Does anyone know if there is a common phone screen protector that will fit this gps ? I am in Australia and wont have time to get one here from the USA in time for a trip I am doing with my new Aera 660.
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If no one will ship to you and you must have them I'll be glad to help out. I have a friend in Hervey Bay that orders many things from here in the states and of course they also won't ship to Australia. He has them shipped to me in Florida and I ship them to him via our US Post Office. We've found it to be the quickest and least expensive way. This is of course an added shipping expense but it'll get there. I'd be glad to help you if needed.

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Aera 660 Update database Coupon

When I went online with my Aera660 for the first time, it updated the Firmware to the latest version. It didn't seem to do anything else

In the box with my new unit was a coupon for a free database update.

Does anyone know if this covers ALL of the databases, or just the map?

Without having the coupon in my hand, how long after purchase until this coupon expires?
Aera 660 V2.80

When you power up your Aera 660 today with it connected via WiFi to the internet it should automatically ask you if you wish to update to V2.80.

The image below shows two of the new features.

Several customers asked that we provide more user selectable data fields on the main map, so the unit now offers up to 8 data fields (0 to 8 depending on your preferences).

Another often requested feature for all of our products has been airspace segment altitude limit labeling. You have always been able to touch an airspace segment and see the altitude limits, but now you may have them turned on all the time so they are always visible (depending on zoom range). In the example below there is a class D airport with altitude limits from the surface to 3400 ft and two MOAs with 800 ft to 18,000 ft limits. The numbes are color coded to match the airspace segments.


Change History
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
  • Add airspace altitude labels to map
  • Add option to remove facility names for Airports, VORs, and NDBs, to declutter map
  • Add four additional data fields to overlay on map page
  • General improvements to system operation
  • Includes update to GDL39 software version 4.80

All these additional items are great.;) Thanks for listening to your customer requests.:) This new unit is turning out to be quite a Gem. Cant wait for the Satellite weather capability. Just finished installing mine via Bare wire install kit in my RV12 to replace the older 496. Also I have to say after owning a 796 for a few years that the screen Brightness and ease of touch is superior to the 796. Maybe in a few years, like next years OSH2017,:p you might come out with a 896 with all this new stuff on a larger screen.:D
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Aera 660


Any chance Garmin can add the seconds to the ETA? Right now it just shows ETA in hours & minutes. Mainly would be using it to hit precise flyover TOTs for the national anthem timing, missing man formations etc.

Sure we can use a stopwatch but having the seconds on the 660 would be an easy fix. I think my old 296 had seconds inside of 10 minutes but it's been so long I can't remember for sure.

To 2nd Oly's request for a "seconds" display. I also am part of the BANDITS FORMATION TEAM. We do stadium, college, NASCAR, veteran, missing man (and this year a NFL game) National Anthem fly overs. The seconds addition would be a great plus for the Time Over Target (TOT) solution.
Any chance Garmin can add the seconds to the ETA? Right now it just shows ETA in hours & minutes. Mainly would be using it to hit precise flyover TOTs for the national anthem timing, missing man formations etc.

Sure we can use a stopwatch but having the seconds on the 660 would be an easy fix. I think my old 296 had seconds inside of 10 minutes but it's been so long I can't remember for sure.

Hello Oly,

Perhaps you are mixing up ETA (estimated time of arrival) with ETE (estimated time enroute). The behavior of the GPSmap 296 and aera 660 is the same for both of these data fields:

ETA always displays estimated time of arrival in hours/minutes.

ETE displays time remaining in either hours/minutes for times greater than one hour, or minutes/seconds for times less than one hour.

- Matt
Several customers asked that we provide more user selectable data fields on the main map, so the unit now offers up to 8 data fields (0 to 8 depending on your preferences).
Wow! I'm looking forward to seeing this, as I just (finally) placed my order for one last week. The bare wire cable was on backorder until tomorrow so it should be shipping shortly, and then i'll be able to take advantage of all of these great new features... I'm looking forward to it!

Now I just need to get in touch with Garmin's tech support to see if they can help me fix my Aera 500, that no longer boots up regularly. For some reason it only gets past the Garmin screen about once in every 3 or 4 re-starts.
GArmin G5 and Area 660

Hi Seve,

thinking to install a Garmin G5 in my aircraft and would like to know if it can interface with the area 660 f.ex. attitude, barometric and autopilot information etc. to the area 660.

Does the G5 comes with a STC to install in certified aircraft?

Best regards
Aera 660 Fuel Prices

The 660 can display fuel prices right on the map. My question is how and how often are these prices updated? Is a 28 day download update necessary or can it be done for free via wifi somehow?
Aera 660 ETA TOT


Thanks for the quick response about the timing. I do remember the ETE being in minutes & seconds to go on the old 296. Formations are normally given a specific TOT and looking at the ETE still requires a little mental math to subtract this from the actual TOT (the desired ETA).

Granted we can do the math inflight but having the the ability to select ETA in hours/minutes/seconds could be a user selectable option on the menu. Flying HUDs in the Air Force I was able to put the desired TOT in the system and the HUD would give an airspeed cue to fly to hit the exact desired TOT (with wind correction). I don't think Noel & I are expecting this option but being able to select hours/minutes/seconds to hit an exact TOT would be helpful and probably not hard for Garmin to do on the next update.

Not all of us are as good as BeeGee or Yobo to consistently hit a TOT to the SECOND every single time.

So very true Snowflake, very true.

As one of the NASCAR spotters told me, " are never the hero, but can easily become the zero"
When I went online with my Aera660 for the first time, it updated the Firmware to the latest version. It didn't seem to do anything else

In the box with my new unit was a coupon for a free database update.

Does anyone know if this covers ALL of the databases, or just the map?

Without having the coupon in my hand, how long after purchase until this coupon expires?

Hello Jeff,

The free database coupon that came with your Aera 660 allows you to register your Aera 660 at and update the complete set of databases so you can have and use current databases until you decide what/if database subscription you wish to purchase.

You may use this coupon to get this free set of databases even if past the validity period specified on the coupon.

The factory supplied databases may be old and/or limited since we expect every customer to immediately use this coupon to download/install all the databases.

Hi Seve,

thinking to install a Garmin G5 in my aircraft and would like to know if it can interface with the area 660 f.ex. attitude, barometric and autopilot information etc. to the area 660.

Does the G5 comes with a STC to install in certified aircraft?

Best regards

Hello gFlyer,

While the Aera 660 can provide the navigation function for a G5, the 660 does not receive/use any of the G5 data you mention.

We offer two versions of the G5. One with STC data for certified aircraft, the other for non-certified aircraft.

The 660 can display fuel prices right on the map. My question is how and how often are these prices updated? Is a 28 day download update necessary or can it be done for free via wifi somehow?

Hello rv4ator,

Good question.

The fuel prices are stored in the Airport Directory database and are updated daily.

If you have subscribed to the U.S. Database Bundle for $149.95/yr, one of the databases is the Airport Directory, so you may re-download this database with new fuel prices every day using WiFi if you wish to always keep your fuel prices up to date.

When you power up your Aera 660 today with it connected via WiFi to the internet it should automatically ask you if you wish to update to V2.80.

The image below shows two of the new features.

Several customers asked that we provide more user selectable data fields on the main map, so the unit now offers up to 8 data fields (0 to 8 depending on your preferences).

Another often requested feature for all of our products has been airspace segment altitude limit labeling. You have always been able to touch an airspace segment and see the altitude limits, but now you may have them turned on all the time so they are always visible (depending on zoom range). In the example below there is a class D airport with altitude limits from the surface to 3400 ft and two MOAs with 800 ft to 18,000 ft limits. The numbes are color coded to match the airspace segments.


Change History
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
  • Add airspace altitude labels to map
  • Add option to remove facility names for Airports, VORs, and NDBs, to declutter map
  • Add four additional data fields to overlay on map page
  • General improvements to system operation
  • Includes update to GDL39 software version 4.80


I updated my 660 and it was quick and easy via WiFi.
Steve, the airspace data popped up as expected, but the four additional data fields did not. Another pilot at my field said he experienced the same results. Do we have to turn this feature on? I looked in the pdf manual but clearly it was written prior to this update. Are you guys updating the online manual with each update?
Thank in advance you and your teams support here and via phone and email GREAT service.
Data fields


To add data fields select Map mode, select Menu, select Change data fields- the next screen shows all 8 possible data fields to display on the map. If you want to add one just select the one you want and choose what you want to display. You can configure any way you want and if you don't want a data block displayed select "Hidden Field".

Pretty easy

Enabling additional data fields


Yes, as Oly explained, it is the user who must define/enable from 0 to 8 data fields and we don't just turn all of them on without user interaction.

The Pilot Guide is being updated and should hopefully be available soon.

It's Here!

My 660 arrived yesterday and i've been playing with it for a while now.

Came with v2.40, took some tribulations to get it to v2.80... Didn't realize it wouldn't update once it was connected to WiFi. Had to download new software for updating it (old software for Aera 500 didn't work), and had to try three different cables to get the webupdater software to recognize it.

I went back and re-read the entire thread, to refresh my memory of things I had asked once before. Some things i'm still hoping to answer:

1. I see it came with US charts pre-loaded, so for me around the Victoria, BC area it's not too bad. Looking at the list of what's available on FlyGarmin though, I see this:
IFR/VFR Charts Canada by NavCanada
Does this bundle really include the VTA and VNC charts, or is it just the IFR charts? Will my "one free update" coupon allow me to download a set of these to see what i'll get?

2. Can the 660 share it's GPS signal via Bluetooth or WiFi, ie. to act as a GPS for another tablet that doesn't have an internal GPS?

3. What is the SD card slot good for, other than software updates? I would get a memory card for it so I have another option for updates, but if that's all it's for i'll just get a smaller card... If there is any value in having a bigger one (say a future update that might include an audio player?) it would be nice to know now rather than have to buy another. Would more memory be useful for maps or anything?
My 660 arrived yesterday and i've been playing with it for a while now.

Thank you for purchasing an Aera 660!

Came with v2.40, took some tribulations to get it to v2.80... Didn't realize it wouldn't update once it was connected to WiFi.

As shown on this page, the 660 didn't get WiFi software download capability until V2.60, so of course there is no way your V2.40 software could have downloaded software using WiFi. Now that you have upgraded with V2.80, all future software updates may use WiFi.

Had to download new software for updating it (old software for Aera 500 didn't work), and had to try three different cables to get the webupdater software to recognize it.
The unit comes with a USB cable for hardwire updates.

I went back and re-read the entire thread, to refresh my memory of things I had asked once before. Some things i'm still hoping to answer:

1. I see it came with US charts pre-loaded, so for me around the Victoria, BC area it's not too bad. Looking at the list of what's available on FlyGarmin though, I see this:

Does this bundle really include the VTA and VNC charts, or is it just the IFR charts? Will my "one free update" coupon allow me to download a set of these to see what i'll get?

Yes, your one free update coupon allows you to choose any of the available IFR/VFR chart options so you can try out the Canada charts. This link shows the Canada VFR navigation charts and VFR terminal area charts included in this subscription.

2. Can the 660 share it's GPS signal via Bluetooth or WiFi, ie. to act as a GPS for another tablet that doesn't have an internal GPS?

Generally no, but the unit should share GPS data with a mobile device running Garmin Pilot.

3. What is the SD card slot good for, other than software updates? I would get a memory card for it so I have another option for updates, but if that's all it's for i'll just get a smaller card... If there is any value in having a bigger one (say a future update that might include an audio player?) it would be nice to know now rather than have to buy another. Would more memory be useful for maps or anything?

Other than screen shots, the SD card isn't generally used.

...the 660 didn't get WiFi software download capability until V2.60, so of course there is no way your V2.40 software could have downloaded software using WiFi. Now that you have upgraded with V2.80, all future software updates may use WiFi.
I saw that while reading through the rest of the thread yesterday, but I didn't read it until after I had finished the wired update... :)

The unit comes with a USB cable for hardwire updates.
Yes, however I still had the cable from my Aera 500 connected so I started with that... Being a Garmin cable and all. I suspect that this issue was related more to my computer than to the cables though: I don't use Windows all that often, so when I rebooted into Windows it spent a bunch of time doing updates in the background. I suspect the computer was *trying* to connect properly, but wasn't fast enough to make the USB connection before I misunderstood it as a timeout.

Yes, your one free update coupon allows you to choose any of the available IFR/VFR chart options so you can try out the Canada charts.
That's excellent, thanks very much. I didn't realize you now had the actual Canadian charts available.

How does the update coupon work, exactly? Do I enter the number, and then it lets me download whatever I need for some period of time? Or do I have to know what I want before I start? I guess what i'm concerned about is that i'll enter the code, choose a bunch of stuff, and may find out later that it's not the bundle or combination of stuff that I need, and i'll have to come back and download more... Only to find out that the code is now used and i'm SOL... :)

Other than screen shots, the SD card isn't generally used.
Good to know. Is there a comfortable excess of storage in the unit, so if I choose all the Canadian and US charts there will be room? Or will I need to pick and choose to make sure I don't over-run the available mapping space?

Thanks again for all the answers on this device... Haven't flown with it yet but I can see now that it will be an awesome device in the cockpit. Head and shoulders above the 500 it's replacing.
Hello Rob,

How does the update coupon work, exactly? Do I enter the number, and then it lets me download whatever I need for some period of time? Or do I have to know what I want before I start? I guess what i'm concerned about is that i'll enter the code, choose a bunch of stuff, and may find out later that it's not the bundle or combination of stuff that I need, and i'll have to come back and download more... Only to find out that the code is now used and i'm SOL... :)

I couldn't find that you had created a free FlyGarmin account and added your Aera 660 to it, but once you do there will be a "Redeem a Coupon" button on the Aera 660 page. The process is pretty self explanatory, but if you have any questions or problems with choosing the free set of databases you want, just contact us by email/phone and we will make sure it works as expected. You are never "SOL" because we have your back (and the keys to make selection changes in FlyGarmin). :)

Is there a comfortable excess of storage in the unit, so if I choose all the Canadian and US charts there will be room? Or will I need to pick and choose to make sure I don't over-run the available mapping space?

Well, you can only load one set of IFR/VFR charts at a time, so you would have to choose, for example, if you want to subscribe to the Canada charts or the U.S. charts. If you purchase the North American database bundle, FlyGarmin asks you to select whether U.S. or Canada IFR/VFR charts are in your annual database bundle.

Note, however, that if you want to do something like fly to Oshkosh once a year, you could buy a single U.S. IFR/VFR chart cycle for $39.99, load these charts for your U.S. travel, then re-load the Canada charts included in your annual subscription when you come home. Your North American database bundle would include navigation data for both the U.S. and Canada, so nothing to worry about for the core data which includes airports/runways/frequencies.

Thanks again for all the answers on this device... Haven't flown with it yet but I can see now that it will be an awesome device in the cockpit. Head and shoulders above the 500 it's replacing.

You are welcome.

I couldn't find that you had created a free FlyGarmin account and added your Aera 660 to it, but once you do there will be a "Redeem a Coupon" button on the Aera 660 page.
I already had a flygarmin account for my Aera 500, so I didn't need to create another. I saw the "redeem a coupon" link, but I wanted to be sure what I was getting into before clicking on it.

My trepidation is due to having a bad experience updating my Aera 500 once. I read through the list of options that included Canada, which all said "north american" and then when looking at the price list there was an option with a better deal on the "americas" database and I stupidly chose it... Not clueing in that it didn't say north america. I ended up with no airspace or info north of the US border... :( Garmin tech support did sort me out when I called in, but not without difficulty... Their first response was that they couldn't refund me for the wrong database selection. I had to argue first before I could give them more money for the (more expensive) Canadian-inclusive data upgrade.

I've got two months to update, so i'm going to wait a bit before updating... I want the data set to be as up-to-date as possible, as I don't plan on a subscription, at least not initially.

Well, you can only load one set of IFR/VFR charts at a time, so you would have to choose, for example, if you want to subscribe to the Canada charts or the U.S. charts. If you purchase the North American database bundle, FlyGarmin asks you to select whether U.S. or Canada IFR/VFR charts are in your annual database bundle.

Note, however, that if you want to do something like fly to Oshkosh once a year, you could buy a single U.S. IFR/VFR chart cycle for $39.99, load these charts for your U.S. travel, then re-load the Canada charts included in your annual subscription when you come home. Your North American database bundle would include navigation data for both the U.S. and Canada, so nothing to worry about for the core data which includes airports/runways/frequencies.
****. Well, I guess there had to be *one* downside to this GPS, everything else is almost too-good-to-be-true.

I live in Victoria, BC, which is south of the 49th parallel, and sticks well into Washington. Half of my flights will be over the US as I travel from Victoria to the mainland. I was hoping the 660 would be able to show Canadian charts to the Canadian border, and US charts below that, or give me the option to switch between the two if I was near the border, as FltPlanGo does.

I guess if I can't do that, I can at least save some money in the future by not buying either IFR/VFR chart pack. I'll stick with FltPlanGo for charts, and the 660 for flight planning and simplified mapping. I can stick my phone next to the 660 on the dash, the screen is almost as large. :)
Just updated my 660 to firmware 2.80 today and that of course updated my GDL-39 3D to firmware 4.80. What was odd is that it wouldn't update via the USB cable but it did automatically when I turned on the wi-fi to connect it to my network. Not a big deal but I was concerned at first that it wouldn't update via the USB cable.

Now I just have to figure out what I want in those 4 extra data fields on the map. Also love the airspace altitude labels!

Waiting on the newer "Pilot Guide" now so I can update the manual(s) that I keep on my iPad mini.

Thanks Garmin!
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Has anyone else noticed that firmware 2.80 stops the QWERTY keyboard from displaying? Regardless of the keyboard setting the other keyboard is always displayed.
Has anyone else noticed that firmware 2.80 stops the QWERTY keyboard from displaying? Regardless of the keyboard setting the other keyboard is always displayed.


Are you operating the Aera 660 in landscape or portrait mode?

This has nothing to do with upgrading to V2.80. As specificed on page 16 of the Rev. B User Manual, the QWERTY keyboard is only available when using the unit in landscape mode.


Are you operating the Aera 660 in landscape or portrait mode?

This has nothing to do with upgrading to V2.80. As specificed on page 16 of the Rev. B User Manual, the QWERTY keyboard is only available when using the unit in landscape mode.


Hi - yes, I was in portrait mode and I have re-read the manual and see that it states QWERTY keyboard is only available in landscape mode.

I have to ask why ? How difficult would it have been to offer the QWERTY keyboard in portrait ? iPhones have been doing this on smaller screens since 2006 !

Aera 660 Coupled Instrument approaches

Discovered a clever way to fly a coupled autopilot approach with the 660 a couple days ago. Granted the 660 is not a panel mounted IFR approved GPS but it's good to know the capabilities of your systems and how to use them. Someday you may have to use some of those 'superior piloting skills' to get yourself out of a situation you or some nasty unpredicted weather put you into. Or perhaps your primary legal IFR instrumentation is not working or the airport ground based navigation system is inop.

My Aera 660 is hard wired to the Trio autopilot via an RS 232 wire. With an airport in the active flight plan flying a coupled approach (VOR, LOC, RNAV or anything in that airport's database) is fairly easy and tracks beautifully (lateral track only).

The manual (section 3.5) discusses the specifics how to select and execute the approach by yourself or getting vectors to final by ATC. Granted this is only lateral guidance but it intercepts the course and flies a very precise track to the runway. I tried this the other day VFR and had the IFR chart on Garmin Pilot pulled up and it tracked exactly down the course line right to the runway. Using altitude preselect on your autopilot you can also descend from the FAF at a specific VVI to the minimum descent altitude (MDA) and drive in to the missed approach point (MAP).

Ok for all the instrument purists out there> NO this is not an approved IFR approach procedure. Just a way to get on the ground if your only other option is running out of gas above the clouds. My RV is instrument qualified and I do have legal instrumentation onboard. Not saying to go out and file IFR with just a 660, just something to have in your bag of tricks- just in case. Practice in good weather so you know how to use it when you need it and are running out of options.
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Hi - yes, I was in portrait mode and I have re-read the manual and see that it states QWERTY keyboard is only available in landscape mode.

I have to ask why ? How difficult would it have been to offer the QWERTY keyboard in portrait ? iPhones have been doing this on smaller screens since 2006 !


Hi Steve,

This would be really a great advantage to have QWERTY keyboard also in portrait mode (for me the most preferred mode) in future updates.

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Yes, the reply above was pointing out how ridiculous it was to claim that there is inadequate display size to put a qwerty keyboard in portrait mode. Cell phones with smaller screens have had them since before Garmin made a touchscreen device.
Are there differences in the software features between the certified G5 and experimental version? Does the certified version have navigational capabilities?
Consider posting in this G5 related thread:

My understanding is the software is similar between the certified and experimental variants, with the certified version having a reduced feature set. There are no navigational capabilities on either G5. Either will display a CDI (have my 430 connected over serial - 660 would work well). The experimental version will display vertical Nav with the GAD 29 ARINC interface. The GAD 29 is not available for certified installations. See the above thread for more information and screen shots.
I got an aera 660 for Christmas. I have some questions.

I installed the battery, put it on the wall charger for about 12 hours. It wouldn't power up when I hit the power button. I removed the battery, reinstalled it, unit powered up fine.

Now, I rode around with my brother in the truck yesterday. I played with my new GPS with it plugged into the 12v in truck. Worked fine. Unplugged it from the 12v, it wouldn't power up. I removed/reinstalled the battery, powered up fine.

Flew with my daughter yesterday. Had the unit on it's own battery power. Had to r/r battery to get it to power up.
I'm having to r/r the battery if I turn if off, or unplug it from either charger.
Question is......What am I doing wrong?

Another "problem". I set the CDI to .25 mi. If I turn the unit off, the CDI defaults to 5 mi when turned back on. I'd really like it to stay at .25 mi.
I wonder what else is "defaulting" to something I don't know about.:confused:

I really do wish it had come with a complete owners manual.
Guess I'm kind of spoiled.:)...........with my OLD 295.:rolleyes:

Did you update the software?
There have been several updates since they were built.
It is easy to do on wifi.
I downloaded the user manual on desktop and use it to look up stuff.
Did you update the software?
There have been several updates since they were built.
It is easy to do on wifi.
I downloaded the user manual on desktop and use it to look up stuff.

This was going to be my next plan of action.:)
I did notice on the opening page, it says 2.5.
I believe we are at 2.80 now so yes the updates may fix some of the bugs. I also downloaded the manual and keep it on my iPad mini. It's always in the plane as my backup if anything goes bad and this way I have the manual if needed. I keep all manuals for all electronics and avionics on my iPad mini.

You can download the manual here.

They are working on a new manual revision as we type.

Spoiled with a 295? Wait til you start flying with the 660, you'll wonder how you ever left the ground. :D It's amazing.

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Battery cover incompletely latched?

I got an aera 660 for Christmas. I have some questions.

I installed the battery, put it on the wall charger for about 12 hours. It wouldn't power up when I hit the power button. I removed the battery, reinstalled it, unit powered up fine.

Now, I rode around with my brother in the truck yesterday. I played with my new GPS with it plugged into the 12v in truck. Worked fine. Unplugged it from the 12v, it wouldn't power up. I removed/reinstalled the battery, powered up fine.

Flew with my daughter yesterday. Had the unit on it's own battery power. Had to r/r battery to get it to power up.....What am I doing wrong?

I seemed to struggle with similar issues (while first assembling the 660 in a dark room holding our infant). Then eventually realized one side of the battery cover wasn't completely seated and latched when I couldn't power it up w/o the wall charger. The difficulty powering it on hasn't repeated itself when the top and bottom are fully seated. With just one side properly in, it seems the battery contact sometimes isn't adequate. Maybe you also had one side of the battery cover not fully latched and thus it only powered up while plugged in, until R&R the battery fixed the latch.

If so, I feel better I'm not the only one. If not, now I might be a bit embarrassed for sharing my simple mistake. :eek: Inserting the end away from the Garmin letters, then clicking in the Garmin side in near the latch works every time now.
I seemed to struggle with similar issues (while first assembling the 660 in a dark room holding our infant). Then eventually realized one side of the battery cover wasn't completely seated and latched when I couldn't power it up w/o the wall charger. The difficulty powering it on hasn't repeated itself when the top and bottom are fully seated. With just one side properly in, it seems the battery contact sometimes isn't adequate. Maybe you also had one side of the battery cover not fully latched and thus it only powered up while plugged in, until R&R the battery fixed the latch.

If so, I feel better I'm not the only one. If not, now I might be a bit embarrassed for sharing my simple mistake. :eek: Inserting the end away from the Garmin letters, then clicking in the Garmin side in near the latch works every time now.

Well Ryan, I've had to r&r the battery everytime, so I would like to think that I at least got it back on once correctly. lol:p
Is there a way to turn off the background? I mean the green/yellow shading.

I can do it by selecting the decluter. But I have to do that every time. and when it auto zooms in the back ground comes back.

I really don't see the point of the green/yellow. For me it just detracts from the clarity.
Somewhere in the 2.4-2.6 range of software versions they added the ability to update over WiFi. If yours doesn't offer an update when you connect to WiFi, then you will have to do the first update at your computer. After that, you will be able to update without a computer.
I did do the update last night. It shows 2.8 now when powered up.

Another thing I noticed was, the battery indicator never did show "fully charged". Even after being on the charger for 24 hrs. I'll check it this evening to see if that was something else with the update.

The CDI still defaults to 5 miles when powered off then back up. I don't like that.:mad: I prefer it to stay where I put it.