I am getting a good chuckle out of this thread.:D Starts out talking about a new prop, morphs into a discussion of the sinking of the Titanic, and now we're into livestock feeding!

I hope some of you serious guys can see the humor here! Gotta love this forum......
I would guess the Wright brothers are top on your list of what hurts you. Unproven engine, unproven prop, unproven PRSU, and unproven airframe! History seems to disagree with you.

Don, I think there are a whole lot of people who would love to have a dollar for every "newer, better" gadget that comes out in the homebuilding world that ultimately never makes it to market, makes it to market but does not meet expectations (by a long shot), or makes it to market and is found to be unsafe. This is what history agrees with.
"FSTexan - Join Date: Nov 2011 - Location: x - Posts: 1"

Please consider the source when someone revises a dead thread with inflammatory info... Please do not feed the trolls.

A dead thread? Considering what has been written since my last post, this thread looks well alive.
Can you tell me what you find inflammatory in my post? To me there is a lot of facts in it if you follow the link, including photographs.
Is it a syndrome of : The Fool Looks At The Finger That Points To The Sky or what?

That is what my humble post was about. Why is it some people have felt otherwise?

...Hmmmm...IMO, some people are embarassed by their mistakes of not heeding sound advice that was given before they decide to go against said advice anyway. Then, in their minds, the bearer of the news is now the bad guy.
