ATP Checkride and Type Rating Done!

I am happy to report that my record of passing all check-rides on the first attempt still stands!!! Woohoo!

After (27) nights in Columbus, (11) straight days of ground school, (9) straight nights in the sim from 2000-0230 (2000-2200 brief - 2200-0200 sim - 0200-0230 de-brief), my sim partner and I passed our ride.

Advice I would give to someone else making the jump to NJ aircraft as follow: Before initial, read the PTM (375 pages in my case), know your QRC red items verbatim, red limitations verbatim, flows, and callouts for both seats before you show up, and you are golden.

Once my sim partner and I worked out our cadence in the sim it went flawless. If you are faster/slower than you sim partner, do them a favor and work at a speed both people operate at. Still haven't wiped the smile off my face! Left flight safety at 0115 with my temporary airmen cert, waived my rest, and was on a flight home that boarded at 0500.


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Fantastic news Tim! This will be such a life changing experience for you and the family. The great thing is now that you have your foot in the door you have a ton of options either pursuing quality of life or rapid upgrades and pursuing a career in the majors. This will be a discussion that needs to revolve around what works best for you and your family. Congrats again!

Congrats on the type and the new certificate -- I hope you'll enjoy a long career with Netjets. I read somewhere that they just signed on to purchase another 1,500 Citations. Sounds like you won't lack for aircraft to fly!
