
Well Known Member
Got in line to buy a Navworx ADS-600EXP unit a month or two ago. Received an email that production has been stopped due to a lack of parts that are supposed to arrive the end of Feb 2016, with deliveries starting again march 10 or so. Anybody else in this same boat?
Ordered in August 2015, got same notice. Still no joy.

Just got off the phone with Navworx...word is mine will definitely ship this week. Fingers (and toes) crossed. It will be great to get install done while airplane is opened up for conditional!
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I ordered in December, but asked for the harness

and a "loaner" box so I could get everything set up while I have the plane down for a radio stack upgrade. With the "complete" harness and the loaner box, I have built the brackets and installed and hooked up the harness --- now I just have to mount the new unit and plug in.

Please let us know when you get your order

I am interested in this unit, but worried about the long lead times. Please let us know when your order comes in.


great to hear!

Ordered in August 2015, got same notice. Still no joy.

Just got off the phone with Navworx...word is mine will definitely ship this week. Fingers (and toes) crossed. It will be great to get install done while airplane is opened up for conditional!
Delivery Notice

Also doing condition inspection and would like to have the box. Website "Delivery Notice" now states: "Deliveries to start approximately June 1. New orders can expect lead times of 3-5 weeks. A refund can be obtained at any time prior to shipment." Waiting to hear if anyone gets delivery.
Also doing condition inspection and would like to have the box. Website "Delivery Notice" now states: "Deliveries to start approximately June 1. New orders can expect lead times of 3-5 weeks. A refund can be obtained at any time prior to shipment." Waiting to hear if anyone gets delivery.

I believe that was an old message. The new one says "March 10, 2016"

I've been flying with the exp box for several months now. You will Love it!!!
Last edited: UPS shipping notification today. Unit and all the "stuff" should arrive Monday the 21st.
I ordered my -EXP box Aug 2015 and got a UPS delivery notice today that it shipped with expected delivery mid next week.
Let the install games begin........
Navworx Exp 600

Received a UPS tracking number. Unit is suppose to arrive tomorrow (3/19/16.
Placed on order 11/10/15. Yea! :)
iPhone/iPad Setup App Beta Now Available

Hi folks,

I've just been given the go-ahead from Bill at NavWorx to announce the release of an Apple compatible version of the ADS600-EXP configuration tool. I've just submitted it to the App Store for release approval but that could take a few weeks so, in the meantime, I'm willing to take PMs with your name and email address to add you to the external beta program. This app is useless unless you have an ADS600-EXP so please only PM me if you have one or are receiving yours soon.

This app will work on any WiFi equipped Apple iOS device with OS 8.3 or later but I strongly suggest you upgrade to iOS 9 as it is more stable and fixes a number of bugs I encountered while testing with iOS 8.

And, to answer the inevitable question: no, there is currently no android version. Why not? Because I wanted to learn Swift/iOS and NavWorx was willing to let me do this while clawing my way up that learning curve.

Some of your fellow VAF members have helped me by testing early versions of the app and have fully configured their ADS600-EXPs with it. You know who you are...

Bill asked me to mention that any shipping questions should be directed to [email protected]
Received the EXP box from NavWorx last week, downloaded the iOS compatible ADS600-EXP configuration tool app today! NavWorx will pair with a TRIG TT22 transponder. Look forward to having this for busy SoCal airspace.
Sun n Fun

I had the pleasure to meet Neil (ios developer) and Beth. When I ordered my exp, Beth is who I was in contact with.
Great folks!
This box is the most affordable and easy to install.
Looking forward for the 1090 software launch as I do have the hardware installed.
I just installed an -EXP box in a plane today that was already wired and working, but the box had a component fail and had to go back. It took about 2 minutes with the iPad App to get it set up and working. That's so much nicer than needing to borrow a PC laptop and get it powered up. Great work, Neil! I should also mention, great product, Bill!
Another data point

Since it was helpful to me when I was deciding to order, I thought I would give people one more data point.

I ordered my Navworx box on 29 February 2016 (leap year day) and received it in my hands today 15 April 2016 (typically tax day in the USA). So that's almost exactly seven weeks from order to delivery. It's not the 4-6 weeks they quote, but well within my reasonableness standard. Certainly better than the 8-12 months some folks endured!

Wiring in the plane is already done, so tomorrow I just need to physically install the box, power it up, configure it, and test it!

I'm a happy camper!
600EXP version 5.6.0

I see a new software version on the Navworx web site. Tried to download it to my iPad but no luck. Hopefully when available it will include the 1090 in software........
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Considering ordering the ADS600exp unit. What is the advantage of having 1090 in? Would that allow you to operate in other countries?

Other countries and above 18k

In other countries or in class "A" airspace you will need 1090 OUT for compliance not 1090 IN. 1090 IN gives you traffic that has 1090 OUT when you are outside a 978 ground station coverage area. During this time all other traffic will be invisible to your receiver.
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Other countries and above 18k

Neither. Above FL180 you need ADSB-OUT on 1090 MHz.
Only advantage is you 'see' 1090-out airplanes even if you are not in contact with a ground station. (Otherwise 1090 signals go to ground station which send info to you via UAT frequency).
Didn't realize there was that vulnerability of missing the 1090-only traffic. I guess in the end there is no way to guarantee you are going to have ALL traffic displayed. There could always be a non-ADSB equipped aircraft that is either not in radar coverage or is in an area where I am not in contact with a ground station, although the areas Ive flown in seem pretty well covered.

Right now I am only ADSB-in equipped and Ive come to the conclusion that my traffic display does more harm than good. Very distracting from simply looking out the window and unreliable. Traffic often simply disappears off the screen, I assume because I am no longer within the hockey puck area around someone with ADSB-out that I am mooching off. Do like the weather and being able to get in-flight METARs for destinations though.

On a 978 IN system you will not miss 1090 traffic while within the service area of a 978 ground station. ADS-B is an aid to traffic detection and never intended to be an all inclusive solution. Eyes out the window is still the best.
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NavWorx ADS600-EXP software version 5.6.0 problem

I was having an issue with my ADS600-EXP in that it would not show 1090ES traffic. The reason was that the box was reporting that it had dual input (978 and 1090) even though the box is only currently 978 IN. So the ADSB ground stations do not send 1090ES to you if they think that you have 1090IN. They assume that you are getting 1090ES directly fro the other aircraft.

Bottom line is you see no 1090ES traffic.

So, reported this to Bill M at Navworx and he said that a new software version would be availablke to fix the problem.

The new software is version 5.6.0 which I downloaded and inatalled.

Fired the ADS600-EXP up today with the new software and it now has a more serious problem.

The GPS no longer works. See's zero satellites

I have sent a couple of notes to BiLL M at Navworx but have not heard back.
I requested the previous software load before the update so I can get the box working again even with the 1090 issue.

If anyone has a copy of the software version prior to 5.6.0 I would appreciate a PM so I could get a copy.

Version 5.3.1 iOS app for the iPhone/iPad is still available in the iTunes store. Is still st 5.3.1. Has NOT been revised to include 5.6.

QUESTION..... After loading 5.6 did you ERASE the EEPROM and reconfigure?? Bill told me to do after loading a revision.
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Installed the new firmware today. No GPS. As per Navworx I selected Erase EEPROM than reinstalled it. Still no GPS. Probably repeated the process of updating the UAT three times and finally got a PASS and operable GPS. Will test fly on Saturday to verify function....
1090ES now working

I too received a note from Bill Moffitt about my 5.6.0 failing ( NO GPS ) with instructions to clear the eprom and reload 5.6.0

Did that and all was now functional. Only took 1 iteration to get it working.

Took a flight and had a fellow pilot fly his aircraft that has 1090ES

Saw his traffic for the entire 1 hour flight. This is the first time I had seen 1090ES traffic. Prior to this I only received TIS-B traffic.

Also got to see the hockey puck thingy in action.

There was a skydiving jump plane at 12,000 feet who only has a mode C transponder. So he is TIS-B traffic.

Did not see him until he dropped his jumpers and then descended to 6000 feet. I was at 2500 feet so when he got down to 3500 feet above me, he popped on the display ( FlyQ on Ipad ) - Then saw him all the way down till he landed.

So thanks to Bill at Navworx for the software fix and also for his usual response to e-mails.

Bill M
My question is : Is the 1090 traffic displayed now with 5.6.0 being rebroadcast through the 978 towers or has this revision activated the internal 1090 receiver I purchased with my 600EXP? I think it's the former since I have not seen any 1090 traffic when outside of tower coverage...
My question is : Is the 1090 traffic displayed now with 5.6.0 being rebroadcast through the 978 towers or has this revision activated the internal 1090 receiver I purchased with my 600EXP? I think it's the former since I have not seen any 1090 traffic when outside of tower coverage...


I know this question has probably been discussed somewhere before but I don't recall seeing it...

How does one tell the difference in 1090 traffic direct broadcast, rebroadcast 1090 traffic, and 978 tower broadcast traffic on the all looks the same to me, except on rare occasion I see an aircraft tail number attached.

That is correct - 5.6.0 is not on the iPad App's server yet because it has a bug (the GPS issue) that Bill is working to correct. I'm not sure why it got out in the wild on the PC console but I suggest you DO NOT update until the corrected version is available.

Once I get the new version, test it, and put it on the server, I'll post here so you can grab it and install in your ADS600-EXP.
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Thanks AllThumbs. It is installed and working now but I have always had the issue of momentary GPS dropouts with "NO GPS" enunciated coinciding with loss of data even with the previous version. Lasts 3 seconds than returns to normal ops. Hopefully the final fix along with the 1090 in software will correct that.
How does one tell the difference in 1090 traffic direct broadcast, rebroadcast 1090 traffic, and 978 tower broadcast traffic on the all looks the same to me, except on rare occasion I see an aircraft tail number attached.

The ones with tail numbers or flight numbers attached are direct broadcast from that aircraft. I don't know if there is a way to distinguish 1090 from 978 other than knowing airliners will all be on 1090.
If flight number or N number is attached that means the target is 'in the system'. It could be a direct ADSB-out broadcast (not in UAT 'cloaked' mode) or an ATC radar target where the N number has been added (IFR, flight following).
I took another look at the GDL-90 spec and see no obvious way to tell if your traffic source transmitter is 978 or 1090 in the traffic msg (msg 20). Obviously, the receiver knows that info if it came in air-to-air instead of from a ground station.

One thing I'm curious about is if a Mode-S (not ADSB) transponder being re-broadcast as traffic from a ground station includes the N-number. Since part of mode S is the ICAO designator for the aircraft, this should be possible.

Also, I see no reason for any ADS-B re-transmitted traffic to not have the N-number. There's a field for that in the GDL-90 msg. I can't honestly remember if I've seen N-numbers for distant traffic or just obvious air-to-air traffic.
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interesting, Ive seen several with N numbers but most without on my 600EXP. Although I purchased the 1098 along with the UAT bands, Im not sure it( the 1098 air to air) was ever installed. The 600EXP has been in service about 6 months now. The 1098 stuff was advertised as needing a software upgrade which I'm sure has not been done while in my hands. My understanding was that the UAT within ground based transmission range would have both traffic bands within that UAT data. But I have no idea how to identify one from the other.
5.6.0 which is for the ADS600-EXP configures the box for 978 IN only.

I have the 1090 IN hardware option in my ADS600-EXP but the firmware to make it functional is not out as far as I know.

Last rumor I heard with regard to the 1090 IN was that the firmware for the EXP would be ready in June of this year and for the certified box in July. The rumor came from a fellow pilot who called Navworx and that is what he was told.

CORRECTION - the fellow pilot just informed me that November is the time frame for 1090 IN on the certified box.

We shall see.
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I'll follow up with Bill on the 1090-in support time-line. I'll report back when I get a definitive answer.

And, Bill, thanks again for your Onex panel fab a few years back. It turned out great for my friend here at KDVO.
Bill , Could that be November of 2016 on the 1090 software!! I still admire Navworx for the ability to get an excellent product out to the users in this day and time. I'm sure working with the authorities with a new product like this is a challenge. All of the features of the 600EXP are as advertised and looking forward to whenever the 1090 software becomes avail. Navworx has always been optimistic about their delivery dates, you just factor that in up front!
I tried to upgrade from 5.3.1 to 5.6.0. After the original load, I ran into the "NO GPS INPUT DETECTED" error. I erased the EEPROM and rebooted the box, and then all of the sudden it received the GPS input, however, the UAT wasn't fully configured due to the EEPROM being erased. I was able to put in my N-Number into the first configuration tab, and after a power cycle I could get a GPS signal. However, as soon as I changed any setting on the INPUT tab (Altitude Encoder or Transmitter Control Panel), the GPS would report back all 0's for LAT and LONG. The only time I can get the unit to fully work is after a EEPROM erase, I can enter in all of my pertinent information and it works...until I have to reboot the device and then it never gets GPS signal. I have loaded the new firmware at least 10 times from multiple different computers (Microsoft Surface and a Dell Laptop) to no effect.

I would warn people from upgrading to 5.6.0 until this bug has been worked out of the firmware. I will call Bill up Monday to get some support.

For the record, I am using a Garmin GTX327 as my Transmitter Control Panel type, and using the Shadin-Z Altitude encoding protocol at 9,600 bps.
What I did - -

Downloaded 5.6 to laptop. Erased EPROM. Loaded 5.6. Input all required info. Got FAA report. Inputs only UAT. Outputs only UAT. Basically works ok EXCEPT - I still can not see a friends 1090ES plane. No idea why yet.
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I tried to upgrade from 5.3.1 to 5.6.0. After the original load, I ran into the "NO GPS INPUT DETECTED" error.

Mike, did you wait long enough for GPS lock? As I recall, it took close to 10 minutes the first time I configured my 600EXP.