail at:

If you feel the need, please direct comments regarding this to the owner of the site (Doug Reeves). His contact info can be found at:

Thank you.

Thanks, Bob K.
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1. The retraction linked above is a post to a thread in Classified; so the whole thread is scheduled to disappear in 30 days. That being the case, we have here a situation like many on the Internet where dangerous misinformation outlasts its debunking.

I believe if it's posted like this, it will at least remain quoted even though one can't go back to the original post after 30 days.

Wow! This is really difficult!:eek:
-----After seeing this post and its very close parallel to many others I decided to do a little more testing and set up our electronic load cell set ups we use to calibrate our dynamometers information gathering systems.
I didn't use it in the video as I thought it would be to difficult to see on camera and more complicated for most to understand. I immediately began to see errors consistent with some of the posts here. So! to make a long story short I decided to give up on the 5th grade math and and go to some true first year engineering school math. I truly wish I had listened to some of you in the very beginning as I could have saved myself considerable embarrassment here. The math I applied from scratch matched the little online calculators perfectly, thus proving I was wrong in my .8 with any wrench length statement. As most of you have seen the demonstration video I made at considerable expense. I sincerely hope you guys don't think I was trying to mislead or deceive you. I really was trying to do a service, not win the debate. The small errors I picked up on, I attributed to errors of mechanism or wrench design anomalies. At any rate an apology is in order to everyone on both sides of the fence. I feel pretty stupid over this one and learned a valuable lesson. I hope I didn't cause you guys too much stress. The good side of this debate is we sure are selling a lot of products, but I assure you guys, it wasn't planned like that. I hope I haven't alienated too many of you with my hard headed attitude. I Really love this forum and and all who contribute here. Best Regards, Allan:eek: [ed: bold emphasis added by me]

Allan must be crazy... like a fox!

The objective of guerilla marketing is to get noticed so you can sell more product. I can unequivocally state that Allan is the biggest guerilla on VAF!

Well done!

Well done ?????? :rolleyes:

You seem to be suggesting that Allan Nimmo deliberately provided misleading and unsafe information about his product, knowingly tarnished his credentials, produced a deliberately falsified video of his product being tested, and willingly subjugated himself to a very public humiliation.....all to gain some exposure in order to sell a few low cost prop spanners. :confused:

As far as conspiracy theories goes this is right up there with the Apollo moon landings being faked in a studio on earth. :cool:

No doubt the truth of the matter is far, far simpler.
The original video is still up

The original video that introduced the wrench and made the original statement about the 80% that started the whole discussion is still up on the antisplataero web site.

Allan, wondering if you might edit that?

The original video that introduced the wrench and made the original statement about the 80% that started the whole discussion is still up on the antisplataero web site.

Allan, wondering if you might edit that?

Thanks for reminding me of that, I have edited the video to exclude that statement. Allan:)

I got to use one of Allan's prop wrench's yesterday to take the Hartzell off my engine and I give it a big thumb's up. It cut the time to remove the prop at least in half and I am now looking forward to using it to re-install the prop in a couple weeks. Thanks for the great products you have developed and made available to us at such a reasonable cost Allan!
I got to use one of Allan's prop wrench's yesterday to take the Hartzell off my engine and I give it a big thumb's up. It cut the time to remove the prop at least in half and I am now looking forward to using it to re-install the prop in a couple weeks. Thanks for the great products you have developed and made available to us at such a reasonable cost Allan!

....Thank you so much for the kind words in regards to our tool. We are pleased that it is so well receiver and liked by everyone. Thanks again for your business. Allan....:D