Mike, did you wait long enough for GPS lock? As I recall, it took close to 10 minutes the first time I configured my 600EXP.


Wow, 10 minutes? I will give it another shot tomorrow to see if I get different results. Thanks for the datapoint!
New ADS600-EXP Firmware now available

Hi folks,

The latest version 5.6.2 firmware for the ADS600-EXP is now up on the server. You can reach it from your iOS Configuration App when connected to cell data or real wifi. Look in your Updates tab.

5.6.2 fixes:
  • Intermittent GPS drop out introduced in 5.4.0. Most of you do not have this version.
  • Includes an option to change your WiFi port to 4000 from 43211. This supports some GDL-90 compliant apps that only listen on that port. This option is in Advanced Settings. Make sure you have the latest app version (1.2 or newer)
  • Fixes the erroneous display of traffic data on Garmin GPSMAP devices.
Some users are having trouble getting firmware updates to complete. You are not alone, I'm seeing this too and am trying to nail down why it works perfectly in some cases, and is unreliable in others. If you are experiencing problems installing the update, make sure you battery is fully charged - then disconnect and power off your trickle-battery-charger. This improved updates with an Odyssey charger and battery and may help you too.
Thanks Neil!!

The update process went flawlessly. Tried WiFi port 4000. Works fine, other apps now are able to connect to my Navworx ADS600-EXP. FANTASTIC! My suggestion, if you have multiple iOS devices like an iPhone and iPad, ensure WiFi is turned off on all devices other than the one you are using for the upgrade. And ensure all apps have been killed (by double clicking the home button and swiping up on all apps that appear), then start the iOS configuration app.
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Thanks Marty. The key is that you make sure other iOS devices are not running the ADS600EXP app at the same time you are attempting an update. But, the fewer "distractions" to the box, the better so I agree with your suggestions
I just uploaded 5.6.2 from my iPad mini running iOS 9.3.2 without any hiccups. I had previously been unable to see traffic and radar on my iPad. Switching to port 4000 solved the problem. It has shown up on my GRT Sport SX since I first powered it up and configured it last week when I completed the install. I have the display port output set to WingX etc and the uplink message rate set to 4 if it matters. My Sport SX has the upgraded processor with 5 serial ports, I'm feeding data to it via port 5. Altitude encoder from the Sport SX supplies my GTX327 and the ADS600 EXP, set to "Shadin Z" format in the GRT settings menu.
I tried to upgrade from 5.3.1 to 5.6.0. After the original load, I ran into the "NO GPS INPUT DETECTED" error. I erased the EEPROM and rebooted the box, and then all of the sudden it received the GPS input, however, the UAT wasn't fully configured due to the EEPROM being erased. I was able to put in my N-Number into the first configuration tab, and after a power cycle I could get a GPS signal. However, as soon as I changed any setting on the INPUT tab (Altitude Encoder or Transmitter Control Panel), the GPS would report back all 0's for LAT and LONG. The only time I can get the unit to fully work is after a EEPROM erase, I can enter in all of my pertinent information and it works...until I have to reboot the device and then it never gets GPS signal. I have loaded the new firmware at least 10 times from multiple different computers (Microsoft Surface and a Dell Laptop) to no effect.

I would warn people from upgrading to 5.6.0 until this bug has been worked out of the firmware. I will call Bill up Monday to get some support.

For the record, I am using a Garmin GTX327 as my Transmitter Control Panel type, and using the Shadin-Z Altitude encoding protocol at 9,600 bps.

I just installed 5.6.2 and it seems to of fixed my issue of the GPS receiver not working when the GTX327 input is configured.

Where is the erase eeprom function on the iOS app? I am trying to upgrade to 5.6.2 due to not getting weather with 5.3.1, and I am not seeing any menu item that permits me to erase.

I'm using an iPad running 9.3.3
FAA Rebate policy update

The word around OSH was that the FAA would let you purchase the ADS-B now... and keep receipts. Then install when the FAA announces the beginning of the rebate period. This would qualify for the rebate if you are within the number of recipients approved.
Probably best to verify this with officials.
Hi Steve,

The EEPROM erase is in advanced settings in the iOS app. Make sure you have the latest version. You should not need to erase the eeprom to install 5.6.2. And 5.6.2 does fix the occasional GPS issue that cropped up in 5.6.1.
Thanks. I will look for it after work.

I was going to erase eeprom due to not getting weather, and reinstall 5.3.1, but if 5.6.2 offers advantages over 5.3.1, I assumed that it would be better to just upgrade...
No harm in erasing the eeprom. You'll have to re-enter you aircraft info. I'm in Ashland Oregon right now so PM your phone number if you run into issues. Definitely update to 5.6.2.
The word around OSH was that the FAA would let you purchase the ADS-B now... and keep receipts. Then install when the FAA announces the beginning of the rebate period. This would qualify for the rebate if you are within the number of recipients approved.
Probably best to verify this with officials.

Word at OSH is experimental systems (like Navworx approved for in-out ADS-B) will not qualify for rebate.

Don't count on rebate from feds, it is a dog and pony show and very few will get the $500.
Actually, you are both right. The NavWorx ADS600-B is a certified an approved system and does qualify for the rebate. The NavWorx ADS600-EXP is not certified and does not quality. I believe the difference in cost is $500, so it's basically a wash, but the -EXP is easier to install, includes WiFi and uses less expensive connectors.
I have 5.6.2 installed from the Apple console on my 600EXP and flying around significant monsoon WX yesterday I was unable to receive NEXRAD WX although I did receive METARS. Using Wingx and an iPad mini 4. Did an iPad restart as well as cycling the power on the EXP to no avail. Well within tower coverage.

Any setting I should be looking at or has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanks

Don Bodnar
I have 5.6.2 installed from the Apple console on my 600EXP and flying around significant monsoon WX yesterday I was unable to receive NEXRAD WX although I did receive METARS. Using Wingx and an iPad mini 4. Did an iPad restart as well as cycling the power on the EXP to no avail. Well within tower coverage.

Any setting I should be looking at or has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanks

Don Bodnar

On WingX map page, under Options, verify "ADSB Radar" is selected.