From the FAA guidance, published above:

For uncertified equipment, the owner should obtain a statement of compliance from the supplier, along with installation instructions, that identifies that the ADS-B equipment complies with section 3 requirements of the applicable TSO and that, when installed in accordance with the installation instructions, complies with the aircraft requirements of 14 CFR 91.227.

The FAA specifically expects you to comply with section 3, which is titled "requirements" in the TSO.

Section 1 is Purpose, 2 is Applicability, 3 is Requirements, 4 is Marking, 5 is Application Data Requirements, 6 is Manufacturer Data Requirements, 7 is Furnished Data Requirements, and 8 is How to get referenced documents. So section 3 is the only one that is required to meet the "performance requirements" of the TSO per the FAR.

A manufacturer can't tell you it meets "All FAA requirements" or you'll assume it literally makes you compliant with every section of the FAR ever written ;) If we don't tell you what specific sections the equipment complies with, then we aren't really telling you anything.
Had planned to wait a while but dropped the order today for ADS-600EXP...should be here in time to install when I have the airplane down for condition inspection after the first of the year.

Bev says expect October/November delivery. That will be perfect. :)
Jaws are you sure you want to see all of that traffic around KDVT? Your screen is going to be covered with planes and you wont be able to see the class B boundaries anymore.:D:D:D
SOOO many planes

Took a screen shot crossing Phoenix above the Bravo the other day. The screen was so jammed with airplanes, I am afraid to post it.
Those on the fence might sell their plane rather than equip. after looking at the crowds.
Took a screen shot crossing Phoenix above the Bravo the other day. The screen was so jammed with airplanes, I am afraid to post it.
Those on the fence might sell their plane rather than equip. after looking at the crowds.

Aint it the truth! Good scan technique is a must. Got to be super viligant in PHX area...eyes outside the cockpit all the time.
Aint it the truth! Good scan technique is a must. Got to be super viligant in PHX area...eyes outside the cockpit all the time.

Especially with all those student F-16 pilots on the west side of town. :D

Although they are being replaced with F-35 training. For awhile, they should all be experienced pilots just transition to a new aircraft.
I have had an ADS 600B for several years and do love it. I have a question however for those in the know. The normal situation is to have the barometric altitude input to the Navworx unit. Now they offer on the EXP as an alternative, the Transmon unit that "reads" the transponder output. But transponders don't transmit baro altitude; they transmit pressure altitude (IE QNE 2992). How does this work? The Navworx box with the transmon sensor would not know the QNH (local altimeter) setting. Can't figure this one out! Can someone explain this please?

That being said, the next person who speaks with Bill Moffitt at Navworx needs to suggest that Bill place some real communication on his website. I would bet that most people will understand production delays if only Navworx would post in writing just what is going on! Silence is very frustrating to all who are awaiting delivery. I am waiting for the software change that will make me 2020 compliant that I was told about in April. Haven't seen it yet either.
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FAR91.227 (3)(c) says you must transmit out pressure altitude. And your gps position source provides true altitude.
Pressure altitude (29.92) is provided from a seperate altitude encoder or air data source to the ADS-B unit, this must be the same source that is used by your transponder.

The Transpon unit only sniffs squawk code, not altitude.

The conversion to local altimeter setting is accomplished by ATC computers. All transponders and ADS-B equipment broadcast altitude ref'd to 29.92.

To the best of my knowledge GPS altitude is not used by ATC.
Pressure altitude (29.92) is provided from a seperate altitude encoder or air data source to the ADS-B unit, this must be the same source that is used by your transponder.

The Transpon unit only sniffs squawk code, not altitude.

According to Bill, the Transmod unit gets squawk code AND pressure altitude from the transponder antenna cable.
According to Bill, the Transmod unit gets squawk code AND pressure altitude from the transponder antenna cable.

I stand corrected, apparently the Navworx can get altitude data either from an encoder or the transmon (unlike all other ADS-B units).

I received an email moments ago, looks like another price increase.
here is a copy of the email.

ADS600-EXP Status
This email is for those customers who have yet to receive their units.

First, I want to apologize for the amount of time that has transpired without getting you the products you ordered and paid for. After years of AOPA and others telling their members (of which I am one of) not to equip with ADS-B, just this spring they had a change of heart and advised their members to equip. That brought on a huge demand for both our certified product as well as the brand new ADS600-EXP. We had several problems with the -EXP in the early stage as well, which didn't help our initial production run. Combined demand then quickly exceeded our capability to produce so we made a decision to stop all production to invest in new and (much) faster production equipment. Unfortunately this required us to sustain a down-time of nearly two months. I'm now able to report that we're now back up and in full production and starting to fill the current backlog of orders. THANK YOU for being so patient for all of this time.

Of course for those who don't wish to wait any longer; our offer of a full non-conditional refund is cornerstone to our business philosophy, so please contact us if you need to cancel your order.

Currently we are looking to fulfill all back orders in the next 3-5 weeks. For those of you who have early orders but can wait a little longer, please let us know; there are some customers that ordered after you but have flying aircraft they wish to install now. We will reward you with a NavWorx baseball cap for your sacrifice :)

If referring our products to a friend, please be aware that we'll be raising prices on all products at the end of this month.

Thank you again for your patience and support.

Bill Moffitt
NavWorx Inc.
RESTATE earlier request - -

PLEASE - if an RV-12 owner with a D-180, I ask that you take pictures of your install, and instructions also for a successful installation. I am waiting for an EXP unit. We can help each other get these working properly and save each other time. I will do so, but if you get yours done first and know it is working properly, please share to save us all time.

600 EXP shiping Update

Just got a response from Navworx on their next projected delivery date.

Looks like at position 22 it will now be Mid November or 10 months since ordering. My TransmonSPE, both antennas and wiring harness have been installed in my 2005 RV7a since April.

Don Bodnar
Just got a response from Navworx on their next projected delivery date.

Looks like at position 22 it will now be Mid November or 10 months since ordering. My TransmonSPE, both antennas and wiring harness have been installed in my 2005 RV7a since April.

Don Bodnar

Don, which unit did you order? Larry
I think mine was around mid 30s ordered Feb 2015. I'll stop looking for it until about Dec 1st. Don I also have transmonspe power and GPS installed.
Anybody receive their units lately? Anxiously trying to decide whether to order and hope a Navworx shows up someday or go with the Freeflight Rangr....
Waiting since March

Not me, I was last told by the end of September for sure. I'd like to know if any have been shipped recently, or at all. I'll call next week but I'm about to pull the plug.
Anybody receive their units lately? Anxiously trying to decide whether to order and hope a Navworx shows up someday or go with the Freeflight Rangr....

Ok. I'm going to admit that I did receive an EXP unit a couple weeks ago. I believe this was one of a few on the shelf from their initial production run. They opted to get one to me as I was finalizing a panel upgrade & they wanted to assist me in completing it without having to rework it in a month when the next run is complete. I plan on doing the final hookup & test flight tomorrow. I'll post the results here.

I know they are almost complete with their B version & will be finally handling the EXPs.
Trust me, it will be soon.

UPDATE from another thread but related:
I just completed the install of a GRT EFIS, Sport SX and also have the GTX-327.
I completed my ADS-B configuration and had my first flight with complete operations viewing weather & traffic today. I was receiving 8 towers(It could be from AC as well). It was very accurate as I approached traffic at my 10 o'clock +1000 feet & the EFIS popped up an alert with 2 mile traffic warning. Very cool as I watched the incoming traffic fly overhead.

Also, I have a friend who bought the certified B version. He placed the order 6 weeks ago & it shipped Tuesday. That tells me that Navworx has caught up on their certified backlog & should be resuming with the EXPs.
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I talked to Bill today and he says he has the EXP units that should start shipping tomorrow. I have 2 still on order from back in Feb and both should be shipping tomorrow. We will see, but it looks like it is finally happening.

Btw, Bill said the price will likely be going up soon, so once they start shipping, those on the fence may want to climb on.
I have heard the it will ship tomorrow or next week or who knows when so many times I don't know what to believe.

This is the last email I received a week ago after they missed yet another will ship by date:
No, we had a problem with the first 50 PCB boards. After manufacturing all 50 Bill found a problem while testing. It's an internal problem, should have been caught by the vendor. We will be receiving new boards on Friday and Bill will begin production again. We will plan to start shipping on Wednesday or Thursday. You are #2 so you will be in the first group.

I am order number 2 but still have yet to receive either of the 2 I ordered.

I know some have received and installed theirs. Bill stated these were 2020 compliant but I know some have questioned the accuracy of that claim. Has anyone been able to confirm one way or another if these are indeed 2020 compliant? Has anyone with the installed units received report from the FAA verifying compliance?

I understand you can email the FAA
([email protected]) and they will give you a report on your ADS-B out performance
I know many ship dates have been quoted and missed, but this is the first time I have heard "tomorrow" as a ship date.
easy to explain

Bill is catching up from unprecedented demand.... both certified and experimental. I sell his certified boxes... and they have generated a huge response in the certified owner community.
I sell and install both. They still beat the prices of the FreeFlight even on the certified unit.
I sell and install both. They still beat the prices of the FreeFlight even on the certified unit.

I think there is a segment of possible customers out there in the experimental world who are willing to pay more money for a product if;
1. its a good reliable product.
2. followed by good tech support for the owner/self installer.
3. follow by ease of installation.
4. followed by the products ease of interaction with as many other different avionics as possible.;)

So there are many of us out there who are following these threads watching and reading these critiques waiting for all these bugs to get worked out. May the best product win!:D
I'm probably one of the guys that is standing in the front of the line bashing Bill on the lack of customer communications about issues, but.....

I had an issue that rendered my unit usable. Bill worked with me directly after hours the other the night restoring service to my unit. It involved installing customized flash images. He provided the special images and walked me through the process. He was aware that I had an upcoming flight that I needed to have weather working.

The company may not be perfect, but he stepped up when needed. He certainly earned more kudos from me.


p.s. Don't install 4.07 unless you've confirmed the hardware revision with Bill beforehand. You'll need Bill's assistance to uninstall 4.07 if you unit hasn't been updated. You can't simply run the previous version console updater.
Has anyone with the installed units received report from the FAA verifying compliance?

I understand you can email the FAA
([email protected]) and they will give you a report on your ADS-B out performance

As a note, just because you pass this check does not mean you are compliant. It can show when you are NOT compliant, but it can't show that you are. The report is designed to catch mis-configurations of systems that are designed to be compliant, not check if a system of unknown pedigree is compliant. For experimentals, the FAA expects the vendor to issue a statement of compliance. From the FAA's ADS-B FAQ:

For uncertified equipment, the owner should obtain a statement of compliance from the supplier, along with installation instructions, that identifies that the ADS-B equipment complies with section 3 requirements of the applicable TSO and that, when installed in accordance with the installation instructions, complies with the aircraft requirements of 14 CFR 91.227. The FAA expects manufacturers to perform appropriate engineering efforts to ensure the equipment complies with all requirements of Section 3 of the TSO before issuing their statement of compliance, and expects installers to consider the guidance in the current version of AC 20-165 when performing the installation.
I am.

Btw, I received a tracking number from Navworx today. They are finally shipping.

I gave up on waiting and bought an Avidyne AXP-340 xponder instead. Will have ADS-B out via that and ADS-B IN via a iLevil2 portable on the dash....
I am.

Btw, I received a tracking number from Navworx today. They are finally shipping.

Negative. Jesse may have one shipping but I do not. I emailed Thursday and received a reply Friday morning stating they are in production but mine had not shipped yet. Strangely I am told that I am order number 2 and I would be in the first batch shipped.
I guess I must be the squeaky wheel. I understood they had more than mine going out.
Sent an email to navworxs today asking if this whole thing is a scam. I've been waiting since Oshkosh. They replied and said that it was not a scam and that my 600exp was on its way. Funny coincidence. They sent a tracking number , so we will see. For what it is worth, they told me, is was#118.
NavWorx ADS-B

I guess I must be the squeaky wheel. I understood they had more than mine going out.

I got a call from NavWorx today, stating mine is on it's way, and should be here next week. I've also recieved a UPS tracking number.

So I guess that's my que to install the two required antennas (that I currently have sitting on my workbench). I installed the wiring harness last August, just didn't get to the antennas. Maybe, just maybe, I'll have it all back together again for the Sebring breakfast flyin next Wed!