I "reserved" my rebate on September 15th, 3 days before the deadline and selected the GTX-335 as my equipment.

I plan to install the GDL-82 when it becomes available. You are allowed to change your mind and install different equipment than what you selected.

This gives me 90 days to get the equipment "installed" and in the email I received from the FAA after my registration it gives me until February 2 of 2018 to get everything tested and to pass their "test" for the rebate.

I want the GDL-82 and hope Garmin gets the certification needed so it does qualify for the rebate. If not then oh well, it's still a great price to have Garmin ADS-B to go along with my Aera 660 and GDL-39.

The rebate would be GREAT but if it doesn't happen in time then it just wasn't meant to be.

My local dealer, Sarasota Avionics, in Venice has 30 units on order and 3 pre-orders already.

I hope Garmin gets this approved! :D
Will it work with a GTX-327?

Do I understand correctly that the GDL-82 will work with the Garmin GTX-327 transponder? That would make me very happy.
Aircraft Spruce website says "expected Friday November 24th". Don't hold your breath though, this date has changed a few times since I started watching it.

Maybe they'll blow them out at $899 for Black Friday. :D

A boy can dream, right?

I'm also wiring it to my GTX-327.

Recently finished the installation of a Garmin GTX 335 in my RV. I had an old Collins TDR-950 that although working well was older technology with mechanical knobs and gears and of course non-ADSB.

The install was time consuming but not particularly difficult. I think the configuration setup was more difficult than the install. I thought about all the ADSB out products and was trying to decide but after watching a buddy of mine lose $1800 in the Navworks fiasco it was a obvious which way I WAS NOT going to go. I have other Garmin gear in the plane and it always works well, I've had no issues and tech support from Garmin is outstanding so Garmin was a natural choice. I like the way Garmin gear talks to each other. I have a G5 with an RS232 out I ran to the GTX 335 for altitude info eliminating the need for an altitude encoder. Boy did that free up some space, the encoder worked well but was older technology and was about the size of a brick!

Flew the test flight about a week ago and just got my $500 check yesterday!! Took advantage of the sale on the GTX-335 package w/GPS from Acft Spruce for $2900, sold my old transponder for $500 and got the $500 rebate. Net cost for the ADSB upgrade overall was $2K. I needed a new transponder anyway so it all worked out.

Don't know what all the worry is about with the anonymous mode. I'm not a big fan of government watching your every move either but if anyone is doing something they don't want ATC to see just turn the transponder off. I realize that you still want full ADSB in and out for safety reasons but is all this fuss about 'Big brother watching' really warranted?
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Don't know what all the worry is about with the anonymous mode. I'm not a big fan of government watching your every move either but if anyone is doing something they don't want ATC to see just turn the transponder off. I realize that you still want full ADSB in and out for safety reasons but is all this fuss about 'Big brother watching' really warranted?
I hope you are aware this is a violation of the rules concerning ADS-B. If the airplane is equipped with ADS-B, the ADS-B must be powered up and functional at all times.
I?ll let big brother watch me anytime they want!

But, hopefully everyone flying ?With? ADSb will be watching me too...

I really think it is a great tool for collision avoidance (along with your eyeballs).

I think you guys are missing my point, I was being a bit sarcastic (in a fun way of course). I don’t plan on running around with my transponder off. I’m just saying for the benefit of all the naysayers out there complaining about not having an anonymous mode. I just don’t see all the worry about the FAA seeing you. I kinda like having people know I am flying my experimental.

The whole point of my post was to reinforce the easy process to take advantage of the FAA debate and a minor point of not dwelling on the lack of a stealth mode.

With the new 335 I am seeing a LOT more traffic than I used to with just the GDL 39 3D ADSB-in.
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I am doing an install right now and am planning for a GDL 82 installation. I therefore am installing a GA 35 antenna on the exterior of the aircraft and am placing a circuit breaker in the panel for it to be two steps ahead when the units ship. I cannot find any installation instructions for the GDL 82. What is the recommended circuit breaker for the GDL 82 in a 14V RV type aircraft for a wire run less than 6'?

Also, where can I find more information about the software or app for setting up the GDL 82?

Read the last post in THIS thread by Bob Nuckolls. According to his opinion, a 5 amp fuse should be good. Just guessing, a 3 amp circuit breaker will probably work too for the GDL 82.
Garmin GDL 82

I am wondering if Garmin will actually start selling the GDL-82 units and if the price will be as advertised?
I am doing an install right now and am planning for a GDL 82 installation. I therefore am installing a GA 35 antenna on the exterior of the aircraft and am placing a circuit breaker in the panel for it to be two steps ahead when the units ship. I cannot find any installation instructions for the GDL 82. What is the recommended circuit breaker for the GDL 82 in a 14V RV type aircraft for a wire run less than 6'?

Also, where can I find more information about the software or app for setting up the GDL 82?


Hi Jim,

I emailed Garmin a few weeks back and asked the same question. The reply I got was.....

Good Afternoon,

The install manuals shows a 5A breaker, but please note that this is an example. Circuit breaker size depends on wire length and gauge. Refer to AC 43.13-1B for further guidance from the FAA. Chapter 11 covers aircraft electrical systems and section 4 specifically covers circuit protection.

I then asked about the minimum length for the antenna cable for the GA35 antenna and was told.....

We need the cable loss to be between 1.5 and 6.5 dB:

1.5 dB equates to about 6.5 feet with connectors on each end.

So the cable run should be at least 6.5 feet.

I'm installing the GDL-82 as well and have the required CB installed and RG-400 cable ready to go when they finally ship these unit.

GDL 82 with GTX 330?

I thought I had found my ADS-B answer - then I downloaded the GDL 82 install manual - on page 1-5 I read " the GDL 82 should not be installed with a Mode S transponder".
My RV has a Garmin GTX 330 (non ES) which I think is a Mode S. Does this mean they are not compatible? Why?
Thank You!
Just this past Monday I finalized my installation. Here is a pic of my installation location. I actually ended up moving the GDL82 about 1-1.5 in further aft than this picture displays. The instrument you can see just aft of the GDL82 is an SL30 nav/com. Directly below that, out of view, is the Garmin 327 transponder. You can see in the pic the GPS antenna is sitting on the dash underneath the windscreen. everything worked flawlessly for the performance check flight. Sent off for my FAA rebate Monday night and received confirmation that "the check is in the mail".

I thought I had found my ADS-B answer - then I downloaded the GDL 82 install manual - on page 1-5 I read " the GDL 82 should not be installed with a Mode S transponder".
My RV has a Garmin GTX 330 (non ES) which I think is a Mode S. Does this mean they are not compatible? Why?
Thank You!

yes, this is correct. the GDL 82 will not work with the additional mode S data information the GTX 330/33 units output. They are designed to work with only mode A/C transponder units as a lower cost option for those that do not want to replace the currently working good transponder they have in the panel.
in the case of those that have a GTX 330 unit but do not have a valid WAAS GPS source. the best option will be to work with your local Garmin dealer as there are very good deals for trade ins on the 330 units to upgrade to a GTX 335 with an internal GPS unit.

Let me know if there are any other questions,
Just this past Monday I finalized my installation. Here is a pic of my installation location. I actually ended up moving the GDL82 about 1-1.5 in further aft than this picture displays. The instrument you can see just aft of the GDL82 is an SL30 nav/com. Directly below that, out of view, is the Garmin 327 transponder. You can see in the pic the GPS antenna is sitting on the dash underneath the windscreen. everything worked flawlessly for the performance check flight. Sent off for my FAA rebate Monday night and received confirmation that "the check is in the mail".


Hello Steve,
so glad to hear the GDL 82 install went correctly and you were able to get the FAA rebate going. how were you able to complete the ramp check once the unit was completed? was this done locally to your field?

Hello Steve,
so glad to hear the GDL 82 install went correctly and you were able to get the FAA rebate going. how were you able to complete the ramp check once the unit was completed? was this done locally to your field?

Well, I don't even know how to reply to those questions. Please enlighten me on who exactly, besides the installer, would be "ramp checking" anything. And just exactly to what "ramp check" are you referring?
Well, I don't even know how to reply to those questions. Please enlighten me on who exactly, besides the installer, would be "ramp checking" anything. And just exactly to what "ramp check" are you referring?

No worries Steve,
the reason I ask is we've had a lot of questions regarding this. if you take a look at the install manual you'll notice in section 3.4.3 that a ramp tester is required to verify the correct operation of the existing transponder in the system before installing the GDL 82. just wondering if these steps were completed in the installation of your unit.
No worries Steve,
the reason I ask is we've had a lot of questions regarding this. if you take a look at the install manual you'll notice in section 3.4.3 that a ramp tester is required to verify the correct operation of the existing transponder in the system before installing the GDL 82. just wondering if these steps were completed in the installation of your unit.
Ok, well the transponder was not checked during the installation. However, the transponder has never had any issues of concern in all the years of flying. It has passed the transponder checks in the past and there has been no indication currently to show it is not performing within required parameters as expected. I can and will have the transponder checked when able to do so but, no, it was not checked this weekend.
As I just had the transponder check done post the Oshkosh software update to my 327 I assume this will suffice? Planning to install the GDL82 next week.
yes, this is correct. the GDL 82 will not work with the additional mode S data information the GTX 330/33 units output. They are designed to work with only mode A/C transponder units as a lower cost option for those that do not want to replace the currently working good transponder they have in the panel.
in the case of those that have a GTX 330 unit but do not have a valid WAAS GPS source. the best option will be to work with your local Garmin dealer as there are very good deals for trade ins on the 330 units to upgrade to a GTX 335 with an internal GPS unit.

Let me know if there are any other questions,

Thank you for the information and explanation, Trek. As you state above - I will have to find another way, as the GTX330 and GDL 82 are not compatible (darn).
everything worked flawlessly for the performance check flight. Sent off for my FAA rebate Monday night and received confirmation that "the check is in the mail".


Oh! I was under the impression that the rebates were all used up. Are there still rebates?

I'm eagerly awaiting my GDL-82 arrival.
Here, let me Google that for you:


"Thank you for participating in the FAA's rebate program. We are no longer accepting new reservations, but if you have an existing reservation, please complete the final steps:"

I guess I don't know what that means. I didn't think you could have a reservation prior to installing the unit. They just started shipping a few weeks ago, after the note you quote was posted. So how did RVbySDI get a reservation?
I got a reservation the day before the program expired last September and set the installation date as far into the future as I could, 150 days, which turned out to be 2/11/18. I chose one of the approved systems listed, knowing that I could change that when I applied for the rebate. I had ordered a GDL-82 from SteinAir. The FAA sent me a reminder yesterday that I had an unclaimed rebate, stating that the program will close for rebate claims after 2/15/18.

My GDL-82 in enroute from SteinAir now, so I hope to get it installed within the next couple of weeks so I can complete the steps to get the rebate.
Same here

Same approach as alcladrv, GDL 82 is now listed on FAA form. Unit arrived from Stein yesterday so I hope to install next week (assuming the weather warms up a bit). I have until 2/8/18 to "get er dun":D
I guess I don't know what that means. I didn't think you could have a reservation prior to installing the unit. They just started shipping a few weeks ago, after the note you quote was posted. So how did RVbySDI get a reservation?
As the others mentioned, the deadline that expired was the "reservation" for the rebate. The expiration was only for reserving your rebate. So back in early September about a week before the end date for reserving the rebate I aplied for the rebate. Once that was done I had to provide an installation date. Again as others had done, I set that date as far in advance as I could. That then allowed me 90 days from the installation date to actually aply for the rebate. That allowed a window of time that set my expiration for the end of January. So here we are and I made it within the time allowed. Of course if you did not make the reservation before the September 18th end date, well, sorry to say, none of this information will help out.
GDL 82 Installation

Started installation today thinking it would be a breeze, and as usual it is never as easy as you first think :(. Easiest power solution for me would be the main bus versus the essential bus as I have a spare fuse slot and it is right next to where I plan to mount the unit, whereas the essential bus is further away and is full. Question is what is the fail-safe mode of the GDL 82, if the unit loses power does the transponder output just pass through without the added data?

I am also assuming 90 deg connectors are fine for the coax connections from the 82 to the antenna and the GPS puck.

For those yet to install you do need coax, BNC and TNC connectors and space to coil up any excess GPS coax (apparently GPS cable has to be at least 6.5 feet long to provide the correct load).
Started installation today thinking it would be a breeze, and as usual it is never as easy as you first think :(. Easiest power solution for me would be the main bus versus the essential bus as I have a spare fuse slot and it is right next to where I plan to mount the unit, whereas the essential bus is further away and is full. Question is what is the fail-safe mode of the GDL 82, if the unit loses power does the transponder output just pass through without the added data?

I am also assuming 90 deg connectors are fine for the coax connections from the 82 to the antenna and the GPS puck.

For those yet to install you do need coax, BNC and TNC connectors and space to coil up any excess GPS coax (apparently GPS cable has to be at least 6.5 feet long to provide the correct load).

Hello Figs,

The installation manual recommends that the Mode C transponder and GDL 82 share a common breaker and be powered on/off together (see wiring diagram on page 10-2), so loss of power to just the GDL 82 is something the installation attempts to avoid.

It is best to consider the Mode C transponder and connected GDL 82 as a single system, any failure of which would cause loss of the combined function. This is no different from having an all-in-one ADS-B Out transponder that suffered a failure.

Installation, early test of GDL82's GPS antenna signal strength

I've removed an old Trimble/Terra GPS antenna from the top of the fuselage behind the slider. The former antenna left a tiny cable, like an RG 174/U cable from the fuselage top to my panel. I've installed the new antenna in the same top fuselage location:


I'm running a temp cable setup to a 496 in my panel area. In order to match up to the existing tiny coax for a test I built up this connector stack to get Male TNC to Female SMA:


At the other end of the cable (in my panel) I had a push-on SMB connector. I built up the following set of connectors and cable to connect to the BNC connector of a 496:




Many connectors and rough connections were needed for my test to get the new antenna connected to the 496. Parked between two rows of metal hangers the 496 got excellent signal strengths on many satellites through the new antenna and this electrical maze. Then I tested the reception by covering the antenna with a large metal garbage can lid, a thin sheet of galvanized steel, and a metal lid from a cookie tin. Each of those covers reduced the signal indications by approx 1/3 to 1/2 of the unobstructed view. The 496 still calculated a valid location.

Conclusion, my antenna and test rig indicates to me that my new antenna is very good and I wouldn't be too concerned if there were another antenna at 8.999 inches from the new antenna. It's possible the GDL82 may have good position lock even if an adaptor is part of the antenna cable connection.

Your Mileage May Vary!

Hello Figs,

The installation manual recommends that the Mode C transponder and GDL 82 share a common breaker and be powered on/off together (see wiring diagram on page 10-2), so loss of power to just the GDL 82 is something the installation attempts to avoid.

It is best to consider the Mode C transponder and connected GDL 82 as a single system, any failure of which would cause loss of the combined function. This is no different from having an all-in-one ADS-B Out transponder that suffered a failure.


OK makes sense, thanks.