Hi Steve, very exciting about the new unit and very likely i'll invest in one, however I can't really understand why somebody would want to replace their dual GDU-3XX system with a single touch. I have an RV-6 and will be installing a new panel soon (originally planning for a dual GDU-3XX system) and am curious other than touch and bluetooth, what advantages the touch has? It seems the resolution on the two GDU-3XX would still be higher, and also have redundancy. Is the processing much faster now or the screen brighter?

There is more resolution in the Touch:

Touch: 1280 x 768 = 983,040 pixels
Dual Old G3X: 480 x 800 x 2 = 768,000 pixels

Redundancy is a good point. I too would be interested in the processing power specs. I imagine it needs to be greater to be able to push over twice the pixels in one display.
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Don't think you can remotely control a xpdr or comm radio from the non-touch. Autopilot interface appears way better with the touch. Synthetic vision looks way better on the touch. Customizable views/layouts provide a much better display in my opinion. Id rather have a single screen touch and a small dynon for redundancy than two old g3xs. If you care about having a video in feed, only available on the touch. Probably several other improvements I'm overlooking. The higher resolution maps/plates/diagrams and the touch interface would do it for me. If I didn't have a kid on the way, I would have a touch on order already. Just something I didn't like about the smaller screens held me back previously from putting the original g3x system in.
I did a quick and dirty rendering of how this would look on my panel...

Keep in mind that Steve has stated that it is not possible to have this configuration at this time.


I really don't expect to be upgrading anytime soon, I just wanted to see how it would fit.

Greetings. First poster here. I've been looking at the G3X Touch and was brought here by a search.

If you give up the Dynon back-up and the TruTrak autopilot (in favor of the Garmin autopilot) you can fit two GDU 46X displays on your panel, I think.

Note that in my modification of your illustration the PFD pane of the pilot's display is in virtually the identical position as in your original.

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Greetings. First poster here. I've been looking at the G3X Touch and was brought here by a search.

If you give up the Dynon back-up and the TruTrak autopilot (in favor of the Garmin autopilot) you can fit two GDU 46X displays on your panel, I think.

Note that in my modification of your illustration the PFD pane of the pilot's display is in virtually the identical position as in your original.


Welcome to VAF!

The goal of my quick and dirty rendering was to see how to fit one GDU46X in the panel. I just did a major redo of my panel about a year ago. To add two screens means moving the radio stack and that for me is a show stopper since I have already butchered up my subpanel one too many times. I would also have to reorganize all of the stuff behind the subpanel like the VP-X Pro and remote xponder and I am not going thru that again anytime soon.

I have already switched from the GX Pilot to the Garmin AP so that space is available however I will always want a separate, stand alone and unique backup attitude display like the D6 on any panel I build. Two screens and multiple ADAHRS's based on the same platform do not provide a full redundancy solution due to the common code, hardware and communication buses.

Your new layout looks cool, if you build it please post a pic for us to drool on...

Best regards,
So it seems that the mixed G3X system is a problem for now, but it does appear to be a solution for people like me who were planning an offset panel with eventually maybe 3 of the original screens. It creates a lot of work to go to the new screens since the entire panel has to be reorganized to go to the new larger screen. I'd be interested in hearing from Garmin their plans to integrating the two systems. Is this ever going to happen or are there incompatibilities that will prevent it from happening? I'm also curious about the future of the classic G3X screens. Am I fighting a loosing battle by thinking about staying with the GDU 375/370 system?
I just read an article that all of the current format XM receivers will eventually become obsolete, although no date was provided. XM is moving to a different transport protocol and providing additional products. I wonder what future affect this will have on the GDU375 and also whether the new G3X touch with the XM rcvr option, is capable of the new format.
I just read an article that all of the current format XM receivers will eventually become obsolete, although no date was provided. XM is moving to a different transport protocol and providing additional products. I wonder what future affect this will have on the GDU375 and also whether the new G3X touch with the XM rcvr option, is capable of the new format.

Hello Bill,

The touch screen GDU 465 display was designed to use a new receiver that is compatible with the recently introduced SXM weather/radio services.

You may have read that the GDU 465 (built-in SXM receiver) and Aera 796 with new GXM 42 receiver are the world's first aviation products to support the new datalink.

Like you, we are not sure how long the services that have been around for years will be available, but we understand that no changes are planned anytime soon.


I asked a couple questions back in post #29 which got skipped over - no problem, completely understandable given that SnF was on and you were thoroughly inundated with queries then. The second q has since been answered (#93) but I'd still like to know about AP servo mounts for the RV-12. I'm chewing on the possibility of selecting the Garmin option when I get there, but I have the Dynon mounts already installed. Will those same mounts support the Garmin servos? If I need to change them, I'd like to know before I close up the fuse. Apologies if it's an everybody-knows-that question...I'm still claiming youthful offender status.


BTW, the Garmin Nuvi car GPS works really well in the coach section of a B737. Not at all useful but gobs of fun to watch. Kids love seeing the little cartoony monster truck icon scooting across country real fast, completely disregarding roads and everything else. :D
I predict the end of their aviation weather service if they do something that kills the existing format receivers. No way are people going to put up with that now that FIS-B is available for nothing.

I just read an article that all of the current format XM receivers will eventually become obsolete, although no date was provided. XM is moving to a different transport protocol and providing additional products. I wonder what future affect this will have on the GDU375 and also whether the new G3X touch with the XM rcvr option, is capable of the new format.

Hello Bill,

The touch screen GDU 465 display was designed to use a new receiver that is compatible with the recently introduced SXM weather/radio services.

You may have read that the GDU 465 (built-in SXM receiver) and Aera 796 with new GXM 42 receiver are the world's first aviation products to support the new datalink.

Like you, we are not sure how long the services that have been around for years will be available, but we understand that no changes are planned anytime soon.

You were operating an RF Receiver on a commercial flight?! I'm surprised that airliner didn't spiral to earth. [tongue in cheek]


I asked a couple questions back in post #29 which got skipped over - no problem, completely understandable given that SnF was on and you were thoroughly inundated with queries then. The second q has since been answered (#93) but I'd still like to know about AP servo mounts for the RV-12. I'm chewing on the possibility of selecting the Garmin option when I get there, but I have the Dynon mounts already installed. Will those same mounts support the Garmin servos? If I need to change them, I'd like to know before I close up the fuse. Apologies if it's an everybody-knows-that question...I'm still claiming youthful offender status.


BTW, the Garmin Nuvi car GPS works really well in the coach section of a B737. Not at all useful but gobs of fun to watch. Kids love seeing the little cartoony monster truck icon scooting across country real fast, completely disregarding roads and everything else. :D
Brian, ...Welcome to VAF!

Thank you.

...I will always want a separate, stand alone and unique backup attitude display like the D6 on any panel I build. Two screens and multiple ADAHRS's based on the same platform do not provide a full redundancy solution due to the common code, hardware and communication buses.

I'm with you. I'm looking at the Dynon D1 and D2 as possibilities.

...Your new layout looks cool, if you build it please post a pic for us to drool on...

Right now I'm still in the dreaming stage. Because of medical issues I'm limited to SLAs at the moment, but that may change in the near future; I'm also keeping an eye on an FAA NPRM that may add "driver's license as medical certificate" provisions to the PP license in certain cases.

Until then...dreaming on!
I'm chewing on the possibility of selecting the Garmin option when I get there, but I have the Dynon mounts already installed. Will those same mounts support the Garmin servos? If I need to change them, I'd like to know before I close up the fuse. Apologies if it's an everybody-knows-that question...I'm still claiming youthful offender status.

John - I asked a fellow builder attending Fun-N-Sun to ask a Garmin rep about the same questions you have regarding the RV-12. The Garmin rep said that the Dynon servos could not be used. However, although not positive, he thought the Garmin servos would bolt up to the Dynon mounting plates. Somewhat unfortunate for me because I ordered the servos with the fuselage kit. I have not compared the instillation drawings to verify the hole spacing between the two servos.

Happy building,

I asked a couple questions back in post #29 which got skipped over - no problem, completely understandable given that SnF was on and you were thoroughly inundated with queries then. The second q has since been answered (#93) but I'd still like to know about AP servo mounts for the RV-12. I'm chewing on the possibility of selecting the Garmin option when I get there, but I have the Dynon mounts already installed. Will those same mounts support the Garmin servos? If I need to change them, I'd like to know before I close up the fuse. Apologies if it's an everybody-knows-that question...I'm still claiming youthful offender status.

Hello John,

Sorry we didn't get your question answered about using the GSA 28 servos in the RV-12 with existing servo brackets.

The GSA 28 servo uses a fairly common 4 bolt pattern that should work with your existing servo brackets. The one minor incompatibility we know of has to do with the clearance hole around the servo output shaft.

The GSA 28 servo requires a little more clearance around the output shaft (larger radius) than most other servos, so you will have to remove a little bracket material in a semi-circle (not full circle) pattern on both servo brackets to provide this clearance. The modification to the roll servo bracket is particularly minor.

The good news is that you should not have to replace the servo brackets that are already installed should you decide to install our system.

Let us know if you have additional questions.

The GSA 28 servo requires a little more clearance around the output shaft (larger radius) than most other servos, so you will have to remove a little bracket material in a semi-circle (not full circle) pattern on both servo brackets to provide this clearance. The modification to the roll servo bracket is particularly minor.

Thanks, Steve...good news. Are there any drawings, sketches, dimensions, details available that I can use to make the mods while I still have easy access to all the mounts? I'm pretty close to being finished with the fuse kit.

I noticed mention of this in the G3X Installation Manual. I have version M.

Look for installing with generic brackets.

XM option on g3x touch

I tried asking garmin and I spent an hour on the phone with XM. They could not give me a for sure awnser either. The question is...

If you get a g3x touch with the XM option, can you pay for just music and no weather? If so what is the cost of that?

Basically XM can not answer the question without a radio id.


I would say yes since every time they have a trial, I get free music with no weather subscription.
There should be no reason you can not subscribe only to the music service. The XM receiver status screen shows the level of subscription. When I periodically add XM music, the status screen then shows that service as subscribed.
Thanks, Steve...good news. Are there any drawings, sketches, dimensions, details available that I can use to make the mods while I still have easy access to all the mounts? I'm pretty close to being finished with the fuse kit.

Hello John,

We don't have drawings showing how to perform these servo bracket changes, but you shouldn't have any trouble making these adjustments when the time comes. We made them on a finished airplane.


Is there a plan to update the GDU-375 units to the SXM recievers?

Hello Ray,

We don't have any immediate plans to make the hardware and software changes required to do this, but haven't ruled it out as a possibility.

Again, we understand that no changes are planned anytime soon for the subscription services supported by the GDU 375.

The "plan"

Just sent the check to buy all the equipment. Install scheduled for November.

Brian Robinson
Centennial, CO
RV-6A, Lycoming O-360
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GTN update


The release mentioned the GTN 650/750 will soon have new capabilities (holds, radius to fix, etc...).

Will this include the GTN 625 as well?
GTN update


Disregard. I found it all in the newest description of the GTN 625. Awesome and can't wait (but will have to). Thanks for being on our forum!
G3X components

When purchasing the GDU 4XX single or dual display, it comes with the GSU 25 (AHRS and Air Data), GEA 24 (EIS), and separately the GAD 29 (ARINC 429).

Doesn't the GSU 73 (AHRS, Airdata, ARCINC 429 and EIS) perform the same function as the 3 units above?

When purchasing the GDU 4XX single or dual display, it comes with the GSU 25 (AHRS and Air Data), GEA 24 (EIS), and separately the GAD 29 (ARINC 429).

Doesn't the GSU 73 (AHRS, Airdata, ARCINC 429 and EIS) perform the same function as the 3 units above?
I wondered that too when I saw the GSU 73. As soon as I saw that it has no AOA I didn't investigate further to see if there are other differences.
When purchasing the GDU 4XX single or dual display, it comes with the GSU 25 (AHRS and Air Data), GEA 24 (EIS), and separately the GAD 29 (ARINC 429).

Doesn't the GSU 73 (AHRS, Airdata, ARCINC 429 and EIS) perform the same function as the 3 units above?


GSU 73 is their legacy part. They separated it into the 3 other parts, so you could buy what you needed, and also have redundant AHRS without needing redundent EIS or ARINC. GSU 73 works just fine, but newer installations generally have the 3 parts. More things to mount, but much smaller.
When purchasing the GDU 4XX single or dual display, it comes with the GSU 25 (AHRS and Air Data), GEA 24 (EIS), and separately the GAD 29 (ARINC 429).

Doesn't the GSU 73 (AHRS, Airdata, ARCINC 429 and EIS) perform the same function as the 3 units above?

Hello Justin,

The GSU 73 is our older sensor unit, which combines the functions of engine interface, ADAHRS,and ARINC 429 interface into a single box. Advances in sensor technology have subsequently allowed us to split these functions into separate boxes in the newest generation of G3X sensor units, which includes the GEA 24 engine interface unit, the GSU 25 ADAHRS + AOA unit, and the GAD 29 ARINC 429 interface unit. This provides the advantage of more flexible mounting options, as well as reduced cost for VFR-only applications which don't need to purchase the GAD 29. Even with the addition of the ARINC 429 adapter, the total cost of a GEA 24, GSU 25, and GAD 29 is still less than a GSU 73, and as Dale noted, also provides the angle of attack measurement capability not found in the GSU 73.

- Matt