The intercom will handle a mono headset plugged into a stereo jack just fine. If you really only plan on mono jacks, then ignore the right channel.

You are correct, on the intercom, the wires going into the Dynon radio are mixed up. The pin numbers/names are correct on both sides, but the wires point at the wrong pins. We'll get that fixed ASAP. Told you it was preliminary ;)
Comm hook up to Skyview


Will you just tap off the TX and RX, from pins 14 and 6 and connect them to an unused serial TX and RX on the Skyview?


The Radio is a SkyView network device, not a serial device. In the thread on Dynon's site it says:

"The control panel itself also wires to the SkyView network via our standard 9 pin data cables. There are two of these connectors on the control panel, so you can use the control panel as a "passthrough" if you want."

So that's how the data gets between the SkyView screen and the rest of the radio sub-system.
Thanks for answer


Thanks for that. Re checked your site and noticed that.

Again, thanks for you response.
