Sun n Fun

You can also get the book at Sun n Fun at the Tosten booth B-18 in the blue hangars.

Feel free to look or buy, while you're checking out the stick grips too.

I now know where my first stop/purchase will be Tuesday morning (already purchased the grips)!
I learned more about wiring my plane reading your book than any other book I have read. Because I have the VP-X Sport in my plane and trying to get everything wired, I appreciate how you included information for it along with the standard switch -circuit breaker systems.

I have to say this book is a much more enjoyable read than the Nuckolls book. Perhaps it's a generational thing, but this book is a straightforward, organized presentation. The Nuckolls book reads more like of a collection of articles that sometimes wonders off into esoterica that you will not need to know (but is nice to know.) If you are planning an electrical system from scratch, this is my first recommendation.
Great book!

I echo the sentiment above. Marc thank you for cutting to the chase in your book and delivering the information concisely and logically. I am a smart guy and a technology guy, but I couldn't get through Bob's book despite multiple tries. It undoubtedly has great information, but I couldn't effectively extract it from amidst the philosophical tangents and stories. I don't care about history or theory, I want practical answers on which way to go. Rant end. Thank you again Marc. Money very well spent.

I have to say this book is a much more enjoyable read than the Nuckolls book. Perhaps it's a generational thing, but this book is a straightforward, organized presentation. The Nuckolls book reads more like of a collection of articles that sometimes wonders off into esoterica that you will not need to know (but is nice to know.) If you are planning an electrical system from scratch, this is my first recommendation.
I purchased a copy at the Tosten booth at Sun N Fun. I showed it to a friend in the campground and he went over and purchased a copy. It is extremely easy to read/understand/follow. Thank you for taking the time write it, Marc.
Mine arrived on my doorstep while I was on a business trip. Got home this morning at about 1am and spent an hour reading the first parts before my eyes gave up on me. :) So far it's great, well organized and thought out and exactly what I need while I think about and try to understand the fundamentals of electrical wiring we are about to undertake on my project.

Note: If you are planning to use (or thinking about using) the Vertical Power VPX systems, get this book in addition to the great documentation available for download in the VP web site, as it will help directly address that option -- in addition to non-VPX wiring planning.

Glad to read your kind comments. I'm happy that y'all found value in the book. :)
Thank you very much for this book. It was exactly what I was looking for.
Great written and a lot of useful information!

Cheers, Yves
question for Marc about wiring avionics

Nice book Marc!
Could you expand a little more on your comment on page 4 that "Wiring avionics is very time consuming and requires specialized knowledge and skills. I recommend an avionics dealer wire your panel if your budget allows."

The book focuses on wiring the power and ground wires throughout the aircraft. And while some power wires go to the panel, much of the wiring is for data signals that go between each of the avionics boxes.

I'd argue that planning and wiring those data signal wires is a challenging task. My recommendation is to spend the time to learn to do it right, or pay a dealer to do it for you.

Hope that helps.

I'll chime in on wiring a G3X system as a retrofit. I essentially replaced all my avionics wiring when transitioning from a D100 / steam gauge setup. It was not hard, but it did take much more time than I expected. I finally used my schematic reading skills that have festered since 8th grade electronics class....

As far as paying an avionics shop to do the wiring (and testing) for you, that will cost mucho dolares. Personally, I find basic metalworking more difficult than wiring....

Also, buy the right tools - it makes a difference.
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Thanks Marc! I could see how figuring out which pin on one unit needs to connect with which pin on another unit could be hard. I think I'll take a closer look at the installation manuals, see if I can figure them out, and then probably turn it over to Stein!
This also seems like an area perfect for using something like Approach Fast Stack, although I'm guessing the cost for using them or someone like Stein is fairly compareable - just guessing though, since I haven't fully researched those options yet. Seems like there was a thread discussing this awhile back but I couldn't find it.
Anyway, thanks again!
